Playing cards: Difference between revisions

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{{Out|Example output}}
<pre>((King OF Clubs), (6 OF Hearts), (7 OF Diamonds), (Ace OF Hearts), (9 OF Spades), (10 OF Clubs), (Ace OF Spades), (8 OF Clubs), (4 OF Spades), (8 OF Hearts), (Jack OF Hearts), (3 OF Clubs), (7 OF Hearts), (10 OF Hearts), (Jack OF Clubs), (Ace OF Clubs), (King OF Spades), (9 OF Clubs), (7 OF Spades), (5 OF Spades), (7 OF Clubs), (Queen OF Clubs), (9 OF Diamonds), (2 OF Spades), (6 OF Diamonds), (Ace OF Diamonds), (Queen OF Diamonds), (5 OF Hearts), (4 OF Clubs), (5 OF Clubs), (4 OF Hearts), (3 OF Diamonds), (4 OF Diamonds), (3 OF Hearts), (King OF Diamonds), (2 OF Clubs), (Jack OF Spades), (2 OF Diamonds), (5 OF Diamonds), (Queen OF Spades), (10 OF Diamonds), (King OF Hearts), (Jack OF Diamonds), (Queen OF Hearts), (8 OF Spades), (2 OF Hearts), (8 OF Diamonds), (10 OF Spades), (9 OF Hearts), (6 OF Clubs), (3 OF Spades), (6 OF Spades))</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="apl">
2C 2D 2S 2H 3C 3D 3S 3H 4C ..
shuffle deck
7H 3D 2H 9D KS 7C JH TC JS ..
<syntaxhighlight lang="arturo">ranks: 1..13
suits: [`♣`, `♦`, `♥`, `♠`]
define :card [rank, suit][
init: [
ensure ->
and? -> contains? ranks this\rank
-> contains? suits this\suit
print: [
R: ø
case [this\rank=]
when? [1] -> R: `A`
when? [11]-> R: `J`
when? [12]-> R: `Q`
when? [13]-> R: `K`
else -> R: this\rank
define :deck [][
init: [
this\cards: []
loop ranks 'rank ->
loop suits 'suit ->
this\cards: this\cards ++ to :card @[rank, suit]
shuffleUp: function [this :deck][
this\cards: shuffle this\cards
deal: function [this :deck, cnt :integer][
if cnt > size this\cards ->
panic "Not enough cards in deck"
cards: []
do.times: cnt [
dealt: sample this\cards
'cards ++ dealt
this\cards: remove this\cards dealt
return cards
; create a new deck
Deck: to :deck []
; and shuffle it
shuffleUp Deck
; deal 5 cards
print deal Deck 5</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>A♥ 6♣ 7♣ Q♦ K♥</pre>
Line 956 ⟶ 1,034:
{{works with|QuickBASIC|QBX 7.1}}
Line 1,025 ⟶ 1,104:
END SUB</syntaxhighlight>
Sample output:
Dealt: 7D
Dealt: 6D
Line 1,034 ⟶ 1,115:
AS 2S 3S 4S 5S 6S 7S 8S 9S TS JS QS KS AH 2H 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H 8H 9H TH JH QH KH AC
2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C TC JC QC KC AD 2D 3D 4D 5D 6D 7D 8D 9D TD JD QD KD
{{trans|Run BASIC}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">suite$ = "CDHS" #Club, Diamond, Heart, Spade
card$ = "A23456789TJQK" #Cards Ace to King
card = 0
dim n(55) #make ordered deck
for i = 1 to 52 # of 52 cards
n[i] = i
next i
for i = 1 to 52 * 3 #shuffle deck 3 times
i1 = int(rand * 52) + 1
i2 = int(rand * 52) + 1
h2 = n[i1]
n[i1] = n[i2]
n[i2] = h2
next i
for hand = 1 to 4 #4 hands
for deal = 1 to 13 #deal each 13 cards
card += 1 #next card in deck
s = (n[card] mod 4) + 1 #determine suite
c = (n[card] mod 13) + 1 #determine card
print mid(card$,c,1);mid(suite$,s,1);" "; #show the card
next deal
next hand
function word$(sr$, wn, delim$)
j = wn
if j = 0 then j += 1
res$ = "" : s$ = sr$ : d$ = delim$
if d$ = "" then d$ = " "
sd = length(d$) : sl = length(s$)
while true
n = instr(s$,d$) : j -= 1
if j = 0 then
if n=0 then res$=s$ else res$=mid(s$,1,n-1)
return res$
end if
if n = 0 then return res$
if n = sl - sd then res$ = "" : return res$
sl2 = sl-n : s$ = mid(s$,n+1,sl2) : sl = sl2
end while
return res$
end function</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Same as Run BASIC entry.</pre>
=={{header|Batch File}}==
Line 2,090 ⟶ 2,223:
(declare (ignore x y))
(zerop (random 2)))))</syntaxhighlight>
<syntaxhighlight lang="d">import std.stdio, std.typecons, std.algorithm, std.traits, std.array,
Line 2,508 ⟶ 2,640:
See [[Playing Cards/E]]
global deck[] top .
