One-dimensional cellular automata: Difference between revisions

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m (fix bare lang tags)
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<lang coffeescript>
# We could cheat and count the bits, but let's keep this general.
# . = dead, # = alive, middle cells survives iff one of the configurations
# below is satisified.
survival_scenarios = [
'.##' # happy neighbors
'#.#' # birth
'##.' # happy neighbors

b2c = (b) -> if b then '#' else '.'

cell_next_gen = (left_alive, me_alive, right_alive) ->
fingerprint = b2c(left_alive) + b2c(me_alive) + b2c(right_alive)
fingerprint in survival_scenarios
cells_for_next_gen = (cells) ->
# This function assumes a finite array, i.e. cells can't be born outside
# the original array.
(cell_next_gen(cells[i-1], cells[i], cells[i+1]) for i in [0...cells.length])
display = (cells) ->
(b2c(is_alive) for is_alive in cells).join ''
simulate = (cells) ->
while true
console.log display cells
new_cells = cells_for_next_gen cells
break if display(cells) == display(new_cells)
cells = new_cells
console.log "equilibrium achieved"
simulate (c == '#' for c in ".###.##.#.#.#.#..#..")
> coffee
equilibrium achieved

=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
Based upon the Ruby version.
Based upon the Ruby version.
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<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm;
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm;