Nautical bell: Difference between revisions

→‎Tcl: Added implementation
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This code was originally based on the [[#Perl 6|Perl 6]] version, but with numerous adaptations, alterations and (some) corrections.
<lang tcl># More sophisticated versions are possible, such as playing a bell sample
# using the Snack library.
proc ringTheBell {} {
puts -nonewline "\a"
# The code to convert the (parsed) time into rings of the ship's bell and
# printing of the name of the bell.
proc strikeBell {hour minute} {
global suppressNormalOutput
set watches {
Middle Middle Morning Morning Forenoon Forenoon
Afternoon Afternoon {First dog} {Last dog} First First
set cardinals {one two three four five six seven eight}
set bells [expr {(($hour % 4) * 2 + $minute / 30)}]
if {!$bells} {set bells 8}
puts -nonewline [format "%02d:%02d %9s watch, %6s bell%s gone: \t" \
$hour $minute [lindex $watches [expr {
($hour/2 - ($minute==0 && $hour%2==0)) % 12
}]] [lindex $cardinals [expr {$bells - 1}]] \
[expr {$bells == 1 ? "" : "s"}]]
# Set up the ringing of the bells to be done asynchronously
set t 0
set suppressNormalOutput 1
for {set i 0} {$i < $bells-1} {incr i 2} {
after $t {
puts -nonewline "\u266b "
incr t 250
after $t {
incr t 750
if {$bells % 2} {
after $t {
puts -nonewline "\u266a\n"
set suppressNormalOutput 0
} else {
after $t {
puts ""
set suppressNormalOutput 0
# Main handler; designed to be called every second, which is plenty.
proc nauticalBell {} {
global last suppressNormalOutput
scan [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M" -gmt 1] "%d:%d" h m
if {$last != $m} {
set last $m
if {$m%30 == 0} {
strikeBell $h $m
} elseif {!$suppressNormalOutput} {
puts -nonewline [format "%02d:%02d\r" $h $m]
# Set things up, using Tcl's event loop to do the processing
proc every {delay script} {
after $delay [list every $delay $script]
uplevel #0 $script
set last ""
set suppressNormalOutput 0
fconfigure stdout -buffering none
every 1000 nauticalBell
vwait forever; # Only needed if not running an event loop otherwise</lang>
{{out|Sample output}}
08:00 Morning watch, Eight Bells Gone: ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫
18:00 First dog watch, Four Bells Gone: ♫ ♫
18:30 Last dog watch, Five Bells Gone: ♫ ♫ ♪
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