Old Russian measure of length: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: added a comment about columnarized output instead of horizontal stream.)
m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: changed method of capitalizing a variable. -- ~~~~)
Line 39:
n=n/1 /*normalize it (004──►4 7.──►7)*/
if what=='' then what='meters' /*None specified? Assume meters.*/
parsewhatU=what; upper what whatU /*an uppercase version for ABBREV*/
select select /*convert the length ───► meters.*/
when abbrev('METERS' ,whatU ) then m=N
when abbrev('VERSHOKS',whatU,2) then m=N / vershoks
when abbrev('ARSHINS' ,whatU ) then m=N / arshins
when abbrev('SAZHENS' ,whatU ) then m=N / sazhens
when abbrev('VERSTS' ,whatU,2) then m=N / versts
otherwise otherwise call err 'invalid measure name: ' what
end /*select*/
say n what ' is:'
; if m\=N then say right(m,40) 'meter's(m)