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The total found was 33
<lang Phix>function pdr(integer n) return is_prime(n) and is_prime(1+remainder(n-1,9)) end function
sequence res = filter(tagset(1000,500),pdr)
printf(1,"%d nice primes found: %v\n",{length(res),shorten(res,"",5)})</lang>
33 nice primes found: {509,547,563,569,587,"...",941,947,977,983,997}

Revision as of 17:10, 11 March 2021

Nice primes is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.
  1.   Take an positive integer   n
  2.   sumn   is the sum of the decimal digits of   n
  3.   If  sumn's  length is greater than   1   (unity),   repeat step 2 for   n = sumn
  4.   Stop when  sumn's  length is equal to   1   (unity)

If   n   and   sumn   are prime,   then   n   is a   Nice prime

Let     500   <   n   <   1000

       853 (prime)
       8 + 5 + 3 = 16
       1 + 6 = 7 (prime)

Also see


<lang algolw>begin % find some nice primes - primes whose digital root is prime  %

   % returns the digital root of n in base 10                               %
   integer procedure digitalRoot( integer value  n ) ;
       integer digits, sum;
       digits := abs n;
       while begin
           sum := 0;
           while digits > 0
           do begin
               sum    := sum + ( digits rem 10 );
               digits := digits div 10
           end % while digits > 0 % ;
           sum > 9
       end do digits := sum;
   end digitalRoot ;
   % sets p( 1 :: n ) to a sieve of primes up to n %
   procedure Eratosthenes ( logical array p( * ) ; integer value n ) ;
       p( 1 ) := false; p( 2 ) := true;
       for i := 3 step 2 until n do p( i ) := true;
       for i := 4 step 2 until n do p( i ) := false;
       for i := 3 step 2 until truncate( sqrt( n ) ) do begin
           integer ii; ii := i + i;
           if p( i ) then for pr := i * i step ii until n do p( pr ) := false
       end for_i ;
   end Eratosthenes ;
   integer MIN_PRIME, MAX_PRIME;
   MIN_PRIME :=  501;
   MAX_PRIME :=  999;
   % find the nice primes in the exclusive range 500 < prime < 1000 %
       logical array p ( 1 :: MAX_PRIME );
       integer       nCount;
       % construct a sieve of primes up to the maximum required     %
       Eratosthenes( p, MAX_PRIME );
       % show the primes that are nice                              %
       write( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, "Nice primes from ", MIN_PRIME, " to ", MAX_PRIME );
       for i := MIN_PRIME until MAX_PRIME do begin
           if p( i ) then begin
               integer dr;
               dr := digitalRoot( i );
               if p( dr ) then begin
                   nCount := nCount + 1;
                   write( i_w := 3, s_w := 0, nCount, ":", i, "  dr(", i_w := 1, dr, ")" )
               end if_dr_p
           end if_p_i
       end for_i

end. </lang>

Nice primes from 501 to 999
  1:509  dr(5)
  2:547  dr(7)
  3:563  dr(5)
  4:569  dr(2)
  5:587  dr(2)
  6:599  dr(5)
  7:601  dr(7)
  8:617  dr(5)
  9:619  dr(7)
 10:641  dr(2)
 11:653  dr(5)
 12:659  dr(2)
 13:673  dr(7)
 14:677  dr(2)
 15:691  dr(7)
 16:709  dr(7)
 17:727  dr(7)
 18:743  dr(5)
 19:761  dr(5)
 20:797  dr(5)
 21:821  dr(2)
 22:839  dr(2)
 23:853  dr(7)
 24:857  dr(2)
 25:887  dr(5)
 26:907  dr(7)
 27:911  dr(2)
 28:929  dr(2)
 29:941  dr(5)
 30:947  dr(2)
 31:977  dr(5)
 32:983  dr(2)
 33:997  dr(7)


Using the following formula to find the digital root of a base 10 number:

dr10(n) = 0                                 if n = 0,
dr10(n) = 1 + ((n - 1) mod 9)     if n ≠ 0.

(n = 0 may not need to be special-cased depending on the behavior of your language's modulo operator.)

