Permutations by swapping: Difference between revisions

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<lang rexx>/*REXX program generates all permutations of N different objects by swapping. */
parse arg things bunch . /*get optional arguments from the C.L. */
things = p(things 4) /*should use the default for THINGS ? */
bunch = p(bunch things) /* " " " " " BUNCH ? */
call permSets things, bunch /*invoke permutations by swapping sub. */
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
/*──────────────────────────────────one─liner subroutines─────────────────────*/
!: procedure; !=1; do j=2 to arg(1); !=!*j; end; /*j*/; return !
c: return substr(arg(1), arg(2), 1) /*pick a single character from a string*/
p: return word(arg(1), 1) /*pick 1st word (or number) from a list*/
/*──────────────────────────────────PERMSETS subroutine───────────────────────*/
permSets: procedure; parse arg x,y /*take X things Y at a time. */
!.=0; pad=left('',x*y) /*Note: X can't be > length(@0abcs). */
@abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; @abcU=@abc; upper @abcU /*build syms.symbols*/
@abcS= @abcU || @abc; @0abcS=123456789 || @abcS /* ··· and more*/
z= /*define Z to be a null value for start*/
do i=1 for x /*build list of (permutation) symbols. */
z=z || c(@0abcS, i) /*append the char to the symbol list. */
end /*i*/
#=1 /*the number of permutations (so far).*/
!.z=1; q=z; s=1; times=!(x)% !(x-y) /*calculate (#) TIMES using factorial.*/
w=max(length(z), length('permute')) /*maximum width of Z and also PERMUTE.*/
say center('permutations for ' x ' things taken ' y " at a time",60,'═')
say pad 'permutation' center("permute", w, '─') ' "sign'"
say pad '───────────' center("───────", w, '─') ' "────'"
say pad center(#, 11) center(z , w) right(s, 4-1)
do $=1 until #==times /*perform permutation until # of times.*/
do k=1 for x-1 /*step thru things for things-1 times.*/
do m=k+1 to x; ?= /*this method doesn't use adjacency. */
?= do n=1 for x /*begin thisbuild withthe anew blankpermutation (null)by slate.swapping*/
do if n\==1k & forn\==m x then /*build the new? permutation= by swapping*/? || c(z, n)
if n\==k & n\==m then ? else if n==k then ? = ? || c(z, nm)
else if n==k then else ? = ? || c(z, mk)
end else ? = ? || c(z, k)/*n*/
end z=? /*nsave this permutation for next swap. */
z=? if !.? then iterate m /*saveif thisdefined permutationbefore, forthen try next swapone. */
if !.? then iterate m _=0 /*if defined[↓] before,count thennumber tryof nextswapped 'un.symbols*/
_=0 do d=1 for x while $\==1; _=_+(c(?,d)\==c(prev,d)); end /* [↓] count number of swapped symbolsd*/
do d=1 for x whileif $\==1;_>2 then _=_+(c(?,d)\==c(prev,d))do; end /*d*/ _=z
if _>2 then do; _ a=z$//x+1; q=q+_ /* [← ↓] this swapping tries adjacency*/
a b=$q//x+1; qif b=q+_=a /* [←then ↓]b=a+1; this swappingif triesb>x adjacency*/ then b=a-1
b=q//x+1; if b==a then b=a+1; ifz=overlay(c(z, b>x), thenoverlay(c(z, a), _, b=), a-1)
z=overlay(c(z,b), overlay(c(z,a), _, b) iterate $ /*now, try this particular a)permutation.*/
iterate $ /*now, try this particular permutation.*/end
#=#+1; s=-s; end say pad center(#,11) center(?,w) right(s,4-1)
#=#+1; s=-s; say pad center(#,11)!.?=1; prev=?; center(?,w) iterate $ right(s/*now,4-1) try another swapped permutation.*/
!.?=1; prev=?; iterate $ /*now,end try another swapped permutation./*m*/
end /*mk*/
end /*k$*/
return /*we're all finished with permutating. */</lang>
end /*$*/
{{out}}'''output''' &nbsp; when using the default inputs:
return /*we're all finished with permutating. */</lang>
{{out}} when using the default inputs:
══════permutations for 4 things taken 4 at a time═══════