proc new . .
deck[] = [ ]
for i to 52
deck[] &= i
top = 52
suit$[] = [ "♠" "♦" "♥" "♣" ]
val$[] = [ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 "J" "Q" "K" "A" ]
func$ name card .
return suit$[card mod1 4] & val$[card div1 4]
proc show . .
for i to top
write name deck[i] & " "
print ""
print ""
proc shuffle . .
for i = 52 downto 2
r = randint i
swap deck[i] deck[r]
top = 52
func deal .
top -= 1
return deck[top + 1]
for i to 10
write name deal & " "
print ""
print ""
♠2 ♦2 ♥2 ♣2 ♠3 ♦3 ♥3 ♣3 ♠4 ♦4 ♥4 ♣4 ♠5 ♦5 ♥5 ♣5 ♠6 ♦6 ♥6 ♣6 ♠7 ♦7 ♥7 ♣7 ♠8 ♦8 ♥8 ♣8 ♠9 ♦9 ♥9 ♣9 ♠10 ♦10 ♥10 ♣10 ♠J ♦J ♥J ♣J ♠Q ♦Q ♥Q ♣Q ♠K ♦K ♥K ♣K ♠A ♦A ♥A ♣A
♦2 ♣2 ♦6 ♠10 ♦5 ♥3 ♣4 ♦7 ♣9 ♥2 ♣7 ♣K ♦K ♠Q ♠2 ♦Q ♥7 ♥8 ♣8 ♥A ♠3 ♥10 ♥Q ♣10 ♠K ♠5 ♦8 ♠9 ♠4 ♣5 ♣J ♥5 ♠J ♠7 ♦4 ♦3 ♦10 ♥6 ♣Q ♥4 ♠6 ♣3 ♥K ♦J ♠A ♠8 ♥J ♥9 ♣A ♦9 ♣6 ♦A
♦A ♣6 ♦9 ♣A ♥9 ♥J ♠8 ♠A ♦J ♥K
♦2 ♣2 ♦6 ♠10 ♦5 ♥3 ♣4 ♦7 ♣9 ♥2 ♣7 ♣K ♦K ♠Q ♠2 ♦Q ♥7 ♥8 ♣8 ♥A ♠3 ♥10 ♥Q ♣10 ♠K ♠5 ♦8 ♠9 ♠4 ♣5 ♣J ♥5 ♠J ♠7 ♦4 ♦3 ♦10 ♥6 ♣Q ♥4 ♠6 ♣3
Line 3,505 ⟶ 3,693:
In the following, dealing of cards is accomplished in the conventional manner,
that is in a round-robin fashion whereby in each round, each player is dealt one card from the top of the deck in turn.
Since neither the C nor the Go implementation of jq currently has a built-in
this program assumes an invocation such as:
< /dev/urandom tr -cd '0-9' | fold -w 1 | $JQ -MRcnr -f playing-cards.jq
where $JQ can be either jq or gojq. If gojq is used, the def of
`_nwise` given below should be uncommented.
