Nested templated data: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Raku}}: Fix comment: Perl 6 --> Raku)
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NB. algorithm: evaluate after rewrite as a j sentence
NB. because arrays are homogeneous in data type
NB. 1) data type validity for an operation takes place just once for all the values in the array which is fast
NB. 2) but a box next to a 5 is invalid.
NB. hence the payloads must be individually boxed as well.

] p =: ('(<''payload#',''')',~":)&>i.7

Substitute=: ({.@:[)`(I.@:(= {:)~)`]}

NB. aside: demonstrate Substitution
] A =: ;/ i. 8

] B =: ('xxxx' ; 3)

B Substitute A

B Substitute A , < 3

NB. return to task

NB. though they look scalar the words are vector
] t =: ;: CRLF -.~ 0 :0
[[1, 2],
[3, 4, 1],

t =: ,: t NB. itemize t, then append successive substitutions
t =: t , ('(<' ; , '[') Substitute {: t
t =: t , ( ')' ; , ']') Substitute {: t

│[ │[ │[ │1│,│2│]│,│[ │3│,│4│,│1│]│,│5│]│]│

NB. finish the substitutions in one fell swoop
[ t =: > (] , (Substitute {:))&.>/(<"1 SUBSTITUTIONS) , < t
│[ │[ │[ │1 │,│2 │]│,│[ │3 │,│4 │,│1 │]│,│5 │]│]│
│(<│(<│(<│1 │,│2 │]│,│(<│3 │,│4 │,│1 │]│,│5 │]│]│
│(<│(<│(<│1 │,│2 │)│,│(<│3 │,│4 │,│1 │)│,│5 │)│)│
│(<│(<│(<│1 │,│2 │)│,│(<│3 │,│4 │,│1 │)│,│5 │)│)│
│(<│(<│(<│1 │,│2 │)│,│(<│3 │,│4 │,│1 │)│,│(<'payload#5')│)│)│
│(<│(<│(<│1 │,│2 │)│,│(<│3 │,│(<'payload#4')│,│1 │)│,│(<'payload#5')│)│)│
│(<│(<│(<│1 │,│2 │)│,│(<│(<'payload#3')│,│(<'payload#4')│,│1 │)│,│(<'payload#5')│)│)│
│(<│(<│(<│1 │,│(<'payload#2')│)│,│(<│(<'payload#3')│,│(<'payload#4')│,│1 │)│,│(<'payload#5')│)│)│

". ;:inv {: t NB. task output
││││payload#1│payload#2│││payload#3│payload#4│payload#1││ │││
│││└─────────┴─────────┘│└─────────┴─────────┴─────────┘│ │││

NB. finally, look at the representation of the substitution gerund
({.@:[)`(I.@:(= {:)~)`]
││@:│┌──┬─┐│││~│┌────────────────────┐││ │
││ ││{.│[││││ ││┌──┬───────────────┐│││ │
││ │└──┴─┘│││ │││@:│┌──┬──────────┐││││ │
│└──┴──────┘││ │││ ││I.│┌─┬──────┐│││││ │
│ ││ │││ ││ ││2│┌─┬──┐││││││ │
│ ││ │││ ││ ││ ││=│{:│││││││ │
│ ││ │││ ││ ││ │└─┴──┘││││││ │
│ ││ │││ ││ │└─┴──────┘│││││ │
│ ││ │││ │└──┴──────────┘││││ │
│ ││ ││└──┴───────────────┘│││ │
│ ││ │└────────────────────┘││ │
│ │└─┴──────────────────────┘│ │
The array structure needs to be specified as Any type of data, to allow assignment of String to positions in the array originally containing integers.
The array structure needs to be specified as Any type of data, to allow assignment of String to positions in the array originally containing integers.