Plot coordinate pairs/REXX: Difference between revisions

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This is a general purpose REXX program that supports a variety of options and data formats and produces output in text format.
See the   HELP   and SAMPLE   documentation below.
The <brcode><br>The &nbsp; '''$PLOT.REX''' &nbsp;</code> REXX program makes use of &nbsp; '''<code>$T.REX''' &nbsp;</code> REXX program which is used to display text and/or write the text to a file. The <code>$T.REX</code> REXX program is included here ──► [[$T.REX]].
<br>The &nbsp; '''$T.REX''' &nbsp; REXX program is included here ──► [[$T.REX]].
<br><br>The &nbsp; '''<code>$PLOT.REX''' &nbsp;</code> REXX program makes use of '''<code>$ERR'''</code> REXX program which is used to display error messages (via '''$T'''). The <code>$ERR.REX</code> REXX program is included here ──► [[$ERR.REX]].
<br>The &nbsp; '''$ERR.REX''' &nbsp; REXX program is included here ──► [[$ERR.REX]].
The <brcode>$PLOT.REX<br/code>Some olderREXX REXXesprogram don'tmakes haveuse aof &nbsp;<code>SCRSIZE</code> REXX program which is used to determine the screen size (via '''changestrSCRSIZE'''). &nbsp;The BIF,<code>SCRSIZE.REX</code> soREXX oneprogram is included here ──► [[CHANGESTRSCRSIZE.REX]].
<br><br>REXX programs not included are &nbsp; '''$H''' &nbsp; which shows '''help''' and other documentation.
Some older REXXes don't have a <code>changestr</code> BIF, so one is included here ──► [[CHANGESTR.REX]].
REXX programs not included are <code>$H</code> which shows '''help''' and other documentation.
==$PLOT.REX (REXX) program==
<syntaxhighlight lang="rexx">
<lang rexx>/**/trace o;parse arg !;if !all(arg()) then exit;if !cms then address '';signal on halt;signal on novalue;signal on syntax
/*REXX program plots X or X,Y points (with/without labels). */
trace off
parse arg !
if !all(arg()) then exit /*if there was a doc request, then exit*/
if !cms then address ''
signal on halt
signal on noValue
signal on syntax
@abc= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' /*the lowercase Latin alphabet. */
@abcU= @abc
upper @abcU /*the uppercase Latin alphabet. */
bgchar= ' ' /*character used for BackGround. */
colors= !cms | !pcrexx | !r4 | !roo /*REXXes that support term color.*/
digs= 80 /*digits used for numeric digits.*/
fuzz= 0 /*use 0 digits for numeric fuzz.*/
showdigs= 10 /*show this many decimal digits. */
labelTag= '()' /*chars used are for label tags. */
/* [↓] zero these REXX variables.*/
_= 0
parse var _ $calc 1 kws 1 labelD 1 labelP 1 logs 1 lowcas 1,
nDups 1 Oints 1 Onums 1 plotMult 1 1 plotSeq 1,
plotSim 1 pnts 1 quiet 1 sd 1 shownXlab. 1 showVal 1,
simple 1 sin 1 sortA 1 sortD 1 sortDu 1 sortU 1 sw 1,
swapAx 1 uppcas 1 xSin 1 ySin
/* [↓] set these REXX vars to 1.*/
@abc='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; @abcU=@abc; upper @abcU /*alphabet.*/
_= 1
bgchar=' ' /*character used for BackGround. */
parse var _ clear 1 commas 1 ixs 1 labelEv 1 norm 1 showLab 1,
colors=!cms | !pcrexx | !r4 | !roo /*REXXes that support term color.*/
digs=80 showOrg 1 ixi 1 /*digits used for numeric digits.*/scaling
fuzz=0 /*use 0 digits for numeric fuzz.*/
showdigs=10 /*show this many decimal digits. */
labelTag='()' /*chars used for label tags. */
/* [↓] zero these REXX variables.*/
_=0; parse var _ $calc 1 kws 1 labelD 1 labelP 1 logs 1 lowcas 1,
nDups 1 Oints 1 Onums 1 plotMult 1 1 plotSeq 1,
plotSim 1 pnts 1 quiet 1 sd 1 shownXlab. 1 showVal 1,
simple 1 sin 1 sortA 1 sortD 1 sortDu 1 sortU 1 sw 1,
swapAx 1 uppcas 1 xSin 1 ySin
/* [↓] set these REXX vars to 1.*/
_=1; parse var _ clear 1 commas 1 ixs 1 labelEv 1 norm 1 showLab 1,
showOrg 1 ixi 1 scaling
parse var _ . !. $$ gFID graf labelEnd labelSta labelX labelY tFID ,
tops xmaxuse ymaxuse xminuse yminuse xmnval ymnval ,
xmxval ymxval xy /* [↑] nullify these REXX vars. */
labelDatadef=9 9 /*default for LABELP if LABELDATA is specified.*/
numeric digits 500 /*now, use 500 for numeric digits*/
/*(could be more, see DIGs below)*/
_= space(!!) /*remove superfluous blanks. */
parse var _ numbs '(' ops ")" /*get numbers to be plotted, opts*/
