Nautical bell: Difference between revisions

Added Haskell solution
(→‎{{header|Ruby}}: Sample output)
(Added Haskell solution)
Line 236:
08:30:00 : 1 bell
09:00:00 : 2 bells</pre>
This solution first creates a general way of scheduling tasks on a time interval, and then schedules a "ringing" task. If used in a terminal it will also produce noise. Local time is used.
<lang haskell>
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.Time
import Text.Printf
type Microsecond = Int
type Scheduler = TimeOfDay -> Microsecond
-- Scheduling
getTime :: TimeZone -> IO TimeOfDay
getTime tz = do
t <- getCurrentTime
return $ localTimeOfDay $ utcToLocalTime tz t
getGMTTime = getTime utc
getLocalTime = getCurrentTimeZone >>= getTime
-- Returns the difference between 'y' and the closest higher multiple of 'x'
nextInterval x y
| x > y = x - y
| mod y x > 0 = x - mod y x
| otherwise = 0
-- Given a interval in seconds, this function returns time delta in microseconds.
onInterval :: Int -> Scheduler
onInterval interval time = toNext dMS
toNext = nextInterval (1000000 * interval)
tDelta = timeOfDayToTime time
dMS = truncate $ 1000000 * tDelta
doWithScheduler :: Scheduler -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO ThreadId
doWithScheduler sched task = forkIO $ forM_ [0..] exec
exec n = do
t <- getLocalTime
threadDelay $ sched t
task n
-- Output
watchNames = words "Middle Morning Forenoon Afternoon Dog First"
countWords = words "One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight"
-- Executes IO action and then waits for n microseconds
postDelay n fn = fn >> threadDelay n
termBell = putStr "\a"
termBells n = replicateM_ n $ postDelay 100000 termBell
termBellSeq seq = forM_ seq $ postDelay 500000 . termBells
toNoteGlyph 1 = "♪"
toNoteGlyph 2 = "♫"
toNoteGlyph _ = ""
ringBells :: Int -> IO ()
ringBells n = do
t <- getLocalTime
let numBells = 1 + (mod n 8)
watch = watchNames!!(mod (div n 8) 8)
count = countWords!!(numBells - 1)
(twos,ones) = quotRem numBells 2
pattern = (replicate twos 2) ++ (replicate ones 1)
notes = unwords $ map toNoteGlyph pattern
plural = if numBells > 1 then "s" else ""
strFMT = show t ++ ": %s watch, %5s bell%s: " ++ notes ++ "\n"
printf strFMT watch count plural
termBellSeq pattern
bellRinger :: IO ThreadId
bellRinger = doWithScheduler (onInterval (30*60)) ringBells
12:30 Afternoon watch, One bell: ♪
13:00 Afternoon watch, Two bells: ♫
13:30 Afternoon watch, Three bells: ♫ ♪
14:00 Afternoon watch, Four bells: ♫ ♫
14:30 Afternoon watch, Five bells: ♫ ♫ ♪
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