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{{Omit From|ALGOL 68}} <!-- it isn't immediately obvious that ALGOL 68 is object oriented -->
{{omit from|Tcl}} <!-- not statically typed -->
{{omit from|Ruby}} <!-- not statically typed -->
{{omit from|C}} <!-- no type variables in stdc -->

Revision as of 13:18, 7 June 2009

Parametric polymorphism
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Parametric Polymorphism is a way to define types or functions that are generic over other types. The genericity can be expressed by using type variables for the parameter type, and by a mechanism to explicitly or implicitly replace the type variables with concrete types when necessary.

Write a small example for a type declaration that is parametric over another type, together with a short bit of code (and its type signature) that uses it. A good example is a container type, let's say a binary tree, together with some function that traverses the tree, say, a map-function that operates on every element of the tree.

This language feature only applies to statically-typed languages.


<lang ada>

   type Element_Type is private;
package Container is
   type Tree is tagged private;
   procedure Replace_All(The_Tree : in out Tree; New_Value : Element_Type);
   type Node;
   type Node_Access is access Node;
   type Tree tagged record
      Value : Element_type;
      Left  : Node_Access := null;
      Right : Node_Access := null;
   end record;
end Container;

</lang> <lang ada>

package body Container is
   procedure Replace_All(The_Tree : in out Tree; New_Value : Element_Type) is
      The_Tree.Value := New_Value;
      If The_Tree.Left /= null then
      end if;
      if The_tree.Right /= null then
      end if;
   end Replace_All;
end Container;



<lang cpp> template<class T>

class tree
  T value;
  tree *left;
  tree *right;
  void replace_all (T new_value);

For simplicity, we replace all values in the tree with a new value:

<lang cpp> template<class T>

void tree<T>::replace_all (T new_value)
  value = new_value;
  left->replace_all (new_value);
  right->replace_all (new_value);


D template can parametric by constant. <lang d>module parapoly ;

class ArrayTree(T, int LEN) {

 // template instantiation in alias
 alias ArrayTree!(T, LEN) ANode ;  
 const int length = LEN ;
 T[LEN] array ;
 ANode LHS, RHS ;
 this (T initvalue) { array[] = initvalue ; }
 void map(void delegate(T[]) dg) { 
   dg(array) ;
   if(LHS) ; 
   if(RHS) ; 

}</lang> This is a using example. <lang d> module polytest ; import std.stdio ; import parapoly ;

//Instantiating an ArrayTree class of real(T) array, whose length(LEN) is 3. alias ArrayTree!(real, 3) VecT ;

void main() {

 VecT v = new VecT(0.01);
 // init an array tree.
 v.LHS = new VecT(1.11) ; v.LHS.LHS = new VecT(1.11) ; v.LHS.RHS = new VecT(1.12) ;
 v.RHS = new VecT(1.21) ; v.RHS.LHS = new VecT(1.21) ; v.RHS.RHS = new VecT(1.22) ;
 // do something start from root v[] x){writefln(x) ;} ) ;
 real new_value = 0.9L ;[] x){x[] = new_value ;} ) ;
 writefln() ;[] x){writefln(x) ;} ) ;



<lang haskell> data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

mapTree :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
mapTree f Empty        = Empty
mapTree f (Node x l r) = Node (f x) (mapTree f l) (mapTree f r)</lang>


Following the C++ example: <lang java> public class Tree<T>{

	private T value;
	private Tree<T> left;
	private Tree<T> right;

	public void replaceAll(T value){
		this.value = value;
		if(left != null)
		if(right != null)


<lang ocaml> type 'a tree = Empty | Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree

(** val map_tree : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tree -> 'b tree *)
let rec map_tree f = function
  | Empty        -> Empty
  | Node (x,l,r) -> Node (f x, map_tree f l, map_tree f r)</lang>

Standard ML

<lang sml> datatype 'a tree = Empty | Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree

(** val map_tree = fn : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a tree -> 'b tree *)
fun map_tree f Empty = Empty
  | map_tree f (Node (x,l,r)) = Node (f x, map_tree f l, map_tree f r)</lang>