ops= space(ops) /*remove superfluous blanks. */
if !ebcdic then do /*axis characters for EBCDIC mach*/
xaxchar = 'bf'x; yaxchar='fa'x /* hyphen symbol. and · */
orgcharyaxchar = 'abbbacbcebeccccb8ffa'x /* ½╗¼╝δ∞╠╦Åbar symbol. */
pntCharsorgchar = '8eafd6f05c6c7b7c5b9c9f2babbbacbcebeccccb8f'x /* Ä»O0*%#@$£+ ½╗¼╝δ∞╠╦Å */
pntChars= '8eafd6f05c6c7b7c5b9c9f2b'x /* Ä»O0*%#@$£+ */
else do /*axis characters for ASCII mach.*/
xaxchar = 'c4'x; yaxchar='b3'x /* hyphen symbol. and */
orgcharyaxchar = 'c0d9dabfc3b4c1c2c5b3'x /* └┘┌┐├┤┴┬┼ bar symbol. */
pntCharsorgchar = 'faf94fe97ff0feb1b2b3db2bc0d9dabfc3b4c1c2c5'x /* ·∙OΘ≡■▒▓█+ └┘┌┐├┤┴┬┼ */
pntChars= 'faf94fe97ff0feb1b2b3db2b'x /* ·∙OΘ≡■▒▓█+ */
numbs= translate( numbs, , ',') /*remove commas from numbers. */
do kws=1 while numbs\=='' /*verify that thingys are numeric*/
parse var numbs _ numbs /*pick off the first "number". */
if \isnum(_) then call er 55,_ /*¬ numeric? Then show error msg*/
!.kws= _ /*build a number stemmed array. */
end /*kws*/ /* [↑] traipse through all #'s. */
kws= kws - 1 /*adjust # of data points because'cause of the above DO loop.*/
do while ops\=='' /*process all options (or none).*/
parse var ops _1 2 1 _ . 1 _o ops /*get an option, first character.*/
upper _ /*uppercase a version of option. */
do selectwhile ops\=='' /*traipseprocess throughall possibleoptions opts. (or none).*/
parse var ops _1 2 1 _ . 1 _o ops /*get an option, first character.*/
when _1='.' &pos("=",_)\==0 then tops=tops _o
upper _ /*uppercase a version of option. */
when abb('$CALC') then $calc=1
when abbn('CLearscreen') then clear=no()
when abbn('COMMAs') then commas=no()
select /*traipse through possible opts. */
when abbn('COLORs') then colors=no()
when _1=. & pos("=", _)\==0 then tops= tops _o
when abb('DIGits')|,
when abb('DIGs$CALC') then digs$calc=nai() 1
when abbn('FUZZCLearscreen') then clear= then fuzz=nai no()
when abbabbn('GETfileCOMMAs') then gfidcommas=na no()
when abbabbn('INDEXIncrementCOLORs')|, then colors= no()
when abb('IIncrementDIGits') then ixi=nai()|,
when abb('INDEXStartDIGs')|, then digs= nai()
when abbn('FUZZ') abb('IStart') then ixsfuzz= nai()
when abb('LABELDatapointsGETfile') then labelDgfid=no na()
when abb('LABELEVeryINDEXIncrement') then labelEv=nai()|,
when abb('LABELPOintsIIncrement') then labelPixi= nai()
when abb('LABELStartINDEXStart') then labelSta=nai()|,
when abb('LABELTagsIStart') then labelTagixs= nai()
when abb('LABELXpointsLABELDatapoints') then labelXlabelD=nai no()
when abb('LABELYpointsLABELEVery') then labelylabelEv= nai()
when abbn abb('LOGsLABELPOints') then labelP= then logs=nonai()
when abbn abb('LOWercasedLABELStart') then lowcaslabelSta=no nai()
when abbn abb('QuietLABELTags') then quietlabelTag=no nai()
when abb('NODUPlicatesLABELXpoints')|, then labelX= nai()
when abb('NODUPsLABELYpoints') then labely= then nDups=1nai()
when abbabbn('NOLABELTagsLOGs') then labelTaglogs= no()
when abbn('NORMalizedLOWercased') then normlowcas=left no(_,3)=='NOR'
when abbabbn('ONLYINTegersQuiet')|, then quiet= no()
when abb('ONLYINTsNODUPlicates') then Oints=1|,
when abb('ONLYNUMbersNODUPs')|, then nDups= 1
when abb('ONLYNUMsNOLABELTags') then OnumslabelTag=1
when abbn('PLOTMULtiplesNORMalized') then plotMultnorm=no left(_, 3)=='NOR'
when abbn abb('PLOTSEQuencialONLYINTegers') then plotSeq=no()|,
when abbn abb('PLOTSIMplesONLYINTs') then plotSimOints=no() 1
when abbn abb('SCALingONLYNUMbers') then scaling=no()|,
when abb('SCREENDepthONLYNUMs')|, then Onums= 1
when abbn('PLOTMULtiples') then plotMult= no()
when abbn('PLOTSEQuencial') then plotSeq= no()
when abbabbn('DEPthPLOTSIMples') then plotSim= then sd=naino()
when abbabbn('SCREENWidthSCALing')|, then scaling= no()
when abb('SCRWidthSCREENDepth') |,
abb('SWidthSCRDepth') |,
abb('WIDthSDepth') then sw=nai()|,
when abb('SHOWDIGitsDEPth')|, then sd= nai()
when abb('SHOWDIGsSCREENWidth') then showdigs=nai()|,
when abbn abb('SHOWLABelsSCRWidth') |,
abbn abb('LABelsSWidth') then showLab=no()|,
abb('WIDth') then sw= nai()
when abbn('SHOWORGins')|,
when abb('SHOWDIGits') |,
abbn('ORGins') then showOrg=no()
when abbn abb('SHOWVALuesSHOWDIGs') then showValshowdigs=no nai()