<syntaxhighlight lang=jq>
# Uncomment for gojq:
# def _nwise($n):
# def nw: if length <= $n then . else .[0:$n] , (.[$n:] | nw) end;
# nw;
# Output: a prn in range(0;$n) where $n is .
def prn:
if . == 1 then 0
else . as $n
| (($n-1)|tostring|length) as $w
| [limit($w; inputs)] | join("") | tonumber
| if . < $n then . else ($n | prn) end
def knuthShuffle:
length as $n
| if $n <= 1 then .
else {i: $n, a: .}
| until(.i == 0;
.i += -1
| (.i + 1 | prn) as $j
| .a[.i] as $t
| .a[.i] = .a[$j]
| .a[$j] = $t)
| .a
def Pip: ["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"];
def Suit: ["♦", "♣", "♥", "♠"];
def Card(pip; suit): pip + suit;
def Deck: Card(Pip[]; Suit[]);
# Deal one round of the cards in .deck to the players
# represented by .hands,
# but if there are not enough cards, do nothing except add .error to the input
# Input {deck, hands}
def deal:
(.hands | length) as $nplayers
| if $nplayers > (.deck|length) then .error = "not enough cards"
else reduce range(0;$nplayers) as $i (.; .hands[$i] += [.deck[$i]])
| .deck |= .[$nplayers:]
# Deal $n cards to $nplayers players if there are enough cards in the input deck
# Input: a deck
# Output: {deck, hands}
def deal($n; $nplayers):
if $n * $nplayers > length then "deal/2: not enough cards" | error
else {deck: ., hands: [range(0; $nplayers)|[]]}
| until( .hands[0]|length == $n; deal)
end ;
# display an entire deck or else just the cards
def display:
if length == 52 then _nwise(13) | join(" ")
else join(" ")
def task:
| "After creation, the deck consists of:", display, "",
| "After shuffling:", display, "",
( deal(5; 4)
| "After dealing 5 cards each to 4 players, the hands are:",
(.hands[] | display), "", "... leaving \(.deck|length) cards") ) ;
An example.
After creation, the deck consists of:
A♦ 2♦ 3♦ 4♦ 5♦ 6♦ 7♦ 8♦ 9♦ 10♦ J♦ Q♦ K♦
A♣ 2♣ 3♣ 4♣ 5♣ 6♣ 7♣ 8♣ 9♣ 10♣ J♣ Q♣ K♣
A♥ 2♥ 3♥ 4♥ 5♥ 6♥ 7♥ 8♥ 9♥ 10♥ J♥ Q♥ K♥
A♠ 2♠ 3♠ 4♠ 5♠ 6♠ 7♠ 8♠ 9♠ 10♠ J♠ Q♠ K♠
After shuffling:
9♦ 7♦ J♥ 7♥ 4♥ 3♠ 4♣ 2♦ 2♠ 6♦ Q♠ 8♦ A♣
8♥ 4♦ J♣ 5♠ 3♣ Q♣ 3♥ 7♠ 9♥ 8♣ 10♠ 2♥ A♠
Q♦ 5♦ 10♦ J♠ K♥ 5♣ A♦ 10♥ 10♣ A♥ 2♣ 9♣ 7♣
K♣ 6♠ K♦ 9♠ J♦ 5♥ Q♥ 4♠ K♠ 8♠ 6♣ 6♥ 3♦
After dealing 5 cards each to 4 players, the hands are:
9♦ 4♥ 2♠ A♣ 5♠
7♦ 3♠ 6♦ 8♥ 3♣
J♥ 4♣ Q♠ 4♦ Q♣
7♥ 2♦ 8♦ J♣ 3♥
... leaving 32 cards
Line 4,491 ⟶ 4,788:
use strict;
use warnings;
@Playing_Card_Deck::suits = qw
Line 4,506 ⟶ 4,804:
{my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my @cards = ();
foreach my $suit (@Playing_Card_Deck::suits)
{foreach my $pip (@Playing_Card_Deck::pips)
Line 4,515 ⟶ 4,813:
# Removes the top card of the given deck and returns it as a hash
# with the keys "suit" and "pip".
{return %{ shift( @{shift(@_)} ) };}
sub shuffle
Line 4,529 ⟶ 4,827:
sub print_cards
# Prints out a description of every card in the deck, in order.
{print "$_->{pip} of $_->{suit}\n" foreach @{shift(@_)};}</syntaxhighlight>
Some examples of use:
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl">my $deck = new Playing_Card_Deck->new;
my %card = $deck->deal;
Line 7,318 ⟶ 7,616:
{{works with|Swift|5}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="swift">
struct Card: CustomStringConvertible
enum Suit: String, CaseIterable, CustomStringConvertible
case clubs = "♣️"
case diamonds = "♦️"
case hearts = "♥️"
case spades = "♠️"
var description: String { rawValue }
let suit: Suit
let value: Int
var description: String
let valueAsString: String
switch value
case 1:
valueAsString = "A"
case 11:
valueAsString = "J"
case 12:
valueAsString = "Q"
case 13:
valueAsString = "K"
valueAsString = "\(value)"
return valueAsString + suit.description
struct Deck: CustomStringConvertible
var cards: [Card] = []
for suit in Card.Suit.allCases
for faceValue in 1 ... 13
cards.append(Card(suit: suit, value: faceValue))
var description: String
String({ $0.description }.joined(separator: ", "))
mutating func shuffle()
mutating func dealCard() -> Card?
