Non-decimal radices/Convert: Difference between revisions

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end Number_Base_Conversion;</ada>
D standard library string module included functions to convert number to string at a radix.
<d>module std.string;
char[] toString(long value, uint radix);
char[] toString(ulong value, uint radix);</d>
<d>module radixstring ;
import std.stdio ;
import std.ctype ;
const string Digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ;
int dtoi(char dc, int radix) {
static int[char] digit ;
char d = tolower(dc) ;
if (digit.length == 0) // not init yet
foreach(i,c ; Digits)
digit[c] = i ;
if (radix > 1 & radix <= digit.length)
if (d in digit)
if (digit[d] < radix)
return digit[d] ;
return int.min ; // a negative for error ;
ulong AtoI(string str, int radix = 10, int* consumed = null) {
ulong result = 0;
int sp = 0 ;
for(; sp < str.length ; sp++) {
int d = dtoi(str[sp], radix) ;
if (d >= 0) // valid digit char
result = radix*result + d ;
break ;
if(sp != str.length) // some char in str not converted
sp = -sp ;
if (!(consumed is null)) // signal error if not positive ;
*consumed = sp ;
return result ;
string ItoA(ulong num, int radix = 10) {
string result = null ;
// if (radix < 2 || radix > Digits.length) throw Error
while (num > 0) {
int d = num % radix ;
result = Digits[d]~ result ;
num = (num - d) / radix ;
return result == null ? "0" : result ;
void main(string[] args) {
string numstr = "1ABcdxyz???" ;
int ate ;
writef("%s (%d) = %d",numstr, 16, AtoI(numstr, 16, &ate)) ;
if(ate <= 0) writefln("\tcheck: %s<%s>",numstr[0..-ate], numstr[-ate..$]) ;
else writefln() ;
writefln(ItoA(60272032366,36)," ",ItoA(591458,36)) ;
Forth has a global user variable, BASE, which determines the radix used for parsing, interpretation, and printing of integers. This can handle bases from 2-36, but there are two words to switch to the most popular bases, DECIMAL and HEX.