Parse an IP Address: Difference between revisions

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'''Works with gojq''', the Go implementation of jq.
'''Adapted from [[#Wren|Wren]]'''
<syntaxhighlight lang="jq">
# Generic preliminaries
# To take advantage of gojq's arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic:
def power($b): . as $in | reduce range(0;$b) as $i (1; . * $in);
# To take advantage of gojq's arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic:
# if the input and $j are integers, then the result will be an integer.
def div($j):
(. - (. % j)) / $j;
# integer to stream of 0s and 1s, least significant bit first
def bitwise:
recurse( if . >= 2 then div(2) else empty end) | . % 2;
# inverse of `bitwise`
def stream_to_integer(stream):
reduce stream as $c ( {power:1 , ans: 0};
.ans += ($c * .power) | .power *= 2 )
| .ans;
# Input determines the max number of bits to be retained
# $x and $y are two integers
def xorBits($x;$y):
def lxor(a;b):
if (a==1 or b==1) and ((a==1 and b==1)|not) then 1
elif a == null then b
elif b == null then a
else 0
if $x == 0 then $y
elif $y == 0 then $x
[if . then limit(.; $x|bitwise) else $x|bitwise end] as $s
| [if . then limit(.; $y|bitwise) else $y|bitwise end] as $t
| stream_to_integer(
range(0; [($s|length), ($t|length)] | max) as $i
| lxor($s[$i]; $t[$i]) )
end ;
# $x and $y are two integers
def xor($x;$y):
null | xorBits($x;$y);
def count(stream): reduce stream as $i (0; .+1);
# Input: an array
def insert($i; $x): .[:$i] + [$x] + .[$i:];
# Input: a non-negative integer
def tobase($b):
def digit: "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[.:.+1];
def mod: . % $b;
def div: ((. - mod) / $b);
def digits: recurse( select(. > 0) | div) | mod ;
# For jq it would be wise to protect against `infinite` as input, but using `isinfinite` confuses gojq
select( (tostring|test("^[0-9]+$")) and 2 <= $b and $b <= 36)
| if . == 0 then "0"
else [digits | digit] | reverse[1:] | add
# Input: a string in base $b
# Output: its decimal value
def frombase($b):
def decimalValue:
if 48 <= . and . <= 57 then . - 48
elif 65 <= . and . <= 90 then . - 55 # (10+.-65)
elif 97 <= . and . <= 122 then . - 87 # (10+.-97)
else "decimalValue <- \(.)" | error
reduce (explode|reverse[]|decimalValue) as $x ({p:1};
.value += (.p * $x)
| .p *= $b)
| .value ;
### Parse an IP address
# An IPAddress is represented by an object {"address", "addressSpace", "port"}
# where addressSpace is one of "IPv4", "IPv6", "Invalid"
# and a port of -1 denotes 'not specified'.
def INVALID: {address: 0, addressSpace: "Invalid", port: 0};
def ipAddressParse:
# Helper for octet1
# Assumes .len == (.hextets|length)
def fixhextets:
.insertions = (8 - .len)
| .i = 0
| until(.i == 8;
if .hextets[.i] == ""
then .hextets[.i] = "0"
| until( .insertions <= 0;
.insertions += -1
| .i as $i
| .hextets |= insert($i; "0") )
| .i = 8
else .i += 1
end ) ;
# Handle the case when octet length is 4
def octet4:
(.octets[0] | split(":")) as $split
| if $split|length == 2
then ($split[1]|tonumber? // null) as $temp
| if $temp | (. == null or . < 0 or . > 65535)
then .return = INVALID
else .port = $temp
| .octets[0] = $split[0]
else .
| if .return then .
else reduce range(0;4) as $i (.;
if .return then .
else (.octets[$i] | tonumber? // null) as $num
| if $num | (. == null or . < 0 or . > 255) then .return = INVALID
else .address = xor(.address; $num * (2 | power($i * 8)))
| if .return then .
elif .trans
then .address += 281470681743360 # "ffff00000000"
else .
end ;
# Handle the case when octet length is 1
def octet1:
.addressSpace = "IPv6"
| if .ipa[0:1] == "["
then .ipa |= .[1:]
| (.ipa | split("]:")) as $split
| if $split|length != 2 then .return = INVALID
else ($split[1] | tonumber? // null) as $temp
| if $temp | (. == null or . < 0 or . > 65535) then .return = INVALID
else .port = $temp
| .ipa |= .[0: (-2 - ($split[1]|length))]
else .
| if .return then .
else .hextets = (.ipa | split(":")|reverse)
| .len = (.hextets|length)
| if .ipa|startswith("::")
then .hextets[-1] = "0"
elif .ipa|endswith("::")
then .hextets[0] = "0"
else .
| if .ipa == "::" then .hextets[1] = "0" else . end
| if .len > 8 or (.len == 8 and any(.hextets[]; . == "")) or count(.hextets[] | select(. == "")) > 1
then .return = INVALID
else .
| if .return then .
elif .len < 8
then fixhextets
else .
| if .return then .
else reduce range(0; 8) as $j (.;
if .return then .
else (.hextets[$j] | frombase(16)) as $num
| if $num > 65535 then .return = INVALID
else .address = xor(.address; $num * (2 | power($j * 16)))
end ;
{ addressSpace: "IPv4",
ipa: ascii_downcase,
port: -1,
trans: false }
| if (.ipa|startswith("::ffff:")) and (.ipa|test("[.]"))
then .addressSpace = "IPv6"
| .trans = true
| .ipa |= .[7:]
elif (.ipa|startswith("[::ffff:")) and (.ipa|test("[.]"))
then .addressSpace = "IPv6"
| .trans = true
| .ipa |= (.[8:] | gsub("]";""))
else .
| .octets = (.ipa | split(".") | reverse)
| .address = 0
| if .octets|length == 4
then octet4
elif .octets|length == 1
then octet1
else .return = INVALID
| if .return then .return
else {address, addressSpace, port}
end ;
# Examples
def ipas:
| "IP address : \(.)",
( ipAddressParse
| "Address : \(.address|tobase(16))",
"Address Space : \(.addressSpace)",
"Port : \(if .port == -1 then "not specified" else .port end)",
'''Invocation''': gojq -nr -f parse-an-ip-address.jq
Exactly as for [[#Wren|Wren]]
