Old lady swallowed a fly: Difference between revisions

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=={{header|ARM Assembly}}==
<lang>.global _start
_start: eor r8,r8,r8 @ Verse counter
verse: add r8,r8,#1 @ Next verse
ldr r1,=lady @ There was an old lady who swallowed...
bl pstr
mov r2,r8
bl pbeast @ <an animal>
ldr r1,=comma
bl pstr
mov r2,r8
bl pverse @ Print the corresponding verse
cmp r8,#1 @ First verse?
beq verse @ Then we're not swallowing anything yet
cmp r8,#8 @ Otherwise, is the lady dead yet?
moveq r7,#1 @ If so, stop.
swieq #0
mov r9,r8 @ Otherwise, start swallowing
swallo: ldr r1,=swa1 @ She swallowed the ...
bl pstr
mov r2,r9 @ <current animal>
bl pbeast
ldr r1,=swa2 @ ...to catch the...
bl pstr
sub r9,r9,#1
mov r2,r9 @ <previous animal>
bl pbeast
ldr r1,=comma
bl pstr
cmp r9,#2 @ Print the associated verse for 2 and 1
movle r2,r9
blle pverse
cmp r9,#1 @ Last animal?
bgt swallo @ If not, keep swallowing
b verse @ But if so, next verse
pverse: ldr r1,=verses @ Print verse R2
b pstrn
pbeast: ldr r1,=beasts @ Print animal R2
pstrn: ldrb r0,[r1],#1 @ R2'th string from R1 - get byte
tst r0,r0 @ Zero yet?
bne pstrn @ If not keep going
subs r2,r2,#1 @ Is this the right string?
bne pstrn @ If not keep going
@ Print 0-terminated string starting at R1 using Linux.
pstr: mov r2,r1 @ Find end
1: ldrb r0,[r2],#1 @ Get current byte
tst r0,r0 @ Zero yet?
bne 1b @ If not keep scanning
sub r2,r2,r1 @ Calculate string length
mov r0,#1 @ 1 = Linux stdout
mov r7,#4 @ 4 = Linux write syscall
push {lr} @ Keep link register
swi #0 @ Do syscall
pop {lr} @ Restore link register
bx lr
lady: .ascii "There was an old lady who swallowed a "
beasts: .ascii "\0fly\0spider\0bird\0cat\0dog\0goat\0cow\0horse"
verses: .ascii "\0I don't know why she swallowed that fly - "
.ascii "Perhaps she'll die.\n\n"
.ascii "\0That wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her!\n"
.ascii "\0How absurd to swallow a bird\n"
.ascii "\0Imagine that! She swallowed a cat!\n"
.ascii "\0What a hog to swallow a dog\n"
.ascii "\0She just opened her throat and swallowed that goat\n"
.ascii "\0I don't know how she swallowed that cow\n"
.asciz "\0She's dead, of course.\n"
swa1: .asciz "She swallowed the "
swa2: .asciz " to catch the "
comma: .asciz ",\n" </lang>
