Penney's game: Difference between revisions

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<lang clojure>(ns penney.core
(def heads \H)
(def tails \T)
(defn flip-coin []
(let [flip (rand-int 2)]
(if (= flip 0) heads tails)))
(defn turn [coin]
(if (= coin heads) tails heads))
(defn first-index [combo coll]
(some #(if (= (second %) combo) (first %)) coll))
(defn find-winner [h c]
(if (< h c)
(do (println "YOU WIN!\n") :human)
(do (println "COMPUTER WINS!\n") :computer)))
(defn flip-off [human comp]
(let [flips (repeatedly flip-coin)
idx-flips (map-indexed vector (partition 3 1 flips))
h (first-index (seq human) idx-flips)
c (first-index (seq comp) idx-flips)]
(println (format "Tosses: %s" (apply str (take (+ 3 (min h c)) flips))))
(find-winner h c)))
(defn valid? [combo]
(if (empty? combo) true (and (= 3 (count combo)) (every? #(or (= heads %) (= tails %)) combo))))
(defn ask-move []
(println "What sequence of 3 Heads/Tails do you choose?")
(let [input (clojure.string/upper-case (read-line))]
(if-not (valid? input) (recur) input)))
(defn optimize-against [combo]
(let [mid (nth combo 1)
comp (str (turn mid) (first combo) mid)]
(println (format "Computer chooses %s: " comp)) comp))
(defn initial-move [game]
(let [combo (apply str (repeatedly 3 flip-coin))]
(println "--------------")
(println (format "Current score | CPU: %s, You: %s" (:computer game) (:human game)))
(if (= (:first-player game) tails)
(println "Computer goes first and chooses: " combo)
(println "YOU get to go first."))))
(defn play-game [game]
(let [c-move (initial-move game)
h-move (ask-move)]
(if-not (empty? h-move)
(let [winner (flip-off h-move (if (nil? c-move) (optimize-against h-move) c-move))]
(recur (assoc game winner (inc (winner game)) :first-player (flip-coin))))
(println "Thanks for playing!"))))
(defn -main [& args]
(println "Penney's Game.")
(play-game {:first-player (flip-coin)
:human 0, :computer 0}))</lang>
Penney's Game.
Current score | CPU: 0, You: 0
Computer goes first and chooses: THT
What sequence of 3 Heads/Tails do you choose?
Tosses: TTH
Current score | CPU: 0, You: 1
YOU get to go first.
What sequence of 3 Heads/Tails do you choose?
Computer chooses TTH:
Tosses: HHHTTH
Current score | CPU: 1, You: 1
YOU get to go first.
What sequence of 3 Heads/Tails do you choose?
Thanks for playing!
Anonymous user