Optional parameters: Difference between revisions

Rename Perl 6 -> Raku, alphabetize, minor clean-up
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(Rename Perl 6 -> Raku, alphabetize, minor clean-up)
Line 223:
: ?table
& sortTable$(!table.(column.2) (reverse.yes))
Line 487:
return 0;
There is a built-in sort routine, but rather than figure out what all these arguments are supposed to mean, I've just defined the interface.
<lang Clojure>(defn sort [table & {:keys [ordering column reverse?]
:or {ordering :lex, column 1}}]
(println table ordering column reverse?))
(sort [1 8 3] :reverse? true)
[1 8 3] :lex 1 true</lang>
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
Common Lisp has both named and positional parameters. The following example shows optional named parameters, using the <code>&key</code> keyword. Optional positional parameters are specified using the <code>&optional</code> keyword.
<lang lisp>(defun sort-table (table &key (ordering #'string<)
(column 0)
(sort table (if reverse
(complement ordering)
:key (lambda (row) (elt row column))))</lang>
(Notes: The builtin [http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_sort_.htm sort] takes a "less than" predicate function. The [http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_comple.htm complement] function inverts a predicate.)
Example uses:
<lang lisp>CL-USER> (defparameter *data* '(("a" "b" "c") ("" "q" "z") ("zap" "zip" "Zot")))
CL-USER> (sort-table *data*)
(("" "q" "z") ("a" "b" "c") ("zap" "zip" "Zot"))
CL-USER> (sort-table *data* :column 2)
(("zap" "zip" "Zot") ("a" "b" "c") ("" "q" "z"))
CL-USER> (sort-table *data* :column 1)
(("a" "b" "c") ("" "q" "z") ("zap" "zip" "Zot"))
CL-USER> (sort-table *data* :column 1 :reverse t)
(("zap" "zip" "Zot") ("" "q" "z") ("a" "b" "c"))
CL-USER> (sort-table *data* :ordering (lambda (a b) (> (length a) (length b))))
(("zap" "zip" "Zot") ("a" "b" "c") ("" "q" "z"))</lang>
Line 544 ⟶ 587:
Another way to emulate optional arguments is with function overloading, creating several functions with a different number of arguments.
There is a built-in sort routine, but rather than figure out what all these arguments are supposed to mean, I've just defined the interface.
<lang Clojure>(defn sort [table & {:keys [ordering column reverse?]
:or {ordering :lex, column 1}}]
(println table ordering column reverse?))
(sort [1 8 3] :reverse? true)
[1 8 3] :lex 1 true</lang>
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
Common Lisp has both named and positional parameters. The following example shows optional named parameters, using the <code>&key</code> keyword. Optional positional parameters are specified using the <code>&optional</code> keyword.
<lang lisp>(defun sort-table (table &key (ordering #'string<)
(column 0)
(sort table (if reverse
(complement ordering)
:key (lambda (row) (elt row column))))</lang>
(Notes: The builtin [http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_sort_.htm sort] takes a "less than" predicate function. The [http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_comple.htm complement] function inverts a predicate.)
Example uses:
<lang lisp>CL-USER> (defparameter *data* '(("a" "b" "c") ("" "q" "z") ("zap" "zip" "Zot")))
CL-USER> (sort-table *data*)
(("" "q" "z") ("a" "b" "c") ("zap" "zip" "Zot"))
CL-USER> (sort-table *data* :column 2)
(("zap" "zip" "Zot") ("a" "b" "c") ("" "q" "z"))
CL-USER> (sort-table *data* :column 1)
(("a" "b" "c") ("" "q" "z") ("zap" "zip" "Zot"))
CL-USER> (sort-table *data* :column 1 :reverse t)
(("zap" "zip" "Zot") ("" "q" "z") ("a" "b" "c"))
CL-USER> (sort-table *data* :ordering (lambda (a b) (> (length a) (length b))))
(("zap" "zip" "Zot") ("a" "b" "c") ("" "q" "z"))</lang>
Line 713:
reverse [{"0789","123","456"},{"456","0789","123"},{"123","456","0789"}]
F# supports optional parameters for members only, not for free-standing functions.
Optional parameters are marked by using a question mark in front of the identifier. Their values are passed as option types, i.e. as <code>Some value</code> or <code>None</code>. The helper function <code>defaultArg</code> can be used to specify default values. In the example below, we use shadowing in order to reuse the identifiers <code>ordering</code>, <code>column</code> and <code>reverse</code>.
Typically, parameters are named at the caller site when optional parameters are involved. However, this is not technically required as long as only right-most arguments are omitted.
