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Create a data structure and the associated methods to define and manipulate a deck of [[wp:Playing-cards#Anglo-American-French|playing cards]]. The deck should contain 52 unique cards. The methods must include the ability to make a new deck, shuffle (randomize) the deck, deal from the deck, and print the current contents of a deck. Each card must have a pip value and a suit value which constitute the unique value of the card.
Create a data structure and the associated methods to define and manipulate a deck of [[wp:Playing-cards#Anglo-American-French|playing cards]]. The deck should contain 52 unique cards. The methods must include the ability to make a new deck, shuffle (randomize) the deck, deal from the deck, and print the current contents of a deck. Each card must have a pip value and a suit value which constitute the unique value of the card.

<lang Lisp>(defun remove-nth (i xs)
(if (or (zp i) (endp (rest xs)))
(rest xs)
(cons (first xs)
(remove-nth (1- i) (rest xs)))))

(defthm remove-nth-shortens
(implies (consp xs)
(< (len (remove-nth i xs)) (len xs))))

:set-state-ok t

(defun shuffle-r (xs ys state)
(declare (xargs :measure (len xs)))
(if (endp xs)
(mv ys state)
(mv-let (idx state)
(random$ (len xs) state)
(shuffle-r (remove-nth idx xs)
(cons (nth idx xs) ys)

(defun shuffle (xs state)
(shuffle-r xs nil state))

(defun cross-r (x ys)
(if (endp ys)
(cons (cons x (first ys))
(cross-r x (rest ys)))))

(defun cross (xs ys)
(if (or (endp xs) (endp ys))
(append (cross-r (first xs) ys)
(cross (rest xs) ys))))

(defun make-deck ()
(cross '(ace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 jack queen king)
'(hearts diamonds clubs spades)))

(defun print-card (card)
(cw "~x0 of ~x1~%" (car card) (cdr card)))

(defun print-deck (deck)
(if (endp deck)
(progn$ (print-card (first deck))
(print-deck (rest deck)))))

(defun draw-from-deck (deck)
(mv (first deck) (rest deck)))

Example (first 4 cards of a shuffled deck):
<pre>&gt; (mv-let (deck state) (shuffle (make-deck) state)
(mv (print-deck (take 4 deck)) state))
5 of CLUBS
(NIL <state>)</pre>
