Pascal's triangle/Puzzle: Difference between revisions

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*Find a solution of this puzzle.
*Find a solution of this puzzle.
The solution makes an upward run symbolically, though excluding Z. After that two blocks (1,1) and (3,1) being known yield a 2x2 linear system, from which X and Y are determined. Finally each block is revisited and printed.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Pyramid_of_Numbers is

B_X, B_Y, B_Z : Integer := 0; -- Unknown variables

type Block_Value is record
Known : Integer := 0;
X, Y, Z : Integer := 0;
end record;
X : constant Block_Value := (0, 1, 0, 0);
Y : constant Block_Value := (0, 0, 1, 0);
Z : constant Block_Value := (0, 0, 0, 1);
procedure Add (L : in out Block_Value; R : Block_Value) is
begin -- Symbolically adds one block to another
L.Known := L.Known + R.Known;
L.X := L.X + R.X - R.Z; -- Z is excluded as n(Y - X - Z) = 0
L.Y := L.Y + R.Y + R.Z;
end Add;
procedure Add (L : in out Block_Value; R : Integer) is
begin -- Symbolically adds a value to the block
L.Known := L.Known + R;
end Add;
function Image (N : Block_Value) return String is
begin -- The block value, when X,Y,Z are known
return Integer'Image (N.Known + N.X * B_X + N.Y * B_Y + N.Z * B_Z);
end Image;

procedure Solve_2x2 (A11, A12, B1, A21, A22, B2 : Integer) is
begin -- Don't care about things, supposing an integer solution exists
if A22 = 0 then
B_X := B2 / A21;
B_Y := (B1 - A11*B_X) / A12;
B_X := (B1*A22 - B2*A12) / (A11*A22 - A21*A12);
B_Y := (B1 - A11*B_X) / A12;
end if;
B_Z := B_Y - B_X;
end Solve_2x2;
B : array (1..5, 1..5) of Block_Value; -- The lower triangle contains blocks

-- The bottom blocks
Add (B(5,1),X); Add (B(5,2),11); Add (B(5,3),Y); Add (B(5,4),4); Add (B(5,5),Z);

-- Upward run
for Row in reverse 1..4 loop
for Column in 1..Row loop
Add (B (Row, Column), B (Row + 1, Column));
Add (B (Row, Column), B (Row + 1, Column + 1));
end loop;
end loop;
-- Now have known blocks 40=(3,1), 151=(1,1) and Y=X+Z to determine X,Y,Z
( B(1,1).X, B(1,1).Y, 151 - B(1,1).Known,
B(3,1).X, B(3,1).Y, 40 - B(3,1).Known

-- Print the results
for Row in 1..5 loop
for Column in 1..Row loop
Put (Image (B(Row,Column)));
end loop;
end loop;
end Pyramid_of_Numbers;
Sample output:

81 70
40 41 29
16 24 17 12
5 11 13 4 8
I assume the task is to solve any such puzzle, i.e. given some data
I assume the task is to solve any such puzzle, i.e. given some data