Pascal's triangle: Difference between revisions

Scala contribution maintained.
(Scala contribution maintained.)
Line 4,200:
===Functional solutions===
Simple recursive row definition:
====Summing: Recursive row definition====
<lang scala>
def tri(row: Int): List[Int] = { row match {
case 1 =>row List(1)match {
case 1 => List(1)
case n: Int => List(1) ::+: ((tri(n - 1) zip tri(n - 1).tail) map { case (a, b) => a + b }) :::+ List(1)
Function to pretty print n rows:
<lang scala>def prettytriprettyTri(n:Int) = (1 to n) foreach {i => print(" "*(n-i)); tri(i) map (c => print(c + " ")); println}
<lang scala>
def prettytri(n:Int) = (1 to n) foreach {i=>print(" "*(n-i)); tri(i) map (c=>print(c+" ")); println}
<pre> 1
1 3 3 1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1 1
1 4 16 24 1 </pre>
====Summing: Scala Stream (Recursive & Memoization)====
1 3 3 1
<lang Scala>object Blaise extends App {
1 4 6 4 1
def pascalTriangle(): Stream[Vector[Int]] =
Vector(1) #:: Stream.iterate(Vector(1, 1))(1 +: _.sliding(2).map(_.sum).toVector :+ 1)
val output = pascalTriangle().take(15).map(_.mkString(" "))
val longest = output.last.length
println("Pascal's Triangle")
output.foreach(line => println(s"${" " * ((longest - line.length) / 2)}$line"))
}</lang scala>
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