Non-decimal radices/Input: Difference between revisions

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bin4 = "101011001"
bin4 = "101011001"

dec1.to_i # => 123459
p dec1.to_i # => 123459
hex2.hex # => 180154659
p hex2.hex # => 180154659
oct3.oct # => 4009
p oct3.oct # => 4009
# nothing for binary</lang>
# nothing for binary</lang>

The Integer class can parse a string, provided the string has the right prefix:
The String class has '''to_i(base)''' method ( base : 2 .. 36 ).
Invalid characters past the end of a valid number are ignored.
<lang ruby>Integer(dec1) # => ArgumentError: invalid value for Integer: "0123459"
(This method never raises an exception when base is valid.)
Integer(dec1.sub(/^0+/,"")) # => 123459
Integer("0x" + hex2) # => 180154659
<lang ruby>p dec1.to_i(10) # => 123459
Integer("0" + oct3) # => 4009
p hex2.to_i(16) # => 180154659
Integer("0b" + bin4) # => 345</lang>
p oct3.to_i(8) # => 4009
p bin4.to_i(2) # => 345
p "xyz9".to_i(10) # => 0 If there is not a valid letter, 0 is returned.</lang>

The '''Integer()''' method can parse a string, provided the string has the right prefix:
<lang ruby>p ((Integer(dec1) rescue nil)) # => ArgumentError: invalid value for Integer: "0123459"
p Integer(dec1.sub(/^0+/,"")) # => 123459
p Integer("0d" + dec1) # => 123459
p Integer("0x" + hex2) # => 180154659
p Integer("0" + oct3) # => 4009
p Integer("0o" + oct3) # => 4009
p Integer("0b" + bin4) # => 345</lang>

So can the <code>.to_i(0)</code> method, which never raises an exception:
So can the <code>.to_i(0)</code> method, which never raises an exception:
<lang ruby>dec1.to_i(0) # => 5349 (which is 12345 in octal, the 9 is discarded)
<lang ruby>p dec1.to_i(0) # => 5349 (which is 12345 in octal, the 9 is discarded)
dec1.sub(/^0+/,"").to_i(0) # => 123459
p ("0d" + dec1).to_i(0) # => 123459
("0x" + hex2).to_i(0) # => 180154659
p ("0x" + hex2).to_i(0) # => 180154659
("0" + oct3).to_i(0) # => 4009
p ("0" + oct3).to_i(0) # => 4009
("0b" + bin4).to_i(0) # => 345</lang>
p ("0o" + oct3).to_i(0) # => 4009
p ("0b" + bin4).to_i(0) # => 345</lang>

And then there's the poorly documented Scanf module in the Ruby stdlib, that seems to wrap the matched value in an array:
And then there's the poorly documented Scanf module in the Ruby stdlib, that seems to wrap the matched value in an array:
<lang ruby>require 'scanf'
<lang ruby>require 'scanf'
dec1.scanf("%d") # => [123459]
p dec1.scanf("%d") # => [123459]
hex2.scanf("%x") # => [180154659]
p hex2.scanf("%x") # => [180154659]
oct3.scanf("%o") # => [4009]
p oct3.scanf("%o") # => [4009]
# no scanf specifier for binary numbers.</lang>
# no scanf specifier for binary numbers.</lang>