Penrose tiling: Difference between revisions

(Scala contribution added.)
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Output can be toggled to look like the java or perl output
=== Lindenmayer/svg ===
{{trans|Perl}} Same output, obviously the resulting file can be opened in a separate browser.
<lang Phix>constant Lindenmayer = new_dict({{'A',""},
string penrose = "[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]++[N]"
for n=1 to 4 do
string next = ""
for i=1 to length(penrose) do
integer ch = penrose[i]
object l = getd(ch,Lindenmayer)
next &= iff(l=NULL?ch:l)
end for
penrose = next
end for
atom x=160, y=160, theta=PI/5, r = 20
string svg = ""
constant line = "<line x1='%.1f' y1='%.1f' x2='%.1f' y2='%.1f' style='stroke:rgb(255,165,0)'/>\n"
sequence stack = {}
for i=1 to length(penrose) do
integer ch = penrose[i]
switch ch do
case 'A': atom nx = x+r*cos(theta),
ny = y+r*sin(theta)
svg &= sprintf(line,{x,y,nx,ny})
{x,y} = {nx,ny}
case '+': theta += PI/5
case '-': theta -= PI/5
case '[': stack = append(stack,{x,y,theta})
case ']': {x,y,theta} = stack[$]
stack = stack[1..$-1]
end switch
end for
constant svgfmt = """
<svg xmlns="" height="350" width="350">
<rect height="100%%" width="100%%" style="fill:black" />
integer fn = open("penrose_tiling.svg","w")