when abbn('SIMplecharactersSHOWLABels') |,
abbn('SIMplecharsLABels') then simpleshowLab= no()
when abbn('SINglevaluesSHOWORGins') |,
abbn('SINglesORGins') then sinshowOrg= no()
when abbn('SORTascendingSHOWVALues') then sortAshowVal= no()
when abbn('SORTDescendingSIMplecharacters') then sortD=no()|,
when abbn('SORTDUniqueSIMplechars') then sortDusimple= no()
when abbn('SORTUniqueSINglevalues') then sortU=no()|,
when abbn('SWAPAXisesSINgles')|, then sin= no()
when abbn('SORTascending') then sortA= no()
when abbn('SWAPYXsSORTDescending') then sortD= then swapAx=no()
when abbn('UPPercasedSORTDUnique') then uppcassortDu= no()
when abbabbn('XMAXUSESORTUnique') then xmaxusesortU=nan no()
when abbabbn('XMINUSESWAPAXises') then xminuse=nan()|,
when abbn('XSINglesSWAPXYs') then xSin=no()|,
when abb abbn('YMAXUSESWAPYXs') then ymaxuseswapAx=nan no()
when abbabbn('YMINUSEUPPercased') then yminuseuppcas=nan no()
when abbn abb('YSINglesXMAXUSE') then ySinxmaxuse=no nan()
when abb('XMINUSE') then xminuse= nan()
otherwise if \$calc then call er 55,_o /*oop-say, not kosher opt.*/
endwhen abbn('XSINgles') /*select*/ then xSin= /* [↑] process options.*/no()
when abb('YMAXUSE') then ymaxuse= nan()
when abb('YMINUSE') then yminuse= nan()
when abbn('YSINgles') then ySin= no()
otherwise if \$calc then call er 55,_o /*oop-say, not kosher opt.*/
end /*select*/ /* [↑] process options.*/
end /*while ops\=='' */
if digs<1 then call er 81,'1 ,' digs 'DIGITS'
if showdigs<1 then call er 81,'1 ,' showdigs 'SHOWDIGITS'
if fuzz<0 | fuzz>=digs then call er 81,0 digs-1 fuzz 'FUZZ'
if fuzz\==0 then numeric fuzz fuzz /*user wants FUZZ, by gum*/
numeric digits max(digs,showdigs,ixs,ixs+ixi*length(kws)) /*adjust DIGs*/
_=length(labelTag) /*get length of label tags*/
if _\==0 then do digs<1 then call /*geter LENs81,'1 of,' start &digs end.*/'DIGITS'
if showdigs<1 then call er 81,'1 ,' showdigs 'SHOWDIGITS'
if labelSta=='' then labelSta = left(labelTag,round(_/2))
if fuzz<0 | fuzz>=digs then call er 81,0 digs-1 fuzz 'FUZZ'
if labelEnd=='' then labelEnd = right(labelTag,_%2)
if fuzz\==0 then numeric fuzz fuzz /*user wants FUZZ, by gum*/
numeric digits max(digs, showdigs, ixs, ixs + ixi * length(kws) ) /*adjust digits. */
_= length(labelTag) /*get length of label tags*/
if _\==0 then do /*get LENs of start & end.*/
if labelSta=='' then labelSta = left( labelTag, round(_ / 2) )
if labelEnd=='' then labelEnd = right( labelTag, _ % 2)
labelSta= translate( labelSta, , '_') /*trans underbars──►blanks*/
labelEnd= translate( labelEnd, , '_') /*trans underbars──►blanks*/
if sortA & sortD & sortD then call er 61,'SORTA SORTD' /*conflict.*/
if sortA & sortDu & sortDu then call er 61,'SORTA SORTDU' /*conflict.*/
if plotSim & plotSeq then call er 61,'PLOTSIMple PLOTSEQuencial'
if plotSim & plotMult then call er 61,'PLOTSIMple PLOTMultiple'
if plotSeq & plotMult then call er 61,'PLOTSEQuential PLOTMultiple'
labelP=int(labelP,'LABELPOINTS') /*insure LABELP is numeric*/
if labelP<0 then call er 81,0 ',' labelP 'LABELPOINTS'
labelEv=int(labelEv,'LABELEVERY') /*insure LABELV is numeric*/
if labelD & labelP==0 then labelP=labelDatadef /*maybe use default.*/
labelX=int(p(labelX labelP),'LABELXPOINTS') /*insure labelX is numeric*/
labely=int(p(labely labelP),'LABELYPOINTS') /*insure labelY is numeric*/
if labelX<0 then call er 81,0 ',' labelX 'LABELXPOINTS'
if labely<0 then call er 81,0 ',' labely 'LABELYPOINTS'
ixi=int(ixi,'INDEXINCEMENT') /*insure IXI is numeric*/
ixs=int(ixs,'INDEXSTART') /*insure IXS is numeric*/
if xSin & ySin then call er 61,'XSINGle YSINGle' /*conflict.*/
if \xSin & \ySin then xSin=1 /*use X as single points.*/
if \(plotSim & plotSeq & plotMult) then plotSim=1 /*use simple plot?*/
if xminuse\=='' then xminuse=num(xminuse,"XMINUSE") /*min X.*/
if xmaxuse\=='' then xmaxuse=num(xmaxuse,"XMAXUSE") /*max X.*/
if yminuse\=='' then yminuse=num(yminuse,"YMINUSE") /*min Y.*/
if ymaxuse\=='' then ymaxuse=num(ymaxuse,"YMAXUSE") /*max Y.*/
if logs then tops='.F='gettFID(,"ANS") tops /*$T ops*/
if colors then tops='.C=green' tops /*colors*/
tops=space(tops) /* [↓] get screen size.*/
if sd==0 | sw==0 then parse value scrsize() with _sd _sw .
