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4,925 Ormiston triples before 10,000,000,000
4,925 Ormiston triples before 10,000,000,000

Runs in 87 seconds on Pi4.
<syntaxhighlight lang "XPL0">char Sieve;
proc MakeSieve(Size); \Make prime number sieve
int Size, Prime, I, K;
[Size:= Size/2; \ignore even numbers
Sieve:= MAlloc(Size+1); \(XPL0's heap only provides 64 MB)
for I:= 0 to Size do \set Sieve flags all true
Sieve(I):= true;
for I:= 0 to Size do
if Sieve(I) then \found a prime, which is equal to
[Prime:= I + I + 3; \ twice the index + 3
K:= I + Prime; \first multiple to strike off
while K <= Size do \strike off all multiples
[Sieve(K):= false;
K:= K + Prime;

func GetSig(N); \Return signature of N
\A "signature" is the count of each digit in N packed into a 32-bit word
int N, Sig;
[Sig:= 0;
repeat N:= N/10;
Sig:= Sig + 1<<(rem(0)*3);
until N = 0;
return Sig;

def Limit = 1_000_000_000;
int Cnt, N, N0, N1, Sig, Sig0, Sig1;
Text(0, "Smallest members of first 25 Ormiston triples:^m^j");
Cnt:= 0; N0:= 0; N1:= 0; Sig0:= 0; Sig1:= 0; N:= 3;
Format(10, 0);
loop [if Sieve(N>>1-1) then \is prime
[Sig:= GetSig(N);
if Sig = Sig1 and Sig = Sig0 then
[Cnt:= Cnt+1;
if Cnt <= 25 then
[RlOut(0, float(N0));
if rem(Cnt/5) = 0 then CrLf(0);
Sig0:= Sig1; Sig1:= Sig;
N0:= N1; N1:= N;
if N >= Limit then
[IntOut(0, Cnt);
Text(0, " Ormiston triples before one billion.^m^j");
N:= N+2;
Smallest members of first 25 Ormiston triples:
11117123 12980783 14964017 32638213 32964341
33539783 35868013 44058013 46103237 48015013
50324237 52402783 58005239 60601237 61395239
74699789 76012879 78163123 80905879 81966341
82324237 82523017 83279783 86050781 92514341
368 Ormiston triples before one billion.