<lang fsharp>type Table(rows:string[][]) =
// in-place sorting of rows
member x.Sort(?ordering, ?column, ?reverse) =
let ordering = defaultArg ordering compare
let column = defaultArg column 0
let reverse = defaultArg reverse false
let factor = if reverse then -1 else 1
let comparer (row1:string[]) (row2:string[]) =
factor * ordering row1.[column] row2.[column]
Array.sortInPlaceWith comparer rows
member x.Print() =
for row in rows do printfn "%A" row
// Example usage
let t = new Table([| [|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
[|""; "q"; "z"|]
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|] |])
printfn "Unsorted"; t.Print()
printfn "Default sort"; t.Print()
printfn "Sorted by col. 2"; t.Print()
printfn "Sorted by col. 1"; t.Print()
t.Sort(column=1, reverse=true)
printfn "Reverse sorted by col. 1"; t.Print()
t.Sort(ordering=fun s1 s2 -> compare s2.Length s1.Length)
printfn "Sorted by decreasing length"; t.Print()</lang>
[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
[|""; "q"; "z"|]
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|]
Default sort
[|""; "q"; "z"|]
[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|]
Sorted by col. 2
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|]
[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
[|""; "q"; "z"|]
Sorted by col. 1
[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
[|""; "q"; "z"|]
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|]
Reverse sorted by col. 1
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|]
[|""; "q"; "z"|]
[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
Sorted by decreasing length
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|]
[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
[|""; "q"; "z"|]</pre>
Line 825 ⟶ 898:
end program UsingTest</lang>
F# supports optional parameters for members only, not for free-standing functions.
Optional parameters are marked by using a question mark in front of the identifier. Their values are passed as option types, i.e. as <code>Some value</code> or <code>None</code>. The helper function <code>defaultArg</code> can be used to specify default values. In the example below, we use shadowing in order to reuse the identifiers <code>ordering</code>, <code>column</code> and <code>reverse</code>.
Typically, parameters are named at the caller site when optional parameters are involved. However, this is not technically required as long as only right-most arguments are omitted.
<lang fsharp>type Table(rows:string[][]) =
// in-place sorting of rows
member x.Sort(?ordering, ?column, ?reverse) =
let ordering = defaultArg ordering compare
let column = defaultArg column 0
let reverse = defaultArg reverse false
let factor = if reverse then -1 else 1
let comparer (row1:string[]) (row2:string[]) =
factor * ordering row1.[column] row2.[column]
Array.sortInPlaceWith comparer rows
member x.Print() =
for row in rows do printfn "%A" row
// Example usage
let t = new Table([| [|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
[|""; "q"; "z"|]
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|] |])
printfn "Unsorted"; t.Print()
printfn "Default sort"; t.Print()
printfn "Sorted by col. 2"; t.Print()
printfn "Sorted by col. 1"; t.Print()
t.Sort(column=1, reverse=true)
printfn "Reverse sorted by col. 1"; t.Print()
t.Sort(ordering=fun s1 s2 -> compare s2.Length s1.Length)
printfn "Sorted by decreasing length"; t.Print()</lang>
[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
[|""; "q"; "z"|]
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|]
Default sort
[|""; "q"; "z"|]
[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|]
Sorted by col. 2
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|]
[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
[|""; "q"; "z"|]
Sorted by col. 1
[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
[|""; "q"; "z"|]
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|]
Reverse sorted by col. 1
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|]
[|""; "q"; "z"|]
[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
Sorted by decreasing length
[|"can"; "z"; "a"|]
[|"a"; "b"; "c"|]
[|""; "q"; "z"|]</pre>
Line 1,640:
TIScript allows to define optional parameters with default values:
<lang javascript>function sorter(table, ordering = "lexicographic", column = 0, reverse = false) {
// ...
Line 1,940 ⟶ 1,930:
{printf "%-5s", $_;}
print "\n";}</lang>
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
Using named parameters:
<lang perl6>method sorttable(:$column = 0, :$reverse, :&ordering = &infix:<cmp>) {
my @result = self»[$column].sort: &ordering;
return $reverse ?? @result.reverse !! @result;
Using optional positional parameters:
<lang perl6>method sorttable-pos($column = 0, $reverse?, &ordering = &infix:<cmp>) {
my @result = self»[$column].sort: &ordering;
return $reverse ?? @result.reverse !! @result;
Line 2,115 ⟶ 2,092:
#:key (λ (row) (list-ref row column))))
(formerly Perl 6)
Using named parameters:
<lang perl6>method sorttable(:$column = 0, :$reverse, :&ordering = &infix:<cmp>) {
my @result = self»[$column].sort: &ordering;
return $reverse ?? @result.reverse !! @result;
Using optional positional parameters:
<lang perl6>method sorttable-pos($column = 0, $reverse?, &ordering = &infix:<cmp>) {
my @result = self»[$column].sort: &ordering;
return $reverse ?? @result.reverse !! @result;
Line 2,449 ⟶ 2,440:
apply {{a b} {expr {[string length $b]-[string length $a]}}}
TIScript allows to define optional parameters with default values:
<lang javascript>function sorter(table, ordering = "lexicographic", column = 0, reverse = false) {
// ...
=={{header|Unix Shell}}==
Line 2,611 ⟶ 2,612:
optional_parameters theRange:="A1:C4", ordering:=1, column:=2, reverse:=1
End Sub</lang>
You can give any template parameter a default value using the optional "select" attribute.
