Pentagram: Difference between revisions

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{{works with|jq}}
'''Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''

This entry produces SVG output which, if placed in a file with suffix
.svg, can be viewed directly in most browsers.

Notice that the size of an appropriate SVG viewBox is computed.

<lang jq># Input: {svg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy}
def svg:
# viewBox = <min-x> <min-y> <width> <height>
"<svg viewBox='\(.minx - 4|floor) \(.miny - 4 |floor) \(6 + .maxx - .minx|ceil) \(6 + .maxy - .miny|ceil)'",
" preserveAspectRatio='xMinYmin meet'",
" xmlns='' >",
"</svg>" ;

# Input: an array of [x,y] points
def minmax:
{minx: (map(.[0])|min),
miny: (map(.[1])|min),
maxx: (map(.[0])|max),
maxy: (map(.[1])|max)} ;

# Input: an array of [x,y] points
def Polyline($fill; $stroke; $transform):
def rnd: 1000*.|round/1000;
def linearize: map( map(rnd) | join(" ") ) | join(", ");

"<polyline points='"
+ linearize
+ "'\n style='fill:\($fill); stroke: \($stroke); stroke-width:3;'"
+ "\n transform='\($transform)' />" ;

# Output: {minx, miny, maxx, maxy, svg}
def pentagram($dim):
(8 * (1|atan)) as $tau
| 5 as $sides
| reduce (0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 0) as $v ([];
. + [[ 0.9 * $dim * (($tau * $v / $sides) | cos),
0.9 * $dim * (($tau * $v / $sides) | sin) ]] )
| minmax
+ {svg: Polyline("seashell"; "blue"; "rotate(-18)" )} ;

| svg</lang>
<svg viewBox='-150 -176 332 349'
preserveAspectRatio='xMinYmin meet'
xmlns='' >
<polyline points='180 0, -145.623 105.801, 55.623 -171.19, 55.623 171.19, -145.623 -105.801, 180 0'
style='fill:seashell; stroke: blue; stroke-width:3;'
transform='rotate(-18)' />
