Playing cards: Difference between revisions

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m →‎{{header|Rust}}: Readded formatting trait for whole deck, added missing dependency
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<lang ceylon>import com.vasileff.ceylon.random.api { ... }
"""Run the example code for Rosetta Code ["Playing cards" task] ("""
shared void run() {
variable value deck = Deck();
print("New deck (``deck.size`` cards): ``deck``
deck = deck.shuffle();
print("Shuffeled deck (``deck.size`` cards): ``deck``
print("Deal three hands: ");
for (i in 1..3) {
value [hand, _deck] =;
print("- Dealt ``hand.size`` cards to hand ``i`` : ``join(hand)``");
deck = _deck;
Deck (``deck.size`` cards) after dealing three hands: ``deck``");
abstract class Suit() of clubs | hearts | spades | diamonds {}
object clubs extends Suit() { string = "♣"; }
object hearts extends Suit() { string = "♥"; }
object spades extends Suit() { string = "♠"; }
object diamonds extends Suit() { string = "♦"; }
abstract class Pip() of two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | jack | queen | king | ace {}
object two extends Pip() { string = "2"; }
object three extends Pip() { string = "3"; }
object four extends Pip() { string = "4"; }
object five extends Pip() { string = "5"; }
object six extends Pip() { string = "6"; }
object seven extends Pip() { string = "7"; }
object eight extends Pip() { string = "8"; }
object nine extends Pip() { string = "9"; }
object ten extends Pip() { string = "10"; }
object jack extends Pip() { string = "J"; }
object queen extends Pip() { string = "Q"; }
object king extends Pip() { string = "K"; }
object ace extends Pip() { string = "A"; }
class Card(shared Pip pip, shared Suit suit) {
string = "``pip`` of ``suit``";
String join(Card[] cards) => ", ".join { *cards };
class Deck (cards = [ for (suit in `Suit`.caseValues) for (pip in `Pip`.caseValues) Card(pip, suit) ]) {
shared Card[] cards;
shared Deck shuffle(Random rnd = platformRandom())
=> if (nonempty cards)
then Deck( [*randomize(cards, rnd)] )
else this;
shared Integer size => cards.size;
shared Boolean empty => cards.empty;
string => if (size > 13)
then "\n " + "\n ". join { *cards.partition(13).map((cards) => join(cards)) }
else join(cards);
shared [Card[], Deck] deal(Integer handSize = 5) {
if (handSize >= cards.size) {
return [cards, Deck([])];
else {
return [
<pre>New deck (52 cards):
2 of ♣, 3 of ♣, 4 of ♣, 5 of ♣, 6 of ♣, 7 of ♣, 8 of ♣, 9 of ♣, 10 of ♣, J of ♣, Q of ♣, K of ♣, A of ♣
2 of ♥, 3 of ♥, 4 of ♥, 5 of ♥, 6 of ♥, 7 of ♥, 8 of ♥, 9 of ♥, 10 of ♥, J of ♥, Q of ♥, K of ♥, A of ♥
2 of ♠, 3 of ♠, 4 of ♠, 5 of ♠, 6 of ♠, 7 of ♠, 8 of ♠, 9 of ♠, 10 of ♠, J of ♠, Q of ♠, K of ♠, A of ♠
2 of ♦, 3 of ♦, 4 of ♦, 5 of ♦, 6 of ♦, 7 of ♦, 8 of ♦, 9 of ♦, 10 of ♦, J of ♦, Q of ♦, K of ♦, A of ♦
Shuffeled deck (52 cards):
4 of ♠, 2 of ♦, 5 of ♣, 9 of ♠, 4 of ♥, 7 of ♥, 10 of ♦, 5 of ♠, 3 of ♥, K of ♥, 6 of ♣, 9 of ♦, 6 of ♦
4 of ♣, 8 of ♣, 4 of ♦, Q of ♥, 6 of ♥, J of ♥, 8 of ♦, 5 of ♥, 5 of ♦, J of ♣, A of ♥, J of ♦, 2 of ♣
7 of ♠, Q of ♦, A of ♣, Q of ♣, 6 of ♠, Q of ♠, K of ♠, 7 of ♦, 7 of ♣, 3 of ♦, 2 of ♠, 8 of ♥, A of ♦
2 of ♥, 9 of ♣, 8 of ♠, 10 of ♥, 3 of ♠, 10 of ♣, 9 of ♥, 10 of ♠, 3 of ♣, J of ♠, K of ♣, K of ♦, A of ♠
Deal three hands:
- Dealt 5 cards to hand 1 : 4 of ♠, 2 of ♦, 5 of ♣, 9 of ♠, 4 of ♥
- Dealt 5 cards to hand 2 : 7 of ♥, 10 of ♦, 5 of ♠, 3 of ♥, K of ♥
- Dealt 5 cards to hand 3 : 6 of ♣, 9 of ♦, 6 of ♦, 4 of ♣, 8 of ♣
Deck (37 cards) after dealing three hands:
4 of ♦, Q of ♥, 6 of ♥, J of ♥, 8 of ♦, 5 of ♥, 5 of ♦, J of ♣, A of ♥, J of ♦, 2 of ♣, 7 of ♠, Q of ♦
A of ♣, Q of ♣, 6 of ♠, Q of ♠, K of ♠, 7 of ♦, 7 of ♣, 3 of ♦, 2 of ♠, 8 of ♥, A of ♦, 2 of ♥, 9 of ♣
8 of ♠, 10 of ♥, 3 of ♠, 10 of ♣, 9 of ♥, 10 of ♠, 3 of ♣, J of ♠, K of ♣, K of ♦, A of ♠</pre>
<lang Clojure>(defrecord Card [pip suit]
Line 679 ⟶ 784:
(defn new-deck []
(.newDeck (Deck. nil)))</lang>