<lang factor>USING: math math.primes prettyprint sequences ;

digital-root ( m -- n ) 1 - 9 mod 1 + ;

500 1000 primes-between [ digital-root prime? ] filter .</lang>



Translation of: Wren

<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func isPrime(n int) bool {

   switch {
   case n < 2:
       return false
   case n%2 == 0:
       return n == 2
   case n%3 == 0:
       return n == 3
       d := 5
       for d*d <= n {
           if n%d == 0 {
               return false
           d += 2
           if n%d == 0 {
               return false
           d += 4
       return true


func sumDigits(n int) int {

   sum := 0
   for n > 0 {
       sum += n % 10
       n /= 10
   return sum


func main() {

   fmt.Println("Nice primes in the interval (500, 900) are:")
   c := 0
   for i := 501; i <= 999; i += 2 {
       if isPrime(i) {
           s := i
           for s >= 10 {
               s = sumDigits(s)
           if s == 2 || s == 3 || s == 5 || s == 7 {
               fmt.Printf("%2d: %d -> Σ = %d\n", c, i, s)


Same as Wren example.


See Strange_numbers#Julia for the filter_open_interval function. <lang julia>using Primes

function isnice(n, base=10)

   pdroot(i) = (x = sum(digits(i, base=base)); x > 9 ? pdroot(x) : x in [2, 3, 5, 7])
   return isprime(n) && pdroot(n)


filter_open_interval(500, 1000, isnice)


Finding numbers matching isnice for open interval (500, 1000):

509  547  563  569  587  599  601  617  619  641  653  659  673  677  691  709  727  743  
761  797  821  839  853  857  887  907  911  929  941  947  977  983  997

The total found was 33


Translation of: Factor

<lang Phix>function pdr(integer n) return is_prime(n) and is_prime(1+remainder(n-1,9)) end function sequence res = filter(tagset(1000,500),pdr) printf(1,"%d nice primes found: %v\n",{length(res),shorten(res,"",5)})</lang>

33 nice primes found: {509,547,563,569,587,"...",941,947,977,983,997}


<lang rexx>/*REXX program finds/lists triplet strange primes (<HI) where the triplets' sum is prime*/ parse arg lo hi . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if lo== | lo=="," then lo= 500 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if hi== | hi=="," then hi= 1000 /* " " " " " " */ say 'list of nice primes:' /*display a title for the output list. */ call genP /*build array of semaphores for primes.*/ finds= 0 /*# of triplet strange primes (so far).*/ say

    do j=lo+1  to  hi-1;  if \!.j  then iterate /*search for  nice  primes within range*/
    digRoot= 1   +   (j - 1) // 9               /*obtain the digital root of  J.       */
    if \!.digRoot  then iterate                 /*Is digRoot prime?   No, then skip it.*/
    finds= finds + 1                            /*bump the number of  nice  primes.    */
    say pad    'decimal digits of '     right(j, w)     '  sum to: '    sum
    end   /*j*/

say; @nice= ' nice primes that are between ' say 'Found ' commas(finds) @nice commas(lo) " and " commas(hi) ' (not inclusive).' exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ commas: parse arg ?; do jc=length(?)-3 to 1 by -3; ?=insert(',', ?, jc); end; return ? /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ genP: !.= 0; pad= left(, 9); w= length(hi) /*placeholders for primes; width of #'s*/

     @.1=2;  @.2=3;  @.3=5;  @.4=7;  @.5=11     /*define some low primes.              */
     !.2=1;  !.3=1;  !.5=1;  !.7=1;  !.11=1     /*   "     "   "    "     flags.       */
                       #=5;     s.#= @.# **2    /*number of primes so far;     prime². */
                                                /* [↓]  generate more  primes  ≤  high.*/
       do j=@.#+2  by 2  to hi                  /*find odd primes from here on.        */
       parse var j  -1 _; if     _==5  then iterate  /*J divisible by 5?  (right dig)*/
                            if j// 3==0  then iterate  /*"     "      " 3?             */
                            if j// 7==0  then iterate  /*"     "      " 7?             */
                                                /* [↑]  the above five lines saves time*/
              do k=5  while s.k<=j              /* [↓]  divide by the known odd primes.*/
              if j // @.k == 0  then iterate j  /*Is  J ÷ X?  Then not prime.     ___  */
              end   /*k*/                       /* [↑]  only process numbers  ≤  √ J   */
       #= #+1;    @.#= j;    s.#= j*j;   !.j= 1 /*bump # of Ps; assign next P;  P²; P# */
       end          /*j*/;   return</lang>
output   when using the default inputs:
list of  nice  primes:

