Pentagram: Difference between revisions

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(Added Wren)
(Added XPL0 example.)
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<lang XPL0>proc FillArea(X, Y, C0, C); \Replace area colored C0 with color C
int X, Y, \starting coordinate for flood fill algorithm
C0, C; \initial color, and color to replace it with
def S=8000; \size of queue (must be an even number)
int Q(S), \queue (FIFO)
F, E; \fill and empty indexes
proc EnQ(X, Y); \Enqueue coordinate
int X, Y;
[Q(F):= X;
F:= F+1;
Q(F):= Y;
F:= F+1;
if F >= S then F:= 0;
]; \EnQ
proc DeQ; \Dequeue coordinate
[X:= Q(E);
E:= E+1;
Y:= Q(E);
E:= E+1;
if E >= S then E:= 0;
]; \DeQ
[if C0 = C then return;
F:= 0; E:= 0;
EnQ(X, Y);
while E # F do
if ReadPix(X, Y) = C0 then
[Point(X, Y, C);
EnQ(X+1, Y); \enqueue adjacent pixels
EnQ(X-1, Y);
EnQ(X, Y+1);
EnQ(X, Y-1);
]; \FillArea
def Size = 200.;
def Pi = 3.141592654;
def Deg144 = 4.*Pi/5.;
int X, Y, N;
[SetVid($12); \set 640x480x4 VGA graphics
for Y:= 0 to 480-1 do \fill screen
[Move(0, Y); Line(640-1, Y, $F\white\)];
for N:= 0 to 5 do \draw pentagram
[X:= fix(Size*Sin(float(N)*Deg144));
Y:= fix(Size*Cos(float(N)*Deg144));
if N = 0 then Move(X+320, 240-Y)
else Line(X+320, 240-Y, 4\red\);
FillArea(0, 0, $F, 1); \replace white (F) with blue (1)