Pascal's triangle: Difference between revisions

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Lynx71 (talk | contribs)
add bait
Lynx71 (talk | contribs)
m bait: fix position
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<syntaxhighlight lang="bait">
// Create a Pascal's triangle with a given number of rows.
// Returns an empty array for row_nr <= 0.
fun pascals_triangle(row_nr i32) [][]i32 {
mut rows := [][]i32
// Iterate over all rows
for r := 0; r < row_nr; r += 1 {
// Store the row above the current one
mut above := rows[r - 1]
// Fill the current row. It contains r + 1 numbers
for i := 0; i <= r; i += 1 {
// First number is always 1
if i == 0 {
rows.push([1]) // Push new row
// Last number is always 1
else if i == r {
// Other numbers are the sum of the two numbers above them
else {
rows[r].push(above[i - 1] + above[i])
return rows
// Helper function to pretty print triangles.
// It still get's ugly once numbers have >= 2 digits.
fun print_triangle(triangle [][]i32) {
for i, row in triangle {
// Create string with leading spaces
mut s := ' '.repeat(triangle.length - i - 1)
// Add each number to the string
for n in row {
s += n.str() + ' '
// Print and trim the extra trailing space
println(s.trim_right(' '))
fun main() {
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
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1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
<syntaxhighlight lang="bait">
// Create a Pascal's triangle with a given number of rows.
// Returns an empty array for row_nr <= 0.
fun pascals_triangle(row_nr i32) [][]i32 {
mut rows := [][]i32
// Iterate over all rows
for r := 0; r < row_nr; r += 1 {
// Store the row above the current one
mut above := rows[r - 1]
// Fill the current row. It contains r + 1 numbers
for i := 0; i <= r; i += 1 {
// First number is always 1
if i == 0 {
rows.push([1]) // Push new row
// Last number is always 1
else if i == r {
// Other numbers are the sum of the two numbers above them
else {
rows[r].push(above[i - 1] + above[i])
return rows
// Helper function to pretty print triangles.
// It still get's ugly once numbers have >= 2 digits.
fun print_triangle(triangle [][]i32) {
for i, row in triangle {
// Create string with leading spaces
mut s := ' '.repeat(triangle.length - i - 1)
// Add each number to the string
for n in row {
s += n.str() + ' '
// Print and trim the extra trailing space
println(s.trim_right(' '))
fun main() {
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
1 5 10 10 5 1
1 6 15 20 15 6 1