Numbers which are the cube roots of the product of their proper divisors: Difference between revisions

Added Visual Basic .NET version
(Added C# version)
(Added Visual Basic .NET version)
Line 1,545:
50000th: 223735
=={{header|Visual Basic .NET}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Imports System
Module Module1
Function dc8(ByVal n As Integer) As Boolean
Dim count, p, d As Integer, res As Integer = 1
While (n And 1) = 0 : n >>= 1 : res += 1 : End While
count = 1 : While n Mod 3 = 0 : n \= 3 : count += 1 : End While
p = 5 : d = 4 : While p * p <= n
res *= count : count = 1
While n Mod p = 0 : n \= p : count += 1 : End While
d = 6 - d : p += d
End While
If n > 1 Then Return res * count = 4
Return res * count = 8
End Function
Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Console.WriteLine("First 50 numbers which are the cube roots of the products of " _
& "their proper divisors:")
Dim n As Integer = 1, count As Integer = 0, lmt As Integer = 500
While count < 5e6
If n = 1 OrElse dc8(n) Then
count += 1 : If count <= 50 Then
Console.Write("{0,3}{1}", n, If(count Mod 10 = 0, vbLf, " "))
ElseIf count = lmt Then
Console.Write("{0,16:n0}th: {1:n0}" & vbLf, count, n) : lmt *= 10
End If
End If
n += 1
End While
End Sub
End Module</syntaxhighlight>
Same as C#.