Parse command-line arguments: Difference between revisions

(Added XPL0 example.)
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Other concepts are also possible...
{{works with|jq}}
'''Also works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq'''
The jq and gojq programs parse some command-line options and arguments for their own purposes
but also provide two mechanisms allowing for arbitrarily many command-line arguments to be provided to the program:
* the --args option can be used to provide a sequence of shell strings that are converted to JSON strings;
* the --jsonargs option can similarly be used to specify a sequence of JSON values.
For example, assuming a bash or bash-like shell, the invocation
jq -n '$ARGS' --args 1 two '[3, "four"]'
results in:
"positional": [
"[3, \"four\"]"
"named": {}
jq -n '$ARGS' --jsonargs 1 '"two"' '[3, "four"]'
results in:
"positional": [
"named": {}
Notice that in the first case, the token `two` has not been quoted, whereas in the second case, it must be presented as `'"two"'`
if it is to be understood as a JSON string.
{{works with|Julia|0.6}}