guard !cards.isEmpty else { return nil }
return cards.removeLast()
var deck = Deck()
print("New deck:")
print("Shuffled deck:")
var hands: [[Card]] = [[], [], [], []]
var handIndex = 0
while let card = deck.dealCard()
handIndex = (handIndex + 1) % hands.count
print ("Hands:")
print({ $0.description }).joined(separator: "\n"))
print("Remaining deck (should be empty):")
New deck:
A♣️, 2♣️, 3♣️, 4♣️, 5♣️, 6♣️, 7♣️, 8♣️, 9♣️, 10♣️, J♣️, Q♣️, K♣️, A♦️, 2♦️, 3♦️, 4♦️, 5♦️, 6♦️, 7♦️, 8♦️, 9♦️, 10♦️, J♦️, Q♦️, K♦️, A♥️, 2♥️, 3♥️, 4♥️, 5♥️, 6♥️, 7♥️, 8♥️, 9♥️, 10♥️, J♥️, Q♥️, K♥️, A♠️, 2♠️, 3♠️, 4♠️, 5♠️, 6♠️, 7♠️, 8♠️, 9♠️, 10♠️, J♠️, Q♠️, K♠️
Shuffled deck:
2♣️, 2♠️, 8♠️, K♣️, 7♥️, Q♠️, 3♥️, 5♦️, 7♣️, 6♥️, J♥️, 10♣️, 6♠️, 8♥️, A♦️, 6♣️, 10♠️, 9♠️, 2♥️, 7♠️, 3♠️, 6♦️, A♥️, 5♥️, 9♣️, 5♣️, A♣️, 3♣️, 3♦️, 9♥️, Q♥️, 4♣️, 8♣️, K♦️, 10♥️, 4♦️, J♦️, 7♦️, 8♦️, J♣️, Q♦️, 5♠️, 2♦️, 4♥️, 10♦️, 9♦️, K♥️, 4♠️, J♠️, K♠️, Q♣️, A♠️
[A♠️, 4♠️, 4♥️, J♣️, 4♦️, 4♣️, 3♣️, 5♥️, 7♠️, 6♣️, 10♣️, 5♦️, K♣️]
[Q♣️, K♥️, 2♦️, 8♦️, 10♥️, Q♥️, A♣️, A♥️, 2♥️, A♦️, J♥️, 3♥️, 8♠️]
[K♠️, 9♦️, 5♠️, 7♦️, K♦️, 9♥️, 5♣️, 6♦️, 9♠️, 8♥️, 6♥️, Q♠️, 2♠️]
[J♠️, 10♦️, Q♦️, J♦️, 8♣️, 3♦️, 9♣️, 3♠️, 10♠️, 6♠️, 7♣️, 7♥️, 2♣️]
Remaining deck (should be empty):
{{works with|Swift 2.0}}
Line 7,769 ⟶ 8,173:
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascriptwren">import "random" for Random
var FACES = "23456789TJQKA"
Line 7,866 ⟶ 8,270:
{{trans|Run BASIC}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="vb">suite$ = "CDHS" //Club, Diamond, Heart, Spade
card$ = "A23456789TJQK" //Cards Ace to King
dim n(55) //make ordered deck
for i = 1 to 52 // of 52 cards
n(i) = i
next i
for i = 1 to 52 * 3 //shuffle deck 3 times
i1 = int(ran(52)) + 1
i2 = int(ran(52)) + 1
h2 = n(i1)
n(i1) = n(i2)
n(i2) = h2
next i
for hand = 1 to 4 //4 hands
for deal = 1 to 13 //deal each 13 cards
card = card + 1 //next card in deck
s = mod(n(card), 4) + 1 //determine suite
c = mod(n(card), 13) + 1 //determine card
print mid$(card$,c,1),mid$(suite$,s,1)," "; //show the card
next deal
next hand
<pre>Same as Run BASIC entry.</pre>
