Old lady swallowed a fly: Difference between revisions

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(Add 8080 assembly)
(Add 8086 assembly)
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pop b ; restore counters
pop b ; restore counters
lady: db 'There was an old lady who swallowed a '
beasts: db '$fly$spider$bird$cat$dog$goat$cow$horse'
verses: db '$I don',39,'t know why she swallowed that fly -'
db ' Perhaps she',39,'ll die.',13,10,13,10
db '$That wiggled and jiggled and tickled inside her!',13,10
db '$How absurd to swallow a bird',13,10
db '$Imagine that! She swallowed a cat!',13,10
db '$What a hog to swallow a dog',13,10
db '$She just opened her throat and swallowed that goat',13,10
db '$I don',39,'t know how she swallowed that cow',13,10
db '$She',39,'s dead, of course.',13,10,'$'
swlw1: db 'She swallowed the $'
swlw2: db ' to catch the $'
comma: db ',',13,10,'$'</lang>

=={{header|8086 Assembly}}==
<lang asm> cpu 8086
org 100h
section .text
mov bl,-1 ; BL = verse counter
verse: inc bl
mov dx,lady ; There was an old lady who swallowed
call prstr
mov dl,bl ; <animal>
call pbeast
mov dx,comma
call prstr
mov dl,bl ; verse
call pverse
test bl,bl ; is this the first verse?
jz verse ; then we're not swallowing anything yet
cmp bl,7 ; otherwise, is the lady dead yet?
je stop ; if so, stop.
mov bh,bl ; otherwise, start swallowing
swallo: mov dx,swlw1 ; She swallowed the
call prstr
mov dl,bh ; <current animal>
call pbeast
mov dx,swlw2 ; to catch the
call prstr
dec bh ; <previous animal>
mov dl,bh
call pbeast
mov dx,comma
call prstr
cmp bh,2 ; print associated verse if BH<2
jae .next
mov dl,bh
call pverse
.next: test bh,bh ; is BH zero yet?
jnz swallo ; if not, swallow next animal
jmp verse ; otherwise, print next verse
pverse: mov di,verses ; Print verse DL
jmp pstrn
pbeast: mov di,beasts ; Print animal DL
;;; Print DL'th string from [DI]
pstrn: inc dl
mov al,'$' ; end-of-string marker
.scan: mov cx,-1
repne scasb
dec dl
jnz .scan
mov dx,di
prstr: mov ah,9 ; MS-DOS syscall to print a string
int 21h
stop: ret
section .data
lady: db 'There was an old lady who swallowed a '
lady: db 'There was an old lady who swallowed a '
beasts: db '$fly$spider$bird$cat$dog$goat$cow$horse'
beasts: db '$fly$spider$bird$cat$dog$goat$cow$horse'