Orbital elements: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|REXX}}: added REXX version 2.)
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===version 1===
Vectors are represented by strings: 'x/y/z'
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<pre>Position : (0.7794228433986798,0.4500000346536842,0)
Speed : (-0.5527708425678772,0.9574270859639177,0)</pre>
===version 2===
Translation of REXX version 1.
<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm converts orbital elements ──► orbital state vectors (angles are in radians).*/
numeric digits length(pi() ) - 1 /*limited to pi len, but show 1/3 digs.*/
parse value orbV(1, 0.1, 0, 355 / (113*6), 0, 0) with position speed
say ' position:' show(position)
say ' speed:' show(speed)
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
absV: procedure; parse arg x '/' y "/" z; return sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
divV: procedure; parse arg x '/' y "/" z,d; return (x/d)'/' || (y/d)'/' || (z/d)
mulV: procedure; parse arg x '/' y "/" z,d; return (x*d)'/' || (y*d)'/' || (z*d)
show: procedure; parse arg a '/' b '/' c; return '('fmt(a)"," fmt(b)',' fmt(c)")"
fmt: procedure; parse arg #; return left('', #>=0)format(#,,digits()%3)/1
pi: pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923; return pi
rot: procedure; parse arg i,j,$; return MA(i, cos($),j,sin($)) MA(i, -sin($), j, cos($))
r2r: return arg(1) // (pi() *2) /*normalize radians ──► a unit circle*/
orbV: procedure; parse arg semiMaj, eccentricity, inclination, node, periapsis, anomaly
parse value '1/0/0 0/1/0 0/0/1' with i j k
parse value rot(i, j, node) with i j /*rotate ascending node longitude.*/
j= word(rot(j, k, inclination), 1) /*rotate the inclination. */
parse value rot(i, j, periapsis) with i j /*rotate the argument of periapsis*/
if eccentricity=1 then L= 2
else L= 1 - eccentricity**2
L= L * semiMaj /*calculate the semi─latus rectum.*/
c= cos(anomaly); s= sin(anomaly) /*calculate COS and SIN of anomoly*/
r= L / (1 + eccentricity * c)
@= s*r**2 / L; speed= MA(i, @*c - r*s, j, @*s + r*c)
return mulV(MA(i, c, j, s), r) mulV(divV(speed, absV(speed)), sqrt(2/r -1/semiMaj))
MA: procedure; parse arg x '/' y "/" z, a, xx '/' yy "/" zz, b; slash= '/'
return (x*a + xx*b)slash || (y*a + yy*b)slash || (z*a + zz*b)
cos: procedure; parse arg x; x= r2r(x); a=abs(x); hpi= pi * .5
numeric fuzz min(6, digits() - 3); if a=pi() then return -1
if a=hpi | a=hpi*3 then return 0; if a=pi() / 3 then return .5
if a=pi() * 2 / 3 then return -.5; return .sinCos(1, -1)
sin: procedure; parse arg x; x=r2r(x); numeric fuzz min(5, max(1, digits() -3))
if x=pi * .5 then return 1; if x==pi * 1.5 then return -1
if abs(x)=pi | x=0 then return 0; return .sinCos(x, 1)
.sinCos: parse arg z 1 _,i; xx= x*x
do k=2 by 2 until p=z; p=z; _= -_ * xx / (k*(k+i)); z= z+_; end; return z
sqrt: procedure; parse arg x; if x=0 then return 0; d=digits(); numeric form; m.=9; h=d+6
numeric digits; parse value format(x,2,1,,0) 'E0' with g 'E' _ .; g= g *.5'e'_ % 2
do j=0 while h>9; m.j=h; h= h % 2 + 1; end
do k=j+5 to 0 by -1; numeric digits m.k; g= (g+x/g) * .5; end; return g</lang>
{{out|output|text=&nbsp; when using the default internal inputs:}}
position: ( 0.779422843398679832042, 0.450000034653684237432, 0)
speed: (-0.552770840960443759673, 0.957427083179761535246, 0)