if sd==0 then sd=_sd /*No scr depth? Use true.*/
if sw==0 then sw=_sw /*No scr width? Use true.*/
_labelP=0 int(labelP, 'LABELPOINTS') /*set all varsinsure belowLABELP tois 0.numeric*/
if labelP<0 then call er 81,0 ',' labelP 'LABELPOINTS'
labelEv= int(labelEv, 'LABELEVERY') /*insure LABELV is numeric*/
if labelD & labelP==0 then labelP= labelDatadef /*maybe use default.*/
labelX= int( p( labelX labelP), 'LABELXPOINTS') /*insure labelX is numeric*/
labely= int( p( labely labelP), 'LABELYPOINTS') /*insure labelY is numeric*/
if labelX<0 then call er 81,0 ',' labelX 'LABELXPOINTS'
if labely<0 then call er 81,0 ',' labely 'LABELYPOINTS'
ixi= int(ixi, 'INDEXINCEMENT') /*insure IXI is numeric*/
ixs= int(ixs, 'INDEXSTART') /*insure IXS is numeric*/
if xSin & ySin then call er 61,'XSINGle YSINGle' /*conflict.*/
if \xSin & \ySin then xSin= 1 /*use X as single points.*/
if \(plotSim & plotSeq & plotMult) then plotSim= 1 /*use simple plot?*/
if xminuse\=='' then xminuse= num( xminuse, "XMINUSE") /*min X.*/
if xmaxuse\=='' then xmaxuse= num( xmaxuse, "XMAXUSE") /*max X.*/
if yminuse\=='' then yminuse= num( yminuse, "YMINUSE") /*min Y.*/
if ymaxuse\=='' then ymaxuse= num( ymaxuse, "YMAXUSE") /*max Y.*/
if logs then tops= '.F='gettFID(, "ANS") tops /*$T ops*/
if colors then tops= '.C=green' tops /*colors*/
tops= space(tops) /* [↓] get screen size.*/
if sd==0 | sw==0 then parse value scrsize() with _sd _sw .
if sd==0 then sd= _sd /*No scr depth? Use true.*/
if sw==0 then sw= _sw /*No scr width? Use true.*/
_= 0 /*set all vars below to 0.*/
if showOrg then parse var _ xmnval 1 xmxval 1 ymnval 1 ymxval
if gfid\=='' then do /*there a gFID for input? */
call lineout gfid; gfide=0 /*close the gFID file. */
gfide= 0
do while lines(gfid)\==0 /*read all lines in gFIF. */
gfide= 1 /*indicated there is data.*/
_= translate( linein( gfid), , ',') /*remove commas. */
do while _\==''
parse var _ z _
end /*while _\==''*/
end /*while lines···*/ /* [↑] put each #──► array*/
if \gfide then call er 38,gfid /*No data?do Tell errmsg*/while _\==''
end parse var _ z /* [↑] process file plot#s*/_
kws= kws + 1
!.kws= z
end /*while _==*/
if sortDu then do end /*while lines*/ /*sort descending,[↑] put each #──► unique?array*/
sortD=1 /*indicate sort descending*/
sortU=1 if \gfide then call er 38,gfid /*indicate sort unique.No data? Tell errmsg*/
end /* [↑] process file plot#s*/
if sortDu then do /*sort descending, unique?*/
sortD= 1 /*indicate sort descending*/
sortU= 1 /*indicate sort unique. */
@.0= kws /*number of points to plot*/
if sin | (sortA | sortD | sortU) then /*single, any sort? */
do j=1 for kws /*prepare for the SORT sub*/
@.j= !.j /*assign data points──►@. */
if sortA | sortD | sortU then call qSort /*use qSort to sort nums. */
ep= kws + 1 /*set the End-Point for @.*/
if sortD then do j=1 for kws%2 /*if descending, backward.*/
_= ep - j /*do it bottom-to-top. */
parse value @.j @._ with @._ @.j /*assign values. */
end /* [↑] order low-to=high.*/
if sortU then do /*is this a sort unique? */
_= @.1 /*first sort number. */
k= 1 /*first sort number index.*/
do j=2 for kws-1 /*is there a duplicate ? */
if @.j=_ then iterate /*Dup? Then ignore the #.*/
k= k + 1 /*No dup, then bump # ctr.*/
parse var @.j @.k 1 _ _ /*assign unique number. */
end /*j*/
kws=k /*keep track of # of nums.*/
kws= k /*keep track of # of nums.*/
if sin then do /*if SINGLE, then handle. */
sino= ixs /*start with this number. */
do j=1 for kws /*process each number in @*/
_=@.j do j=1 for kws /*getprocess aeach plotnumber pointin number.@*/
