One-dimensional cellular automata: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Euphoria}}: Euphoria example added)
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Gen 8: ...##...................
Gen 9: ...##...................</lang>
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
This implementation is run from the command line. The command is followed by a string of either 1's or #'s for an active cell, or 0's or _'s for an inactive one.
<lang Visual Basic .NET>Imports System.Text
Module CellularAutomata
Private Enum PetriStatus
End Enum
Function Main(ByVal cmdArgs() As String) As Integer
If cmdArgs.Length = 0 Or cmdArgs.Length > 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("Command requires string of either 1s and 0s or #s and _s.")
Return 1
End If
Dim petriDish As BitArray
petriDish = InitialisePetriDish(cmdArgs(0))
Catch ex As Exception
Return 1
End Try
Dim generation As Integer = 0
Dim ps As PetriStatus = PetriStatus.Active
Do While True
If ps = PetriStatus.Stable Then
Console.WriteLine("Sample stable after {0} generations.", generation - 1)
Exit Do
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", generation.ToString("D3"), BuildDishString(petriDish))
If ps = PetriStatus.Dead Then
Console.WriteLine("Sample dead after {0} generations.", generation)
Exit Do
End If
End If
ps = GetNextGeneration(petriDish)
generation += 1
Return 0
End Function
Private Function InitialisePetriDish(ByVal Sample As String) As BitArray
Dim PetriDish As New BitArray(Sample.Length)
Dim dead As Boolean = True
For i As Integer = 0 To Sample.Length - 1
Select Case Sample.Substring(i, 1)
Case "1", "#"
PetriDish(i) = True
dead = False
Case "0", "_"
PetriDish(i) = False
Case Else
Throw New Exception("Illegal value in string position " & i)
Return Nothing
End Select
If dead Then
Throw New Exception("Entered sample is dead.")
Return Nothing
End If
Return PetriDish
End Function
Private Function GetNextGeneration(ByRef PetriDish As BitArray) As PetriStatus
Dim petriCache = New BitArray(PetriDish.Length)
Dim neighbours As Integer
Dim stable As Boolean = True
Dim dead As Boolean = True
For i As Integer = 0 To PetriDish.Length - 1
neighbours = 0
If i > 0 AndAlso PetriDish(i - 1) Then neighbours += 1
If i < PetriDish.Length - 1 AndAlso PetriDish(i + 1) Then neighbours += 1
petriCache(i) = (PetriDish(i) And neighbours = 1) OrElse (Not PetriDish(i) And neighbours = 2)
If PetriDish(i) <> petriCache(i) Then stable = False
If petriCache(i) Then dead = False
PetriDish = petriCache
If dead Then Return PetriStatus.Dead
If stable Then Return PetriStatus.Stable
Return PetriStatus.Active
End Function
Private Function BuildDishString(ByVal PetriDish As BitArray) As String
Dim sw As New StringBuilder()
For Each b As Boolean In PetriDish
sw.Append(IIf(b, "#", "_"))
Return sw.ToString()
End Function
End Module</lang>
<pre>C:\>CellularAutomata _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
000: _###_##_#_#_#_#__#__
001: _#_#####_#_#_#______
002: __##___##_#_#_______
003: __##___###_#________
004: __##___#_##_________
005: __##____###_________
006: __##____#_#_________
007: __##_____#__________
008: __##________________
Sample stable after 8 generations.</pre>