Playing cards: Difference between revisions

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<pre>((King OF Clubs), (6 OF Hearts), (7 OF Diamonds), (Ace OF Hearts), (9 OF Spades), (10 OF Clubs), (Ace OF Spades), (8 OF Clubs), (4 OF Spades), (8 OF Hearts), (Jack OF Hearts), (3 OF Clubs), (7 OF Hearts), (10 OF Hearts), (Jack OF Clubs), (Ace OF Clubs), (King OF Spades), (9 OF Clubs), (7 OF Spades), (5 OF Spades), (7 OF Clubs), (Queen OF Clubs), (9 OF Diamonds), (2 OF Spades), (6 OF Diamonds), (Ace OF Diamonds), (Queen OF Diamonds), (5 OF Hearts), (4 OF Clubs), (5 OF Clubs), (4 OF Hearts), (3 OF Diamonds), (4 OF Diamonds), (3 OF Hearts), (King OF Diamonds), (2 OF Clubs), (Jack OF Spades), (2 OF Diamonds), (5 OF Diamonds), (Queen OF Spades), (10 OF Diamonds), (King OF Hearts), (Jack OF Diamonds), (Queen OF Hearts), (8 OF Spades), (2 OF Hearts), (8 OF Diamonds), (10 OF Spades), (9 OF Hearts), (6 OF Clubs), (3 OF Spades), (6 OF Spades))</pre>
<pre>((King OF Clubs), (6 OF Hearts), (7 OF Diamonds), (Ace OF Hearts), (9 OF Spades), (10 OF Clubs), (Ace OF Spades), (8 OF Clubs), (4 OF Spades), (8 OF Hearts), (Jack OF Hearts), (3 OF Clubs), (7 OF Hearts), (10 OF Hearts), (Jack OF Clubs), (Ace OF Clubs), (King OF Spades), (9 OF Clubs), (7 OF Spades), (5 OF Spades), (7 OF Clubs), (Queen OF Clubs), (9 OF Diamonds), (2 OF Spades), (6 OF Diamonds), (Ace OF Diamonds), (Queen OF Diamonds), (5 OF Hearts), (4 OF Clubs), (5 OF Clubs), (4 OF Hearts), (3 OF Diamonds), (4 OF Diamonds), (3 OF Hearts), (King OF Diamonds), (2 OF Clubs), (Jack OF Spades), (2 OF Diamonds), (5 OF Diamonds), (Queen OF Spades), (10 OF Diamonds), (King OF Hearts), (Jack OF Diamonds), (Queen OF Hearts), (8 OF Spades), (2 OF Hearts), (8 OF Diamonds), (10 OF Spades), (9 OF Hearts), (6 OF Clubs), (3 OF Spades), (6 OF Spades))</pre>

=={{header|Batch File}}==
The data structure is a simple string with 3 characters per card, one char for the suit, a char for the pip (T) means ten and a last char not printed that would allow to sort a hand.
<lang AutoHotkey>Loop, 52
<lang Batch File>
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Random, card%A_Index%, 1, 52
While card%A_Index%
Random, card%A_Index%, 1, 52
card%A_Index% := Mod(card%A_Index%, 12) . " of " . ((card%A_Index% <= 12)
? "diamonds" : ((card%A_Index%) <= 24)
? "hearts" : ((card%A_Index% <= 36)
? "clubs"
: "spades"))
allcards .= card%A_Index% . "`n"
currentcard = 1
Gui, Add, Text, vcard w500
Gui, Add, Button, w500 gNew, New Deck (Shuffle)
Gui, Add, Button, w500 gDeal, Deal Next Card
Gui, Add, Button, w500 gReveal, Reveal Entire Deck
Gui, Show,, Playing Cards
GuiControl,, card, % card%currentcard%
GuiControl,, card, % allcards
{{works with|AutoHotkey L}}
<lang ahk>Deck:=new Deck
msgbox % Deck.Show()
loop, 2
msgbox % Deck.Deal().Show()
msgbox % Deck.Show()
Return ;-------------------------------------------------------------------

call:newdeck deck
class Card
echo new deck:
__New(Pip, Suit) {
call:showcards deck
this.Pip:=Pip, this.Suit:=Suit
echo shuffling:
Show() {
Return this.Pip . this.Suit
call:shuffle deck
call:showcards deck
echo dealing 5 cards to 4 players
call:deal deck 5 hand1 hand2 hand3 hand4
echo player 1 & call:showcards hand1
echo player 2 & call:showcards hand2
echo player 3 & call:showcards hand3
echo player 4 & call:showcards hand4
call:count %deck% cnt
echo %cnt% cards remaining in the deck
call:showcards deck
exit /b

:getcard deck hand :: deals 1 card to a player
class Deck
set "loc1=!%~1!"
set "%~2=!%~2!!loc1:~0,3!"
set "%~1=!loc1:~3!"
exit /b