if xSin then_= @.j=sino _ /*handleget Xa singleplot datapoint ptnumber.*/
if xSin elsethen @.j=_ sino _ /*handle X single " Y " " "data pt.*/
sino=sino+ixi else @.j= _ sino /*bump the SINGLE counter." Y " " " */
end sino= sino + ixi /*jbump the SINGLE counter.*/
end do /*j=1 for kws; !.j=@.j; end*/
do j=1 for kws
!.j= @.j
end /*j*/
do j=1 for kws /*process the data points.*/
_= !.j /*get a data point number.*/
xy= xy _ /*add it to list of nums. */
_w= words(xy) /*number of numbers so far*/
if _w==1 then iterate /*1st #? Then get next. */
if _w\==2 then call er 55,'XY-coordinate XY-plot-point' xy /*2 nums?*/
/* [↑] if ¬ 2#'s, err msg*/
if swapAx then parse var xy y x /*swap X,Y numbers ··· or */
else parse var xy x y /* ··· use #'s as is. */
if xminuse\=='' then if x<xminuse then iterate /*X value too small? */
Line 263 ⟶ 306:
if ymaxuse\=='' then if y>ymaxuse then iterate /*Y value too large? */
is#= isnum(_) /*is data point a number? */
if is# & Onums then iterate /*plot only numbers? */
isi= isint(_) /*is data point an int? */
if isi & Oints then iterate /*plot only integers? */
if nDups then do /*plot only non-dups? */
_p= _ /*set up a temporary value*/
if sin then _p= word(_, 2)
if wordpos(_p, $$)\==0 then iterate
$$= $$ _p /*add data point to string*/
if norm then do /*normalize the numbers? */
x= $norm(x) /*normalize " X number. */
y= $norm(y) /* " " Y " */
pnts=pnts+1 /*bump the POINTS counter.*/
@.pnts=x y /*assign pnts to array @ */
if xmnval=pnts='' pnts + 1 then do /*Not set?bump the UsePOINTS thiscounter. value*/
@.pnts= x y xmnval=x; ymnval=y /*setassign thepnts to array @ minimum values. */
xmxval=x; ymxval=y /* " " maximum " */
if xmnval=='' then do /*Not set? Use this value.*/
xmnval= x /*set the minimum X value. */
ymnval= y /* " " " Y " */
xmxval= x /* " " maximum X " */
ymxval= y /* " " " Y " */
if x>xmxval then xmxval= x; if x<xmnval then xmnval=x /*set MAXthe x.maximum X value*/
if y>ymxvalx<xmnval then ymxvalxmnval=y; x if y<ymnval then ymnval=y /* " " y.minimum " " */
if y>ymxval then ymxval= y /* " " maximum Y " */
if y<ymnval then ymnval= y /* " " minimum " " */
end /*j=1 for kws*/
/* [↓] error if only 1 num*/
if _w==1 then call er 55,'XY-coordinate XY-plot-point' xy /*odd data pt*/
$$= /*nullify the unique vals.*/
oxmnval=xmnval; oymnval=ymnval /*used for scaling minimum*/
oxmxval=xmxval; oymxval=ymxval /* " " " maximum*/
if \scaling then do /*¬scaling? [↓] error if getonly MIN,1 MAXnum.*/
if _w==1 then call er 55,'XY-coordinate XY-plot-point' xy /*odd data pt.*/
_=min(xmnval,ymnval); xmnval=_; ymnval=_ /*min for X,Y*/
_=max(xmxval,ymxval); xmxval=_; ymxval=_ /*max " " "*/
$$= end /*nullify the unique vals. */
oxmnval= xmnval /*used for scaling minimum.*/
oymnval= ymnval /* " " " " */
oxmxval= xmxval /* " " " maximum.*/
oymxval= ymxval /* " " " " */
if \scaling then do /*Are we not scaling? Get MIN and MAX.*/
_= min(xmnval, ymnval)
xmnval= _
ymnval= _ /*minimum for X and Y. */
_= max(xmxval, ymxval)
xmxval= _
ymxval= _ /*maximum for X and Y. */
if clear then !cls /*should the screen be cleared? */
xspread= max(1, xmxval - xmnval) /*calculate the spread of X vals.*/
yspread= max(1, ymxval - ymnval) /* " " " " Y " */
sd= int(sd, 'SCREENDEPTH')
if sd<1 then call er 27,sd 'SCREENDEPTH'
sw= int(sw, 'SCREENWIDTH')
if sw<1 then call er 27,sw 'SCREENWIDTH'
if pnts==0 then call er 54,'data─points' /*if no points to plot, issue error. */
promptlen= length( !var('PROMPT') ) /*length of the PROMPT string. */
tsw= sw - 1 /*calculate the usuable scr width*/
