Palindromic primes in base 16: Difference between revisions

Added AppleScript.
(Added Arturo implementation)
(Added AppleScript.)
Line 150:
2 3 5 7 B D 11 101 151 161 191 1B1 1C1
<lang applescript>on isPrime(n)
if ((n < 4) or (n is 5)) then return (n > 1)
if ((n mod 2 = 0) or (n mod 3 = 0) or (n mod 5 = 0)) then return false
repeat with i from 7 to (n ^ 0.5) div 1 by 30
if ((n mod i = 0) or (n mod (i + 4) = 0) or (n mod (i + 6) = 0) or ¬
(n mod (i + 10) = 0) or (n mod (i + 12) = 0) or (n mod (i + 16) = 0) or ¬
(n mod (i + 22) = 0) or (n mod (i + 24) = 0)) then return false
end repeat
return true
end isPrime
on task()
set digits to "0123456789ABCDEF"'s characters
set output to {"2"} -- Take "2" as read.
repeat with n from 3 to 499 by 2 -- All other primes are odd.
if (isPrime(n)) then
-- Only the number's hex digit /values/ are needed for testing.
set vals to {}
repeat until (n = 0)
set vals's beginning to n mod 16
set n to n div 16
end repeat
-- If they're palindromic, build a text representation and append this to the output.
if (vals = vals's reverse) then
set hex to digits's item ((vals's beginning) + 1)
repeat with i from 2 to (count vals)
set hex to hex & digits's item ((vals's item i) + 1)
end repeat
set output's end to hex
end if
end if
end repeat
return output
end task
<lang applescript>{"2", "3", "5", "7", "B", "D", "11", "101", "151", "161", "191", "1B1", "1C1"}</lang>
