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Output can be toggled to look like the java or perl output
<lang racket>#lang racket
(require racket/draw)
(define rules '([M . (O A + + P A - - - - N A < - O A - - - - M A > + +)]
[N . (+ O A - - P A < - - - M A - - N A > +)]
[O . (- M A + + N A < + + + O A + + P A > -)]
[P . (- - O A + + + + M A < + P A + + + + N A > - - N A)]
[S . (< N > + + < N > + + < N > + + < N > + + < N >)]))
(define (get-cmds n cmd)
[(= 0 n) (list cmd)]
[else (append-map (curry get-cmds (sub1 n))
(dict-ref rules cmd (list cmd)))]))
(define target (make-bitmap DIM DIM))
(define dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap target]))
(send dc set-background BACKGROUND-COLOR)
(send dc set-pen COLOR 1 'solid)
(send dc clear)
(for/fold ([x 160] [y 160] [θ (/ pi 5)] [S '()])
([cmd (in-list (get-cmds N 'S))])
(define (draw/values x* y* θ* S*)
(send/apply dc draw-line
(map (curry + OFFSET) (list x y x* y*)))
(values x* y* θ* S*))
(match cmd
['A (draw/values (+ x (* R (cos θ))) (+ y (* R (sin θ))) θ S)]
['+ (values x y (+ θ (/ pi 5)) S)]
['- (values x y (- θ (/ pi 5)) S)]
['< (values x y θ (cons (list x y θ) S))]
['> (match-define (cons (list x y θ) S*) S)
(values x y θ S*)]
[_ (values x y θ S)]))
(make-curve 500 4 20 80 (make-color 255 255 0) (make-color 0 0 0))</lang>
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