Orbital elements: Difference between revisions

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(Added Algol W)
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TODO: pick an example from a reputable source, and bring the algorithm description onto this site. (Restating those pages in concise a fashion comprehensible to the coders and readers of this site will be a good exercise.)
TODO: pick an example from a reputable source, and bring the algorithm description onto this site. (Restating those pages in concise a fashion comprehensible to the coders and readers of this site will be a good exercise.)

=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
{{Trans|C}} (which is a translation of Kotlin which is a translation of ...).
<lang algolw>begin
% compute orbital elements %
% 3-element vector %
record Vector( real x, y, z );
% prints the components of the vector v %
procedure writeOnVector( reference(Vector) value v ) ;
writeon( r_format := "A", r_w := 10, r_d := 6, s_w := 0, "( ", x(v), ", ", y(v), ", ", z(v), " )" );
% returns a vector whose elements are the sum of the elements of v & w %
reference(Vector) procedure add( reference(Vector) value v, w ) ;
Vector( x(v) + x(w), y(v) + y(w), z(v) + z(w) );
% returns a vector whose elements are those of v multiplied by m %
reference(Vector) procedure mul( reference(Vector) value v
; real value m
) ;
Vector( x(v) * m, y(v) * m, z(v) * m );
% returns a vector whose elements are those of v divided by d %
reference(Vector) procedure divVR( reference(Vector) value v
; real value d
) ;
mul( v, 1 / d );
% returns the norm of the vector v %
real procedure vabs( reference(Vector) value v ) ;
sqrt( ( x(v) * x(v) ) + y(v) * y(v) + z(v) * z(v) );
% returns the sum of v1 * x1 and v2 * x2 %
reference(Vector) procedure mulAdd( reference(Vector) value v1, v2
; real value x1, x2
) ;
add( mul( v1, x1 ), mul( v2, x2 ) );
% sets ps to rotations of i and j by alpha %
procedure rotate( reference(Vector) value i, j
; real value alpha
; reference(Vector) array ps ( * )
) ;
ps( 0 ) := mulAdd( i, j, cos( alpha ), sin( alpha ) );
ps( 1 ) := mulAdd( i, j, -sin( alpha ), cos( alpha ) )
end rotate ;
% sets position and speed vectors from the supplied elements %
procedure orbitalStateVectors( real value semimajorAxis
, eccentricity
, inclination
, longitudeOfAscendingNode
, argumentOfPeriapsis
, trueAnomaly
; reference(Vector) result position
, speed
) ;
reference(Vector) i, j, k;
reference(Vector) array qs ( 0 :: 1 );
real L, c, s, r, rprime;
i := Vector( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
j := Vector( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
k := Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
L := 2.0;
rotate( i, j, longitudeOfAscendingNode, qs );
i := qs( 0 );
j := qs( 1 );
rotate( j, k, inclination, qs );
j := qs( 0 );
rotate( i, j, argumentOfPeriapsis, qs );
i := qs( 0 );
j := qs( 1 );
if eccentricity not = 1 then L := 1 - eccentricity * eccentricity;
l := L * semimajorAxis;
c := cos( trueAnomaly );
s := sin( trueAnomaly );
r := L / ( 1.0 + eccentricity * c );
rprime := s * r * r / L;
position := mulAdd( i, j, c, s );
position := mul( position, r ) ;
speed := mulAdd( i, j, rprime * c - r * s, rprime * s + r * c );
speed := divVR( speed, vabs( speed ) );
speed := mul( speed, sqrt( 2 / r - 1 / semimajorAxis ) );
end orbitalStateVectors ;
% test the orbitalStateVectors routine %
real longitude;
reference(Vector) position, speed;
longitude := 355.0 / ( 113.0 * 6.0 );
orbitalStateVectors( 1.0, 0.1, 0.0, longitude, 0.0, 0.0, position, speed );
write( "Position : " ); writeOnVector( position );
write( "Speed : " ); writeOnVector( speed )
Position : ( 0.779422, 0.450000, 0.000000 )
Speed : ( -0.552770, 0.957427, 0.000000 )</pre>
