NYSIIS: Difference between revisions

4,098 bytes added ,  8 years ago
→‎{{header|Racket}}: actual implementation added
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(→‎{{header|Racket}}: actual implementation added)
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This is a translation of [[Python]] to ensure that these results are consistent.
This allows them to be tested against a known output from another solution.
If any of the <code>check-equal?</code>s fails, it will print an error message.
<lang racket>
None of them fail, so no output is seen.
I&rsquo;ve gone out of my way to number the rules &mdash; which may make it a little
<lang racket>#lang racket/base
(require racket/string racket/match)
(define (str-rplc-at str replacement start (end (string-length str)))
(string-append (substring str 0 start) replacement (substring str end)))
(define (split-on-commas s) (string-split s "," #:trim? #f))
(define (str-rplc-at* fxt pos . more)
(match more
[(list (app split-on-commas froms) (app split-on-commas tos) even-more ...)
(define txt-maybe
(for/first ((f froms) (t tos) #:when (string-prefix? (substring fxt pos) f))
(str-rplc-at fxt t pos (+ pos (string-length f)))))
(apply str-rplc-at* (or txt-maybe fxt) pos even-more)]
[_ fxt]))
(define (str-rplc-end* txf . more)
(match more
[(list (app split-on-commas froms) (app split-on-commas tos) even-more ...)
(define txt-maybe
(for/first ((f froms) (t tos) #:when (string-suffix? txf f))
(str-rplc-at txf t (- (string-length txf) (string-length f)))))
(apply str-rplc-end* (or txt-maybe txf) even-more)]
[_ txf]))
(define vowels '("A" "E" "I" "O" "U"))
(define (vowel? s) (member s vowels))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (normalise n) (regexp-replace* #px"\\W" (string-upcase n) ""))
(define (r:1 n) (str-rplc-at* n 0 "MAC,KN,K,PH,PF,SCH" "MCC,N,C,FF,FF,SSS"))
(define (r:2 n) (str-rplc-end* n "EE,IE,DT,RT,RD,NT,ND" "Y,Y,D,D,D,D,D"))
(define (r:3/4 in)
(define (loop-4 name-4.1 key-3 i)
[(< i (string-length name-4.1))
(define name-4.2/3/4
(str-rplc-at* name-4.1 i "EV,A,E,I,O,U" "AF,A,A,A,A,A" #|4.1|# "Q,Z,M" "G,S,N" #|4.2|#
"KN,K" "N,C" #|4.3|# "SCH,PH" "SSS,FF" #|4.4|#))
(define name-4.5/6
(match-let ([(or (regexp "^(.)(.)(.)" (list n_1 n n1_))
(regexp "^(.)(.)" (list (app (λ _ "") n1_) n_1 n)))
(substring name-4.1 (sub1 i))])
(match n
["H" #:when (or (not (vowel? n_1)) (not (vowel? n1_)))
(str-rplc-at name-4.2/3/4 n_1 i (add1 i))] ; 4.5
["W" #:when (vowel? n_1) (str-rplc-at name-4.2/3/4 "A" i (add1 i))] ; 4.6
[_ name-4.2/3/4])))
(define name-4.6_i (substring name-4.5/6 i (add1 i)))
(define key-4.7 (if (string=? name-4.6_i (substring key-3 (sub1 (string-length key-3))))
key-3 (string-append key-3 name-4.6_i)))
(loop-4 name-4.5/6 key-4.7 (add1 i))]
[else key-3]))
(loop-4 in (substring in 0 1) 1))
(define (r:5/6/7/8 n) (str-rplc-end* n "S,AY,A" ",Y,"))
(define r:9 (match-lambda [(regexp #px"^(.{6})(.+)" (list _ l r)) (format "~a[~a]" l r)] [n n]))
(define nysiis (apply compose (reverse (list normalise r:1 r:2 r:3/4 r:5/6/7/8 r:9))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define names
(list "Bishop" "Carlson" "Carr" "Chapman" "Franklin" "Greene" "Harper" "Jacobs" "Larson"
"Lawrence" "Lawson" "Louis, XVI" "Lynch" "Mackenzie" "Matthews" "McCormack" "McDaniel"
"McDonald" "Mclaughlin" "Morrison" "O'Banion" "O'Brien" "Richards" "Silva" "Watkins"
"Wheeler" "Willis" "brown, sr" "browne, III" "browne, IV" "knight" "mitchell" "o'daniel"))
(define py-nysiis-names ; results from python (with [] added)
(for ((n names) (p py-nysiis-names))
(check-equal? (nysiis n) p (format "(nysiis ~s) = ~s" n p))))</lang>
