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(Add Ada)
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[ Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer]
[ Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer]

<lang Ada>with PDF_Out; use PDF_Out;

procedure Drift is

X_Distance : constant := 30.0;
Y_Distance : constant := 30.0;
X_Length : constant := 20.0;
Y_Length : constant := 20.0;
Edge_Width : constant := 1.5;
Corner : constant Point := (220.0, 140.0);

type Edge_Kind is (Top, Right, Bottom, Left);
type Square_Kind is (Left_Top, Top_Right, Right_Bottom, Bottom_Left);
-- Signifies the white edges on the blue squares

LT : constant Square_Kind := Left_Top;
TR : constant Square_Kind := Top_Right;
RB : constant Square_Kind := Right_Bottom;
BL : constant Square_Kind := Bottom_Left;

type X_Index is range 0 .. 11;
type Y_Index is range 0 .. 11;
Squares : constant array (Y_Index, X_Index) of Square_Kind :=
(11 => (LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB),
10 => (LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL),
09 => (TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL),
08 => (TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT),
07 => (RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT),
06 => (RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR),
05 => (BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR),
04 => (BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB),
03 => (LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB),
02 => (LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL),
01 => (TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT, BL),
00 => (TR, TR, LT, LT, BL, BL, RB, RB, TR, TR, LT, LT));

Light_Olive : constant Color_Type := (0.827, 0.816, 0.016);
Pale_Blue : constant Color_Type := (0.196, 0.314, 1.000);
White : constant Color_Type := (1.000, 1.000, 1.000);

Colors : constant array (Square_Kind, Edge_Kind) of Color_Type :=
(Left_Top => (Top | Left => White, others => Black),
Top_Right => (Top | Right => White, others => Black),
Right_Bottom => (Right | Bottom => White, others => Black),
Bottom_Left => (Bottom | Left => White, others => Black));

PDF : PDF_Out_File;

procedure Fill_Poly (P1, P2, P3, P4 : Point; Color : Color_Type) is
PDF.Color (Color);
PDF.Move (Corner + P1);
PDF.Line (Corner + P2);
PDF.Line (Corner + P3);
PDF.Line (Corner + P4);
PDF.Finish_Path (Close_Path => True,
Rendering => Fill,
Rule => Nonzero_Winding_Number);
end Fill_Poly;

procedure Draw_Square (Pos : Point; Kind : Square_Kind) is
Inner_TL : constant Point := Pos + (0.0, Y_Length);
Inner_TR : constant Point := Pos + (X_Length, Y_Length);
Inner_BR : constant Point := Pos + (X_Length, 0.0);
Inner_BL : constant Point := Pos + (0.0, 0.0);
Outer_TL : constant Point := Inner_TL + (-Edge_Width, Edge_Width);
Outer_TR : constant Point := Inner_TR + (Edge_Width, Edge_Width);
Outer_BR : constant Point := Inner_BR + (Edge_Width, -Edge_Width);
Outer_BL : constant Point := Inner_BL + (-Edge_Width, -Edge_Width);
Fill_Poly (Inner_TL, Inner_TR, Inner_BR, Inner_BL, Pale_Blue);
Fill_Poly (Inner_TL, Outer_TL, Outer_TR, Inner_TR, Colors (Kind, Top));
Fill_Poly (Inner_TR, Outer_TR, Outer_BR, Inner_BR, Colors (Kind, Right));
Fill_Poly (Inner_BR, Outer_BR, Outer_BL, Inner_BL, Colors (Kind, Bottom));
Fill_Poly (Inner_BL, Outer_BL, Outer_TL, Inner_TL, Colors (Kind, Left));
end Draw_Square;

procedure Draw_Squares is
for X in Squares'Range (2) loop
for Y in Squares'Range (1) loop
Draw_Square (Pos => (X => Real (X) * X_Distance,
Y => Real (Y) * Y_Distance),
Kind => Squares (Y, X));
end loop;
end loop;
end Draw_Squares;

PDF.Create ("peripheral-drift-illusion.pdf");
PDF.Page_Setup (A4_Landscape);

PDF.Color (Light_Olive);
PDF.Draw ((10.0, 10.0, 820.0, 575.0), Fill);

end Drift;</lang>
