Permutations by swapping: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|C++}}: Cut down the verbosity of unnecessary comments, and some overtly long variable names.)
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<lang cpp>/*
The following code generates the permutations of the first 4 natural numbers.
The permutations are displayed in lexical order, smallest to largest, with appropriate signs
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//factorial function
long fact(int size)
fact(int size)
int i;
Line 112:
//function to display the permutations.
void Permutations(int N)
//indicates sign
short sign = 1;
//Tracks when to change sign.
unsigned short change_sign = 0;
//Tracks when to change sign.
//loop variables
unsigned short i = 0,j = 0,kchange_sign = 0;
long loops = fact(N);
//Array of pointers to hold the digits
int **Index_Nos_ptr = new int*[N];
//Repetition of each digit (Master copy)
int *Digit_Rep_Master = new int[N];
//Repetition of each digit (Local copy)
int *Digit_Rep_Local = new int[N];
//loop variables
//Index for Index_Nos_ptr
short i = 0,j = 0,k = 0;
int *Element_Num = new int[N];
long loops = fact(N);
for(i = 0;i < N;i++){
//Array of pointers to hold the digits
int **Index_Nos_ptr = new int*[N];
//Repetition of each digit (Master copy)
int *Digit_Rep_Master = new int[N];
//Repetition of each digit (Local copy)
int *Digit_Rep_Local = new int[N];
//Index for Index_Nos_ptr
int *Element_Num = new int[N];
for(i = 0;i < N;i++){
//Allocate memory to hold the subsequent digits in the form of a LUT
//For N = N, memory required for LUT = N(N+1)/2
Index_Nos_ptr[i] = new int[N-i];
//Initialise the repetition value of each digit (Master and Local)
//Each digit repeats for (i-1)!, where 1 is the position of the digit
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//Initialise index values to access the arrays
Element_Num[i] = N-i-1;
//Initialise the arrays with the required digits
for(j = 0;j < N-i;j++){
*(Index_Nos_ptr[i] +j) = N-j-1;
while(loops-- > 0){
while(loops-- > 0){
std::cout << "Perm: [";
for(i = 0;i < N;i++){
//Print from MSD to LSD
std::cout << " " << *(Index_Nos_ptr[i] + Element_Num[i]);
//Decrement the repetition count for each digit
if(--Digit_Rep_Local[i] <= 0){
//Refill the repitition factor
Digit_Rep_Local[i] = Digit_Rep_Master[i];
//And the index to access the required digit is also 0...
if(Element_Num[i] <= 0 && i != 0){
//Reset the index
Element_Num[i] = N-i-1;
//Update the numbers held in Index_Nos_ptr[]
for(j = 0,k = 0;j <= N-i;j++){
//Exclude the preceeding digit (from the previous array) already printed.
if(j != Element_Num[i-1]){
*(Index_Nos_ptr[i]+k)= *(Index_Nos_ptr[i-1]+j);
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std::cout<<"] Sign: "<< sign <<"\n";
if(!(change_sign-- > 0)){
//Update the sign value.
sign = -sign;
//Reset Toggle_Flag_Change_Condition
change_sign = 1;
int main()
return 0;
Perm: [ 0 1 2 3] Sign: 1