Next highest int from digits: Difference between revisions

Line 284:
45072010 -> 5 of 1861: [45072100,45100027,45100072,45100207,45100270]
95322020 -> 1 of 1: [95322200]</pre>
<lang julia>using Combinatorics, BenchmarkTools
asint(dig) = foldl((i, j) -> 10i + Int128(j), dig)
Algorithm 1(A)
Generate all the permutations of the digits and sort into numeric order.
Find the number in the list.
Return the next highest number from the list.
function nexthighest_1A(N)
n = Int128(abs(N))
dig = digits(n)
perms = unique(sort([asint(arr) for arr in permutations(digits(n))]))
length(perms) < 2 && return 0
((N > 0 && perms[end] == n) || (N < 0 && perms[1] == n)) && return 0
pos = findfirst(x -> x == n, perms)
ret = N > 0 ? perms[pos + 1] : -perms[pos - 1]
return ret == N ? 0 : ret
Algorithm 1(B)
Iterate through the permutations of the digits of a number and get the permutation that
represents the integer having a minimum distance above the given number.
Return the number plus the minimum distance. Does not store all the permutations.
This saves memory versus algorithm 1A, but we still go through all permutations (slow).
function nexthighest_1B(N)
n = Int128(abs(N))
dig = reverse(digits(n))
length(dig) < 2 && return 0
mindelta = n
for perm in permutations(dig)
if (perm[1] != 0) && ((N > 0 && perm > dig) || (N < 0 && perm < dig))
delta = abs(asint(perm) - n)
if delta < mindelta
mindelta = delta
return mindelta < n ? N + mindelta : 0
Algorithm 2
Scan right-to-left through the digits of the number until you find a digit with a larger digit somewhere to the right of it.
Exchange that digit with the digit on the right that is both more than it, and closest to it.
Order the digits to the right of this position, after the swap; lowest-to-highest, left-to-right.
Very fast, as it does not need to run through all the permutations of digits.
function nexthighest_2(N)
n = Int128(abs(N))
dig, ret = digits(n), N
length(dig) < 2 && return 0
for (i, d) in enumerate(dig)
if N > 0 && i > 1
rdig = dig[1:i-1]
ltdig = filter(x -> x > d, rdig)
if length(ltdig) > 0
j = findfirst(x -> x > d, rdig)
dig[i], dig[j] = dig[j], dig[i]
arr = (i == 2) ? dig : [sort(dig[1:i-1], rev=true); dig[i:end]]
ret = asint(reverse(arr))
elseif N < 0 && i > 1
rdig = dig[1:i-1]
ltdig = filter(x -> x < d, rdig)
if length(ltdig) > 0
j = findfirst(x -> x < d, rdig)
dig[i], dig[j] = dig[j], dig[i]
arr = (i == 2) ? dig : [sort(dig[1:i-1]); dig[i:end]]
ret = -asint(reverse(arr))
return ret == N ? 0 : ret
println(" N 1A 1B 2\n", "="^98)
for n in [0, 9, 12, 21, -453, -8888, 12453, 738440, 45072010, 95322020, -592491602, 9589776899767587796600]
println(rpad(n, 25), abs(n) > typemax(Int) ? " "^50 : rpad(nexthighest_1A(n), 25) *
rpad(nexthighest_1B(n), 25), nexthighest_2(n))
const n = 7384440
@btime nexthighest_1A(n)
println(" for method 1A and n $n.")
@btime nexthighest_1B(n)
println(" for method 1B and n $n.")
@btime nexthighest_2(n)
println(" for method 2 and n $n.")
N 1A 1B 2
0 0 0 0
9 0 0 0
12 21 21 21
21 0 0 0
-453 -435 -435 -435
-8888 0 0 0
12453 12534 12534 12534
738440 740348 740348 740348
45072010 45072100 45072100 45072100
95322020 95322200 95322200 95322200
-592491602 -592491260 -592491260 -592491260
9589776899767587796600 9589776899767587900667
4.015 ms (40364 allocations: 2.43 MiB)
for method 1A and n 7384440.
1.234 ms (28804 allocations: 1.92 MiB)
for method 1B and n 7384440.
1.440 μs (19 allocations: 1.89 KiB)
for method 2 and n 7384440.
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
