Playing cards: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|J}}: fix sayCards)
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=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
<lang lb> Dim deckCards(52)
Dim holdCards(1, 1)
Print "The Sorted Deck"
Call sortDeck
Call dealDeck
Print: Print
Print "The Shuffled Deck"
Call shuffleDeck
Call dealDeck
Print: Print
nPlayers = 4
nCards = 5
ct = 0
Redim holdCards(nPlayers, nCards)
Print "Dealing ";nCards;" cards to ";nPlayers;" players"
For i = 1 to nPlayers
Print "Player #";i,,
Next i
For i = 1 to nCards
For j = 1 to nPlayers
ct = ct + 1
holdCards(j, i) = deckCards(ct)
card = deckCards(ct)
value = value(card)
suit$ = suit$(card)
pip$ = pip$(value)
Print card;": ";pip$;" of ";suit$,
Next j
Next i
Print: Print
Print "The cards in memory / array"
For i = 1 to nPlayers
Print "Player #";i;" is holding"
For j = 1 to nCards
card = holdCards(i, j)
value = value(card)
suit$ = suit$(card)
pip$ = pip$(value)
Print card;": ";pip$;" of ";suit$
Next j
Next i


Sub dealDeck
For i = 1 to 52
card = deckCards(i)
value = value(card)
suit$ = suit$(card)
pip$ = pip$(value)
Print i, card, value, pip$;" of ";suit$
Next i
End Sub

Sub sortDeck
For i = 1 to 52
deckCards(i) = i
Next i
End Sub

Sub shuffleDeck
For i = 52 to 1 Step -1
x = Int(Rnd(1) * i) + 1
temp = deckCards(x)
deckCards(x) = deckCards(i)
deckCards(i) = temp
Next i
End Sub

Function suit$(deckValue)
cardSuit$ = "Spades Hearts Clubs Diamonds"
suit = Int(deckValue / 13)
If deckValue Mod 13 = 0 Then
suit = suit - 1
End If
suit$ = Word$(cardSuit$, suit + 1)
End Function

Function value(deckValue)
value = deckValue Mod 13
If value = 0 Then
value = 13
End If
End Function

Function pip$(faceValue)
pipLabel$ = "Ace Deuce Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Jack Queen King"
pip$ = Word$(pipLabel$, faceValue)
End Function</lang>