__New() {
:deal deck n player1 player2...up to 7
set "loc=!%~1!"
For i, Pip in this.Pips
set "cards=%~2"
For j, Suit in this.Suits
set players=%3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
this.Deck.Insert(new Card(Pip,Suit))
for /L %%j in (1,1,!cards!) do (
for %%k in (!players!) do call:getcard loc %%k)
Shuffle() { ; Knuth Shuffle from
set "%~1=!loc!"
Loop % this.Deck.MaxIndex()-1 {
exit /b
Random, i, A_Index, this.Deck.MaxIndex() ; swap item 1,2... with a random item to the right of it

temp := this.Deck[i], this.Deck[i] := this.Deck[A_Index], this.Deck[A_Index] := temp
:newdeck [deck] ::creates a deck of cards
:: in the parentheses below there are ascii chars 3,4,5 and 6 representing the suits
for %%i in ( ♠ ♦ ♥ ♣ ) do (
Deal() {
for %%j in (20 31 42 53 64 75 86 97 T8 J9 QA KB AC) do set loc=!loc!%%i%%j
Return this.Deck.Remove() ; to deal from bottom, use Remove(1)
set "%~1=!loc!"
Show() {
exit /b
For i, Card in this.Deck

s .= Card.Show() " "
:showcards [deck] :: prints a deck or a hand
Return s
set "loc=!%~1!"
for /L %%j in (0,39,117) do (
set s=
for /L %%i in (0,3,36) do (
set /a n=%%i+%%j
call set s=%%s%% %%loc:~!n!,2%%
if "!s: =!" neq "" echo(!s!
set /a n+=1
if "%loc:~!n!,!%" equ "" goto endloop
exit /b
:count deck count
set "loc1=%1"
set /a cnt1=0
for %%i in (96 48 24 12 6 3 ) do if "!loc1:~%%i,1!" neq "" set /a cnt1+=%%i & set loc1=!loc1:~%%i!
set /a cnt1=cnt1/3+1
set "%~2=!cnt1!"
exit /b

:shuffle (deck) :: shuffles a deck
set "loc=!%~1!"
call:count %loc%, cnt
set /a cnt-=1
for /L %%i in (%cnt%,-1,0) do (
SET /A "from=%%i,to=(!RANDOM!*(%%i-1)/32768)"
call:swap loc from to
set "%~1=!loc!"
exit /b
:swap deck from to :: swaps two cards
set "arr=!%~1!"
set /a "from=!%~2!*3,to=!%~3!*3"
set temp1=!arr:~%from%,3!
set temp2=!arr:~%to%,3!
set arr=!arr:%temp1%=@@@!
set arr=!arr:%temp2%=%temp1%!
set arr=!arr:@@@=%temp2%!
set "%~1=!arr!"
exit /b
new deck:

♠2 ♠3 ♠4 ♠5 ♠6 ♠7 ♠8 ♠9 ♠T ♠J ♠Q ♠K ♠A
♦2 ♦3 ♦4 ♦5 ♦6 ♦7 ♦8 ♦9 ♦T ♦J ♦Q ♦K ♦A
♥2 ♥3 ♥4 ♥5 ♥6 ♥7 ♥8 ♥9 ♥T ♥J ♥Q ♥K ♥A
♣2 ♣3 ♣4 ♣5 ♣6 ♣7 ♣8 ♣9 ♣T ♣J ♣Q ♣K ♣A


♥8 ♥7 ♦K ♠K ♥2 ♥5 ♥A ♠7 ♣8 ♠A ♦7 ♠9 ♠3
♠J ♣J ♦9 ♠8 ♦A ♣Q ♦2 ♦5 ♣K ♥9 ♦4 ♣2 ♣6
♦6 ♥Q ♦8 ♥6 ♣5 ♥T ♦3 ♠6 ♣7 ♠5 ♣T ♣3 ♠T
♠2 ♦Q ♠Q ♦T ♥3 ♥K ♦J ♥4 ♠4 ♣4 ♥J ♣A ♣9

dealing 5 cards to 4 players

player 1
♥8 ♥2 ♣8 ♠3 ♠8

player 2
♥7 ♥5 ♠A ♠J ♦A

player 3
♦K ♥A ♦7 ♣J ♣Q

player 4
♠K ♠7 ♠9 ♦9 ♦2

32 cards remaining in the deck

♦5 ♣K ♥9 ♦4 ♣2 ♣6 ♦6 ♥Q ♦8 ♥6 ♣5 ♥T ♦3
♠6 ♣7 ♠5 ♣T ♣3 ♠T ♠2 ♦Q ♠Q ♦T ♥3 ♥K ♦J
♥4 ♠4 ♣4 ♥J ♣A ♣9