tswu= tsw - 1 /*calculate the true screen width*/
tsd= sd - 3 - promptlen % sw - 1
if clear then !cls /*should the screen be cleared? */
tsdu= tsd - 1 /* " " " " depth*/
xspread=max(1,xmxval-xmnval) /*calculate the spread of X vals.*/
yspread=max(1,ymxval-ymnval) /* " " " " Y " */
sd=int(sd,'SCREENDEPTH'); if sd<1 then call er 27,sd 'SCREENDEPTH'
sw=int(sw,'SCREENWIDTH'); if sw<1 then call er 27,sw 'SCREENWIDTH'
if pnts==0 then call er 54,'data-points' /*if no points to plot, error*/
promptlenif plotSeq then tsw= tsw - length(!var('PROMPT')pnts) /*lengthPlot ofsequential? the Make PROMPT stringsmaller. */
tsw=sw-1 ; tswu=tsw-1 /*calculate the true screen width*/
tsd=sd-3-promptlen%sw; tsdu=tsd-1 /* " " " " depth*/
if plotSeq then tsw=tsw-length(pnts) /*Plot sequential? Make smaller.*/
#.= copies(bgchar, tsw) /*characters used for background.*/
minxx=; maxxx= /*actual minminimum and max valuesvalue for X. */
minyymaxxx=; maxyy= /* " " " /* " maximum " " Y " */
minyy= /* " minimum " " Y. */
maxyy= /* " " " " " */
xx0= round( -oxmnval / xspread * tswu) /*round the value for X origin.*/
yy0= round( -oymnval / yspread * tsdu) /* " " " " Y " */
if showOrg then /*construct X & Y axis.*/
minxx= xx0; maxxx=xx0 /*initialize the min andminimum max X's. */
minyymaxxx=yy0; xx0 maxyy=yy0 /* " " " /* " " Y maximum X's. */
minyy= yy0 /* " " minimum Y's. */
maxyy= yy0 /* " " maximum Y's. */
do 1 /*handle the 0,0 origin of plot*/
if substr(#.yy0, xx0 + 1, 1)\==bgchar then leave /*¬Bit the background,? Then skip.*/
xn=oxmnval<0; xp=oxmxval>0 /*find the quadrant for X point. */
yn=oymnval<0; yp=oymxval>0 /* " " " " Y " */
_=1 /*assume the 1st origin cross chr*/
if xn & \xp & \yn & yp then _=2 /* use " 2nd " " " */
if \xn & xp & yn & \yp then _=3 /* use " 3rd " " " */
if xn & \xp & yn & \yp then _=4 /* use " 4th " " " */
if \xn & xp & yn & yp then _=5 /* use " 5th " " " */
if xn & \xp & yn & yp then _=6 /* use " 6th " " " */
if xn & xp & \yn & yp then _=7 /* use " 7th " " " */
if xn & xp & yn & \yp then _=8 /* use " 8th " " " */
if xn & xp & yn & yp then _=9 /* use " 9th " " " */
#.yy0=overlay(substr(orgchar,_,1),#.yy0,xx0+1) /*plot origin char.*/
end /*do 1*/ /* [↑] origin char: axis cross.*/
xn= oxmnval<0 /*find the quadrant for X point. */
#.yy0=translate(#.yy0,xaxchar,bgchar) /*change background to X axis.*/
xp= oxmxval>0 /* " " " " X " */
yn= oymnval<0 /* " " " " Y " */
yp= oymxval>0 /* " " " " Y " */
_= 1 /*assume the 1st origin cross chr*/
if xn & \xp & \yn & yp then _= 2 /* use " 2nd " " " */
if \xn & xp & yn & \yp then _= 3 /* use " 3rd " " " */
if xn & \xp & yn & \yp then _= 4 /* use " 4th " " " */
if \xn & xp & yn & yp then _= 5 /* use " 5th " " " */
if xn & \xp & yn & yp then _= 6 /* use " 6th " " " */
if xn & xp & \yn & yp then _= 7 /* use " 7th " " " */
if xn & xp & yn & \yp then _= 8 /* use " 8th " " " */
if xn & xp & yn & yp then _= 9 /* use " 9th " " " */
#.yy0= overlay( substr( orgchar, _, 1), #. yy0, xx0 + 1) /*plot origin character.*/
end /*do 1*/ /* [↑] origin char: axis cross.*/
#.yy0= translate( #.yy0, xaxchar, bgchar) /*change the background to X axis. */
pntChar1= substr(pntChars, 2, 1) /*use this for a point character.*/
pntChar= pntChar1 /*make a copy of " " */
labelP= labelX + labelY /*indicate to label X or Y point.*/
do j=1 for pnts /*plot the data points, ya betcha*/
parse var @.j x y /*break apart the X & Y data pt. */
xx=round((x-oxmnval)/xspread*tswu) /*for this terminal, round X val.*/
yy=round((y-oymnval)/yspread*tsdu) /* " " " " Y " */
