Permutations by swapping: Difference between revisions

m (added whitespace to the task's preamble.)
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((1 2 3 4) (1 2 4 3) (1 3 2 4) (1 3 4 2) (1 4 2 3) (1 4 3 2) (2 1 3 4) (2 1 4 3) (2 3 1 4) (2 3 4 1) (2 4 1 3) (2 4 3 1) (3 1 2 4) (3 1 4 2) (3 2 1 4) (3 2 4 1) (3 4 1 2) (3 4 2 1) (4 1 2 3) (4 1 3 2) (4 2 1 3) (4 2 3 1) (4 3 1 2) (4 3 2 1))
===Modeled After Python version===
<lang clojure>
(ns test-p.core)
(defn numbers-only [x]
" Just shows the numbers only for the pairs (i.e. drops the direction --used for display purposes when printing the result"
(mapv first x))
(defn next-permutation
" Generates next permutation from the current (p) using the Johnson-Trotter technique
The code below translates the Python version which has the following steps:
p of form [...[n dir]...] such as [[0 1] [1 1] [2 -1]], where n is a number and dir = direction (=1=right, -1=left, 0=don't move)
Step: 1 finds the pair [n dir] with the largest value of n (where dir is not equal to 0 (done if none)
Step: 2: swap the max pair found with its neighbor in the direction of the pair (i.e. +1 means swap to right, -1 means swap left
Step 3: if swapping places the pair a the beginning or end of the list, set the direction = 0 (i.e. becomes non-mobile)
Step 4: Set the directions of all pairs whose numbers are greater to the right of where the pair was moved to -1 and to the left to +1 "
(if (every? zero? (map second p))
nil ; no mobile elements (all directions are zero)
(let [n (count p)
; Step 1
fn-find-max (fn [m]
(first (apply max-key ; find the max mobile elment
(fn [[i x]]
(if (zero? (second x))
(first x)))
(map-indexed vector p))))
i1 (fn-find-max p) ; index of max
[n1 d1] (p i1) ; value and direction of max
i2 (+ d1 i1)
fn-swap (fn [m] (assoc m i2 (m i1) i1 (m i2))) ; function to swap with neighbor in our step direction
fn-update-max (fn [m] (if (or (contains? #{0 (dec n)} i2) ; update direction of max (where max went)
(> ((m (+ i2 d1)) 0) n1))
(assoc-in m [i2 1] 0)
fn-update-others (fn [[i3 [n3 d3]]] ; Updates directions of pairs to the left and right of max
(cond ; direction reset to -1 if to right, +1 if to left
(<= n3 n1) [n3 d3]
(< i3 i2) [n3 1]
:else [n3 -1]))]
; apply steps 2, 3, 4(using functions that where created for these steps)
(mapv fn-update-others (map-indexed vector (fn-update-max (fn-swap p)))))))
(defn spermutations
" Lazy sequence of permutations of n digits"
; Each element is two element vector (number direction)
; Startup case - generates sequence 0...(n-1) with move direction (1 = move right, -1 = move left, 0 = don't move)
([n] (spermutations 1
(into [] (for [i (range n)] (if (zero? i)
[i 0] ; 0th element is not mobile yet
[i -1]))))) ; all others move left
([sign p]
(when-let [s (seq p)]
(cons [(numbers-only p) sign]
(spermutations (- sign) (next-permutation p)))))) ; recursively tag onto sequence
;; Print results for 2, 3, and 4 items
(doseq [n (range 2 5)]
(println (format "Permutations and sign of %d items " n))
(doseq [q (spermutations n)] (println (format "Perm: %s Sign: %2d" (first q) (second q))))))
Permutations and sign of 2 items
Perm: [0 1] Sign: 1
Perm: [1 0] Sign: -1
Permutations and sign of 3 items
Perm: [0 1 2] Sign: 1
Perm: [0 2 1] Sign: -1
Perm: [2 0 1] Sign: 1
Perm: [2 1 0] Sign: -1
Perm: [1 2 0] Sign: 1
Perm: [1 0 2] Sign: -1
Permutations and sign of 4 items
Perm: [0 1 2 3] Sign: 1
Perm: [0 1 3 2] Sign: -1
Perm: [0 3 1 2] Sign: 1
Perm: [3 0 1 2] Sign: -1
Perm: [3 0 2 1] Sign: 1
Perm: [0 3 2 1] Sign: -1
Perm: [0 2 3 1] Sign: 1
Perm: [0 2 1 3] Sign: -1
Perm: [2 0 1 3] Sign: 1
Perm: [2 0 3 1] Sign: -1
Perm: [2 3 0 1] Sign: 1
Perm: [3 2 0 1] Sign: -1
Perm: [3 2 1 0] Sign: 1
Perm: [2 3 1 0] Sign: -1
Perm: [2 1 3 0] Sign: 1
Perm: [2 1 0 3] Sign: -1
Perm: [1 2 0 3] Sign: 1
Perm: [1 2 3 0] Sign: -1
Perm: [1 3 2 0] Sign: 1
Perm: [3 1 2 0] Sign: -1
Perm: [3 1 0 2] Sign: 1
Perm: [1 3 0 2] Sign: -1
Perm: [1 0 3 2] Sign: 1
Perm: [1 0 2 3] Sign: -1