Object serialization/Oz
This example uses internal implementation details and may not work in future Mozart versions.
First a module that defines a base class and functions for marshalling/unmarshalling:
<lang oz>functor import
Mixin InstantiateMarshaller
class Mixin meth initUninitialized skip end meth toData($)
As = {Arity {GetClass self}.{AtomToName 'ooAttr'}} Fs = {Arity {GetClass self}.{AtomToName 'ooFeat'}}
{Map As fun {$ A} A#@A end} #{Map Fs fun {$ F} F#self.F end}
end meth fromData(Data) As#Fs = Data in
{ForAll As proc {$ A#V} A := V end} {ForAll Fs proc {$ F#V} self.F = V end}
end end
fun {InstantiateMarshaller Classes} ClassByName = {List.toRecord unit
{List.zip {Map Classes GetClassName} Classes fun {$ N C} N#C end}}
fun {Unmarshal ClassName#Data}
O = {New ClassByName.ClassName initUninitialized}
{O fromData(Data)} O
end in module(marshal:Marshal
unmarshal:Unmarshal )
end %% Result: pair of class name and object data fun {Marshal Object} {GetClassName {GetClass Object}}#{Object toData($)} end
fun {GetClassName Class} Class.{AtomToName 'ooPrintName'} end %% Get access to two internal, implementation-dependent functions local [Boot_Object Boot_Name] = {Module.link ['x-oz://boot/Object' 'x-oz://boot/Name']} in GetClass = Boot_Object.getClass AtomToName = Boot_Name.newUnique end
An example application, inspired by the C++ example:
<lang oz>functor import
Application ObjectMarshalling Pickle System
local Count = {NewCell 1} in class Employee from ObjectMarshalling.mixin
feat name department id
meth init(Department Name) self.name = Name self.department = Department self.id = Count := @Count + 1 end
meth print($) "Id:"#self.id#", name: "#self.name#", dep.: "#self.department end
end end class Worker from Employee feat
meth init(Department Name Salary)
Employee, init(Department Name) self.salary = Salary
end meth print($)
Employee, print($)#", wage per hour: "#self.salary
end end
Marshaller = {ObjectMarshalling.instantiateMarshaller [Employee Worker]} Employees = [{New Employee init("maintenance" "Fritz Schmalstieg")}
{New Employee init("repair" "John Berry")} {New Worker init("maintenance" "Laurent Le Chef" 20.0)} {New Worker init("IT" "Srinivan Taraman" 55.35)} ]
{System.showInfo "Original objects:"} for E in Employees do {System.showInfo {E print($)}} end
{Pickle.save {Map Employees Marshaller.marshal} "objects.dat"}
EmployeesFromDisk = {Map {Pickle.load "objects.dat"} Marshaller.unmarshal}
{System.showInfo "Loaded objects:"} for E in EmployeesFromDisk do {System.showInfo {E print($)}} end
{Application.exit 0}