Pathological floating point problems: Difference between revisions

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Rdm (talk | contribs)
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zkl doesn't have a big rational or big float library (as of this writing) but does have big ints (via GNU GMP). It does have 64 bit doubles.
<lang zkl>Series:=Walker(fcn(vs){ // just keep appending new values to a list
vs.append(111.0 - 1130.0/vs[-1] + 3000.0/(vs[-1]*vs[-2])) }.fp(List(2,-4)));
We'll use the convenient formula given in the referenced paper to create a fraction with big ints
<lang zkl>var BN=Import("zklBigNum"), digitsten2n=BN(10).pow(64);
fcn u(n){ // use formula to create a fraction of big ints
const bB=-3, yY=4;
N:=BN(6).pow(n+1)*bB + BN(5).pow(n+1)*yY;
D:=BN(6).pow(n)*bB + BN(5).pow(n)*yY;
r,m:=tostr(N*digitsten2n/D).toString(), (r.len()-64,32).max(0);
fcn tostr(bn,m,r){ // convert big int (*10^m) to float string with len r remainder
str,d:=bn.toString(), (str.len()-m).max(0);
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Note that, at n=100, we still have diverged (at the 15th place) from the Perl6 solution and 12th place from the J solution.
1st: Convergent series
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n = 50; 100.00000000000000000000 6.00017584662718718894561402074719
n =100; 100.00000000000000000000 6.00000001931947792910408680340358
Chaotic banking society is just nasty so we use a five hundred digit e (the e:= text is one long line).
<lang zkl>println("\n2nd: Chaotic banking society");
var en=e.len(), tenEN=BN(10).pow(en-1);
years,balance:=25, BN(e).sub(tenEN); // in place math
balance=[1..years].reduce(fcn(balance,i){ balance*i - tenEN },balance);
println("After year %d, you will have $%s in your account.".fmt(years,balance));</lang>
2nd: Chaotic banking society
After year 25, you will have $.39 in your account.
For Rump's example, multiple the formula by 10ⁿ so we can use integer math.