          decimal digits of   509   sum to:  5
          decimal digits of   547   sum to:  7
          decimal digits of   563   sum to:  5
          decimal digits of   569   sum to:  2
          decimal digits of   587   sum to:  2
          decimal digits of   599   sum to:  5
          decimal digits of   601   sum to:  7
          decimal digits of   617   sum to:  5
          decimal digits of   619   sum to:  7
          decimal digits of   641   sum to:  2
          decimal digits of   653   sum to:  5
          decimal digits of   659   sum to:  2
          decimal digits of   673   sum to:  7
          decimal digits of   677   sum to:  2
          decimal digits of   691   sum to:  7
          decimal digits of   709   sum to:  7
          decimal digits of   727   sum to:  7
          decimal digits of   743   sum to:  5
          decimal digits of   761   sum to:  5
          decimal digits of   797   sum to:  5
          decimal digits of   821   sum to:  2
          decimal digits of   839   sum to:  2
          decimal digits of   853   sum to:  7
          decimal digits of   857   sum to:  2
          decimal digits of   887   sum to:  5
          decimal digits of   907   sum to:  7
          decimal digits of   911   sum to:  2
          decimal digits of   929   sum to:  2
          decimal digits of   941   sum to:  5
          decimal digits of   947   sum to:  2
          decimal digits of   977   sum to:  5
          decimal digits of   983   sum to:  2
          decimal digits of   997   sum to:  7

Found  33  nice primes that are between  500  and  1,000  (not inclusive).


<lang ring> load "stdlib.ring"

num = 0 limit1 = 500 limit2 = 1000

see "working..." + nl see "Nice numbers are:" + nl

for n = limit1 to limit2

   strn = string(n)
   while true
         sumn = 0
         for m = 1 to len(strn)
             sumn = sumn + number(strn[m])
         if len(string(sumn)) = 1
         strn = string(sumn)
   if isprime(n) and isprime(sumn)
      num = num + 1
      see "" + num + ": " + n + " > Σ = " + sumn + nl


see "done..." + nl </lang>

Nice numbers are:
1: 509 > Σ = 5
2: 547 > Σ = 7
3: 563 > Σ = 5
4: 569 > Σ = 2
5: 587 > Σ = 2
6: 599 > Σ = 5
7: 601 > Σ = 7
8: 617 > Σ = 5
9: 619 > Σ = 7
10: 641 > Σ = 2
11: 653 > Σ = 5
12: 659 > Σ = 2
13: 673 > Σ = 7
14: 677 > Σ = 2
15: 691 > Σ = 7
16: 709 > Σ = 7
17: 727 > Σ = 7
18: 743 > Σ = 5
19: 761 > Σ = 5
20: 797 > Σ = 5
21: 821 > Σ = 2
22: 839 > Σ = 2
23: 853 > Σ = 7
24: 857 > Σ = 2
25: 887 > Σ = 5
26: 907 > Σ = 7
27: 911 > Σ = 2
28: 929 > Σ = 2
29: 941 > Σ = 5
30: 947 > Σ = 2
31: 977 > Σ = 5
32: 983 > Σ = 2
33: 997 > Σ = 7


Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-trait
Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "/math" for Int import "/trait" for Stepped import "/fmt" for Fmt

var sumDigits = { |n|

   var sum = 0
   while (n > 0) {
       sum = sum + (n % 10)
       n = (n/10).floor
   return sum


System.print("Nice primes in the interval (500, 900) are:") var c = 0 for (i in, 2)) {

   if (Int.isPrime(i)) {
       var s = i
       while (s >= 10) s =
       if (Int.isPrime(s)) {
           c = c + 1
           Fmt.print("$2d: $d -> Σ = $d", c, i, s)


Nice primes in the interval (500, 900) are:
 1: 509 -> Σ = 5
 2: 547 -> Σ = 7
 3: 563 -> Σ = 5
 4: 569 -> Σ = 2
 5: 587 -> Σ = 2
 6: 599 -> Σ = 5
 7: 601 -> Σ = 7
 8: 617 -> Σ = 5
 9: 619 -> Σ = 7
10: 641 -> Σ = 2
11: 653 -> Σ = 5
12: 659 -> Σ = 2
13: 673 -> Σ = 7
14: 677 -> Σ = 2
15: 691 -> Σ = 7
16: 709 -> Σ = 7
17: 727 -> Σ = 7
18: 743 -> Σ = 5
19: 761 -> Σ = 5
20: 797 -> Σ = 5
21: 821 -> Σ = 2
22: 839 -> Σ = 2
23: 853 -> Σ = 7
24: 857 -> Σ = 2
25: 887 -> Σ = 5
26: 907 -> Σ = 7
27: 911 -> Σ = 2
28: 929 -> Σ = 2
29: 941 -> Σ = 5
30: 947 -> Σ = 2
31: 977 -> Σ = 5
32: 983 -> Σ = 2
33: 997 -> Σ = 7