do j=1 for pnts /*plot the data points, ya betcha*/
if minxx=='' then do; minxx=xx; maxxx=xx /*set initial max value.*/
parse var @.j x y minyy=yy; maxyy=yy /* " /*break " apart minthe X & "Y data pt. */
xx= round( (x - oxmnval) / xspread *tswu) /*for this terminal, round X val.*/
yy= round( (y - oymnval) / yspread *tsdu) /* " " " " Y " */
if minxx=='' then do
minxx= xx /*set initial minimum value for X. */
maxxx= xx /* " " maximum " " X */
minyy= yy /* " " minimum " " Y. */
maxyy= yy /* " " maximum " " Y. */
minxx= min(minxx, xx); maxxx=max(maxxx,xx) /*set the minminimum &value maxof X #X. */
minyymaxxx=min max(minyymaxxx,yy xx); maxyy=max(maxyy,yy) /* " " maximum " " " YX. " */
/* [↓] if plot multiple points···*/
minyy= min(minyy, yy) /*set the minimum value of Y. */
if plotMult then pntChar=word(substr(pntChars,pos(substr(#.yy,xx+1,1),pntChars)+1,1) '+',1)
maxyy= max(maxyy, yy) /* " " maximum " " Y. */
if plotSeq then pntChar=pntChar1||j /*if plotting sequentially ··· */
#.yy=overlay(pntChar,#.yy,xx+1) /*plot the Y data point. */
/* [↓] if plot multiple points···*/
if labelP\==0 then @.j=x y xx yy /*if show point labels, pre-pend.*/
if plotMult then pntChar= word( substr( pntChars, pos( substr( #.yy, xx + 1, 1), ,
pntChars) + 1, 1) '+', 1)
if plotSeq then pntChar= pntChar1 || j /*if plotting sequentially ··· */
#.yy= overlay( pntChar, #.yy, xx + 1) /*plot the Y data point. */
if labelP\==0 then @.j= x y xx yy /*if show point labels, pre-pend.*/
end /*j=1 for pnts*/
do j=1 for pnts while labelP\==0 /*attach data point labels. */
parse var @.j x y xx yy /*obtain x&y values from orig pt.*/
_= /* [↓] use labels if existing. */
if labelX\==0 then do; xl=strip(left(x,labelX)); _ = xl; end
if labely\==0 then do; yl=strip(left(y,labely)); _ = _','yl; end
_=strip(_,,',') /*remove commas from data pt. #. */
if _=='' then iterate /*if nothing in data point, skip.*/
if labelEv<1 then iterate /*don't label any data points. */
if j//labelEv\==0 then iterate /*only label every N data points*/
_=labelSta || _ || labelEnd /*add a label to the data point.*/
ll=length(_) /*LL=length of label & data point*/
old=#.yy /*set an older copy of data point*/
if xx+1+ll<=tsw & , /*can lab+data point fit on term?*/
substr(#.yy,xx+2,ll)=' ' then #.yy = strip(overlay(_,#.yy,xx+2),'T')
else do 1; __=xx+1-ll; if __<1 then leave
if substr(#.yy,__,ll)\=' ' then leave
#.yy = overlay(_,#.yy,__)
end /*do 1*/
ifdo length(#.yy)>tswj=1 thenfor #.yypnts while labelP\=old=0 /*ifattach lab +data ptpoint labels. ¬ fit, use old.*/
parse var @.j x y xx yy /*obtain x&y values from orig pt.*/
_= /* [↓] use labels if existing. */
if labelX\==0 then do
xl= strip(left(x, labelX) )
_ = xl
if labely\==0 then do
yl= strip(left(y, labely) )
_ = _','yl
_= strip(_, , ',') /*remove commas from data pt. #. */
if _=='' then iterate /*if nothing in data point, skip.*/
if labelEv<1 then iterate /*don't label any data points. */
if j//labelEv\==0 then iterate /*only label every N data points*/
_= labelSta || _ || labelEnd /*add a label to the data point.*/
ll= length(_) /*LL=length of label & data point*/
old= #.yy /*set an older copy of data point*/
if xx+1+ll<=tsw & , /*can lab+data point fit on term?*/
substr(#.yy, xx + 2, ll)=' ' then #.yy = strip( overlay(_, #.yy, xx + 2), ' T')
else do 1
__= xx + 1 -ll
if __<1 then leave
if substr(#.yy, __, ll)\=' ' then leave
#.yy = overlay(_, #.yy, __)
end /*do 1*/
if length(#.yy)>tsw then #.yy= old /*if lab +data pt ¬ fit, use old.*/
end /*j=1 for pnts while labelP···*/
