Munching squares: Difference between revisions

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Render a graphical pattern where each pixel is colored by the value of 'x xor y' from a color table.
Render a graphical pattern where each pixel is colored by the value of 'x xor y' from a color table.

Uses the Cairo component of GtkAda to create and save as png
<lang Ada>with Cairo; use Cairo;
with Cairo.Png; use Cairo.Png;
with Cairo.Image_Surface; use Cairo.Image_Surface;
procedure XorPattern is
type xorable is mod 256;
Surface : Cairo_Surface;
Data : RGB24_Array_Access;
Status : Cairo_Status;
Num : Byte;
Data := new RGB24_Array(0..256*256-1);
for x in Natural range 0..255 loop
for y in Natural range 0..255 loop
Num := Byte(xorable(x) xor xorable(y));
Data(x+256*y) := RGB24_Data'(Num,0,Num);
end loop;
end loop;
Surface := Create_For_Data_RGB24(Data, 256, 256);
Status := Write_To_Png (Surface, "AdaXorPattern.png");
pragma Assert (Status = Cairo_Status_Success);
end XorPattern;</lang>
[[File:AdaXorPattern.png|Ada Output|200px]]

<lang c>#include <stdlib.h>
<lang c>#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>