Paraffins: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|REXX}}: added whitespace, used a smaller font for the output.
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<lang rexx>/*REXX program enumerates (without repetition) the # of paraffins with N atoms of carbon*/
parse arg nodes . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/
if nodes=='' | nodes=="," then nodes=100 100 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/
rooted. = 0; rooted.0= 1; rooted.1=1 1 /*define the base rooted numbers.*/
unrooted. = 0; unrooted.0= 1; unrooted.1=1 1 /* " " " unrooted " */
numeric digits max(9, nodes % 2) /*this program may use gihugeic numbers*/
w= length(nodes) /*W: used for aligning formatted nodes.*/
say right(0, w) unrooted.0 /*show enumerations of 0 carbon atoms*/
/* [↓] process all nodes (up to NODES)*/
do C=1 for nodes; h= C %2 2 /*C: is the number of carbon atoms. */
call tree 0, C, C, 1, 1 /* [↓] if # of carbon atoms is even···*/
if C//2==0 then unrooted.C= unrooted.C + rooted.h * (rooted.h + 1) % 2
say right(C, w) unrooted.C /*display an aligned formatted number. */
end /*C*/
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
tree: procedure expose rooted. unrooted. nodes #. /*this function is recursive.*/
parse arg br,n,L,sum,cnt; nm= n - 1; LL= L + L; brp= br + 1
do b=brp to 4; sum= sum + n; if sum>nodes then leave
if b==4 then if LL>=sum then leave
if b==brp then rooted.n * cnt
else * (rooted.n + b - brp) % (b - br)
if LL<sum then unrooted.sum= unrooted.sum +
if b==4 then leave
rooted.sum = rooted.sum +
do m=nm by -1 for nm; call tree b, m, L, sum,; end /*m*/
end /*b*/ /* ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ recursive invocation of TREE. */</lang>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the input of: &nbsp; &nbsp; <tt> 600 </tt>}}
<br><br>(Shown at fourthree-fifthsquarter size.)
<pre style="font-size:8475%;height:99ex150ex">
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