/* [↓] now, display the graph. */
do j=maxyy to minyy by -1 /* only show data points that fit*/
if showOrg then /*Show origin? Then place orgin.*/
if substr(#.j,xx0+1,1)==bgchar then #.j = overlay(yaxchar,#.j,xx0+1)
if showLab then /*Show the plot labels? */
do /*handle the min and max values. */
if j==maxyy then call labY oymxval /*top*/
if j==minyy then call labY oymnval /*bottom*/
do jp=1 to -1 by -2 /*show labels[↓] top──►bot now, display the graph. */
do j=maxyy to minyy ifby j==yy0+jp-1 then do /* only show /*place mindata &points maxthat valuesfit*/
if showOrg then call labX oxmnval 0 /*leftShow origin? Then (minimumplace value)orgin.*/
if substr(#.j, xx0 + 1, 1)==bgchar then #.j = overlay( yaxchar, #.j, xx0 + 1)
call labX oxmxval 1 /*right (maximum value).*/
if showLab then /*Show the plot labels? */
do /*handle the min and max values. */
if j==maxyy then call labY oymxval /*top*/
if j==minyy then call labY oymnval /*bottom*/
do jp=1 to -1 by -2 /*show labels top──►bot.*/
if j==yy0 + jp then do /*place min & max values*/
call labX oxmnval 0 /*left (minimum value).*/
call labX oxmxval 1 /*right (maximum value).*/
end /*jp*/
call plotL strip(#.j, 'T') /*display a particular plot line.*/
end /*j=maxyy to minyy by -1 */
/* [↓] GRAF: non-simple plots.*/
if graf\=='' then call $t '.KD=÷' tops substr( translate( graf, 'ff'x, " "), 2)
exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
/*═════════════════════════════general 1-line subs══════════════════════*/
!all:!!=!;!=space(!);upper !;call !fid;!nt=right(!var('OS'),2)=='NT';!cls=word('CLS VMFCLEAR CLRSCREEN',1+!cms+!tso*2);if arg(1)\==1 then return 0;if wordpos(!,'? ?SAMPLES ?AUTHOR ?FLOW')==0 then return 0;!call=']$H';call '$H' !fn !;!call=;return 1
!cal:if symbol('!CALL')\=="VAR" then !call=;return !call
!env:!env='ENVIRONMENT';if !sys=='MSDOS'|!brexx|!r4|!roo then !env='SYSTEM';if !os2 then !env='OS2'!env;!ebcdic=13=='f0f3'x;if !crx then !env='DOS';return
!fid:parse upper source !sys !fun !fid . 1 . . !fn !ft !fm .;call !sys;if !dos then do;_=lastpos('\',!fn);!fm=left(!fn,_);!fn=substr(!fn,_+1);parse var !fn !fn '.' !ft;end;return word(0 !fn !ft !fm,1+('0'arg(1)))
!rex:parse upper version !ver !vernum !verdate .;!brexx='BY'==!vernum;!kexx='KEXX'==!ver;!pcrexx='REXX/PERSONAL'==!ver|'REXX/PC'==!ver;!r4='REXX-R4'==!ver;!regina='REXX-REGINA'==left(!ver,11);!roo='REXX-ROO'==!ver;call !env;return
Line 432 ⟶ 541:
abbl: return verify(arg(1)'a',@abc,'M')-1
abbn: parse arg abbn; return abb(abbn) | abb('NO'abbn)
commaer: procedure; parse arg __1,c,p,t_2;arg ,cu;c=word(c ",",1);ifcall cu=='BLANK$ERR' then c=' ';o=word"14"p(p_1) 3,1);p=abs(o);t=word(t 999999999_1,2) !fid(1)) _2; if \datatype(p,'W')|\datatype(t,'W')|p==_1<0|arg()>4 then return __1;n=_'.9';#=123456789;k=0;return comma_()exit result
comma_: if o<0 then do;b=verify(_,' ');if b==0 then return _;e=length(_)-verify(reverse(_),' ')+1;end;else do;b=verify(n,#,"M");e=verify(n,#'0',,verify(n,#"0.",'M'))-p-1;end;do j=e to b by -p while k<t;_=insert(c,_,j);k=k+1;end;return _
err: call er '-'arg(1),arg(2); return ''
erx: call er '-'arg(1),arg(2); exit ''
Line 458 ⟶ 566:
shorten: procedure; parse arg a,n; return left(a,max(0,length(a)-p(n 1)))
simple: return translate(arg(1),'.||--%<>AV'copies('+',25),"·│║─═☼◄►↑↓┤┐└┴┬├┼┘┌╔╗╚╝╟╢╞╡╫╪╤╧╥╨╠╣")
syntax: !sigl=sigl; call er 13,!fid(2) !fid(3) !sigl !cal() condition('D') sourceline(!sigl)</lang>
==$PLOT.REX (REXX) program HELP==
Line 951 ⟶ 1,060:
║ ║ └────────┘
║ ║
║ ║ ┌──────────┐
LOG╟──►────┤ $GETTFID
║ ║ └──┬───────┘
║ ║
║ ║