Partition an integer x into n primes: Difference between revisions

Added FORTRAN Version
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(Added FORTRAN Version)
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module primes_module
implicit none
integer,allocatable :: p(:)
integer :: a(0:32), b(0:32)
integer,private :: sum_primes, number
subroutine setnum(val)
implicit none
integer :: val
number = val
end subroutine setnum
subroutine init(thesize)
implicit none
integer :: thesize
end subroutine init
subroutine genp(high) ! Store all primes up to high in the array p
integer, intent(in) :: high
integer :: i, numprimes, j,k
logical*1 :: bk(0:high)
bk = .false.
p = 0
a = 0
b = 0
call eratosthenes(bk , high)
j = 0
numprimes = count(bk)
k = 0
do i = 1,high
j = j+1
p(j) = i
if(j==numprimes)exit !No need to loop more, all primes stored
end do
print*,'numprimes',numprimes, i,p(j)
end subroutine genp
subroutine getp(z) ! used to update the zth prime number in the sequence of primes that are being used to partition the integer number.
integer :: z
integer :: w
if (a(z) == 0)a(z) = a(z-1)
a(z) = a(z) + 1
b(z) = p(a(z))
end subroutine getp
subroutine part(num_found)
integer, intent(in) :: num_found
integer :: i, s, k, r
logical :: bu
a = 0
do i = 1, num_found
call getp(i)
end do
infinite: do
sum_primes = 0
bu = .false.
nextin:do s = 1, num_found
sum_primes = sum_primes + b(s) !Adds the sth prime to sum_primes.
if (sum_primes > number) then !If the sum of primes exceeds number:
if (s == 1)then
exit infinite !If only one prime has been added, exit the infinite loop.
a(s:num_found) = 0 ! Resets the indices of the primes from s to num_found
do r = s - 1, num_found ! Gets the next set of primes from s-1 to num_found
call getp(r)
end do
bu = .true. ! Sets bu to true and exits the loop over the primes
exit nextin
end if
end do nextin
if (.not. bu) then ! If bu is false (meaning the sum of primes does not exceed number)
if (sum_primes == number) exit infinite !We got it so go
if (sum_primes < number) then
call getp(num_found) ! If the sum of primes is less than number, gets the next prime
error stop " Something wrong here!"
end do infinite
write( *,'(/,a,1x,i0,1x,a,1x,i0,1x,a)',advance='yes') "Partition", number, "into", num_found,trim(adjustl(list(num_found)))
end subroutine part
function list(num_found)
integer, intent(in) :: num_found
integer :: i
character(len=128) :: list
character(len = 10):: pooka
write(list,'(i0)') b(1)
if (sum_primes == number) then
do i = 2, num_found
pooka = ''
write(pooka,'(i0)') b(i)
list = trim(list) // " + " // adjustl(pooka)
end do
list = "(not possible)"
end if
list = "primes: " // list
end function list
subroutine eratosthenes(p , n)
implicit none
! dummy arguments
integer :: n
logical*1 , dimension(0:*) :: p
intent (in) n
intent (inout) p
! local variables
integer :: i
integer :: ii
logical :: oddeven
integer :: pr
p(0:n) = .false.
p(1) = .false.
p(2) = .true.
oddeven = .true.
do i = 3 , n,2
p(i) = .true.
end do
do i = 2 , int(sqrt(float(n)))
ii = i + i
if( p(i) )then
do pr = i*i , n , ii
p(pr) = .false.
end do
end if
end do
end subroutine eratosthenes
end module primes_module
program prime_partition
use primes_module
use napper
use ksack2
implicit none
integer :: x, n,i
integer :: xx,yy
integer :: values(10,2)
! The given dataset from Rosetta Code
! partition 99809 with 1 prime.
! partition 18 with 2 primes.
! partition 19 with 3 primes.
! partition 20 with 4 primes.
! partition 2017 with 24 primes.
! partition 22699 with 1, 2, 3, and 4 primes.
! partition 40355 with 3 primes.
values(1,:) = (/99809,1/)
values(2,:) = (/18,2/)
values(3,:) = (/19,3/)
values(4,:) = (/20,4/)
values(5,:) = (/2017,24/)
values(6,:) = (/22699, 1/)
values(7,:) = (/22699, 2/)
values(8,:) = (/22699, 3/)
values(9,:) = (/22699, 4/)
values(10,:) = (/40355, 3/)
i = maxval(values(1:10,1))*2
call init(i) ! Set up a few basics
call genp(i) ! Generate primes up to i
do i = 1,10
call setnum( values(i,1))
call part(values(i,2))
end do
Stop 'Successfully completed'
end program prime_partition
Partition 99809 into 1 primes: 99809
Partition 18 into 2 primes : 5 + 13
Partition 19 into 3 primes : 3 + 5 + 11
Partition 20 into 4 primes : (not possible)
Partition 2017 into 24 primes: 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 + 19 + 23 + 29 + 31 + 37 + 41 + 43 + 47 + 53 + 59 + 61 + 67 + 71 + 73 + 79 + 97 + 1129
Partition 22699 into 1 primes: 22699
Partition 22699 into 2 primes: 2 + 22697
Partition 22699 into 3 primes: 3 + 5 + 22691
Partition 22699 into 4 primes: 2 + 3 + 43 + 22651
Partition 40355 into 3 primes: 3 + 139 + 40213
