Ormiston triples: Difference between revisions

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Ormiston triples before 1 billion: 368
Ormiston triples before 1 billion: 368
Ormiston triples before 10 billion: 4925
Ormiston triples before 10 billion: 4925

<syntaxhighlight lang="Nim">import std/[algorithm, bitops, math, strformat, strutils]

type Sieve = object
data: seq[byte]

func `[]`(sieve: Sieve; idx: Positive): bool =
## Return value of element at index "idx".
let idx = idx shr 1
let iByte = idx shr 3
let iBit = idx and 7
result = sieve.data[iByte].testBit(iBit)

func `[]=`(sieve: var Sieve; idx: Positive; val: bool) =
## Set value of element at index "idx".
let idx = idx shr 1
let iByte = idx shr 3
let iBit = idx and 7
if val: sieve.data[iByte].setBit(iBit)
else: sieve.data[iByte].clearBit(iBit)

func initSieve(lim: Positive): Sieve =
## Initialize a sieve from 2 to "lim".
result.data = newSeq[byte]((lim + 16) shr 4)
result[1] = true
for n in countup(3, sqrt(lim.toFloat).int, 2):
if not result[n]:
for k in countup(n * n, lim, 2 * n):
result[k] = true

func isPrime(sieve: Sieve; n: int): bool =
## Return true if "n" is prime.
result = if (n and 1) == 0: n == 2 else: not sieve[n]

func nextPrime(sieve: Sieve; n: int): int =
## Return next prime greater than "n".
result = n
while true:
inc result
if sieve.isPrime(result):

func digits(n: Positive): seq[byte] =
## Return the sorted list of digits of "n".
var n = n.Natural
while n != 0:
result.add byte(n mod 10)
n = n div 10

proc main() =

const N = 10_000_000_000
let sieve = initSieve(N)

echo "Smallest member of the first 25 Ormiston triples:"
var count = 0
var limit = N div 10
var p1 = 2

while true:
if p1 >= limit:
echo &"Number of Ormiston pairs below {insertSep($limit)}: {count}"
limit *= 10
if limit > N: break
# Check p1 and p2.
let p2 = sieve.nextPrime(p1)
if (p2 - p1) mod 18 != 0:
p1 = p2
# Check p2 and p3.
let p3 = sieve.nextPrime(p2)
if (p3 - p2) mod 18 != 0:
p1 = p3 # Skip p2.
# Check p1.digits and p2.digits.
let d1 = p1.digits
if p2.digits != d1:
p1 = p2
# Check p1.digits and p3.digits.
if p3.digits != d1:
p1 = p3 # Skip p2.
# Ormiston triple found.
inc count
if count <= 25:
stdout.write &"{p1:8}"
stdout.write if count mod 5 == 0: '\n' else: ' '
if count == 25: echo()
# Try next.
p1 = p2


<pre>Smallest member of the first 25 Ormiston triples:
11117123 12980783 14964017 32638213 32964341
33539783 35868013 44058013 46103237 48015013
50324237 52402783 58005239 60601237 61395239
74699789 76012879 78163123 80905879 81966341
82324237 82523017 83279783 86050781 92514341

Number of Ormiston pairs below 1_000_000_000: 368
Number of Ormiston pairs below 10_000_000_000: 4925