Odd squarefree semiprimes: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|ALGOL 68}}: Calculate a more sensible number of primes)
m (C# - Edited code & output to reflect new task name)
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This reveals a set of nonsemi-prime numbers (with exactly two factors for each '''<big>''n''</big>'''), where '''<big>''1 < p < q < n''</big>'''. It is square-free, since '''<big>''p < q''</big>'''.
<lang csharp>using System; using static System.Console; using System.Collections;
using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic;
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res.Add(amt = pr[p] * pr[q]); } res.Sort(); foreach(var item in res.TakeWhile(x => x < lmt))
Write("{0,4} {1}", item, ++c % 20 == 0 ? "\n" : "");
Write("\n\nCounted {0} special odd primesquarefree productssemiprimes under {1}", c, lmt); } }
class PG { public static IEnumerable<int> Primes(int lim) {
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933 939 943 949 951 955 959 965 973 979 985 989 993 995
Counted 194 special odd primesquarefree productssemiprimes under 1000</pre>