Multidimensional Newton-Raphson method: Difference between revisions

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We follow the Kotlin example of coding our own matrix methods rather than using a third party library.
<lang go>package main
import (
type vector = []float64
type matrix []vector
type fun = func(vector) float64
type funs = []fun
type jacobian = []funs
func (m1 matrix) mul(m2 matrix) matrix {
rows1, cols1 := len(m1), len(m1[0])
rows2, cols2 := len(m2), len(m2[0])
if cols1 != rows2 {
panic("Matrices cannot be multiplied.")
result := make(matrix, rows1)
for i := 0; i < rows1; i++ {
result[i] = make(vector, cols2)
for j := 0; j < cols2; j++ {
for k := 0; k < rows2; k++ {
result[i][j] += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j]
return result
func (m1 matrix) sub(m2 matrix) matrix {
rows, cols := len(m1), len(m1[0])
if rows != len(m2) || cols != len(m2[0]) {
panic("Matrices cannot be subtracted.")
result := make(matrix, rows)
for i := 0; i < rows; i++ {
result[i] = make(vector, cols)
for j := 0; j < cols; j++ {
result[i][j] = m1[i][j] - m2[i][j]
return result
func (m matrix) transpose() matrix {
rows, cols := len(m), len(m[0])
trans := make(matrix, cols)
for i := 0; i < cols; i++ {
trans[i] = make(vector, rows)
for j := 0; j < rows; j++ {
trans[i][j] = m[j][i]
return trans
func (m matrix) inverse() matrix {
le := len(m)
for _, v := range m {
if len(v) != le {
panic("Not a square matrix")
aug := make(matrix, le)
for i := 0; i < le; i++ {
aug[i] = make(vector, 2*le)
copy(aug[i], m[i])
// augment by identity matrix to right
aug[i][i+le] = 1
inv := make(matrix, le)
// remove identity matrix to left
for i := 0; i < le; i++ {
inv[i] = make(vector, le)
copy(inv[i], aug[i][le:])
return inv
// note: this mutates the matrix in place
func (m matrix) toReducedRowEchelonForm() {
lead := 0
rowCount, colCount := len(m), len(m[0])
for r := 0; r < rowCount; r++ {
if colCount <= lead {
i := r
for m[i][lead] == 0 {
if rowCount == i {
i = r
if colCount == lead {
m[i], m[r] = m[r], m[i]
if div := m[r][lead]; div != 0 {
for j := 0; j < colCount; j++ {
m[r][j] /= div
for k := 0; k < rowCount; k++ {
if k != r {
mult := m[k][lead]
for j := 0; j < colCount; j++ {
m[k][j] -= m[r][j] * mult
func solve(fs funs, jacob jacobian, guesses vector) vector {
size := len(fs)
var gu1 vector
gu2 := make(vector, len(guesses))
copy(gu2, guesses)
jac := make(matrix, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
jac[i] = make(vector, size)
tol := 1e-8
maxIter := 12
iter := 0
for {
gu1 = gu2
g := matrix{gu1}.transpose()
t := make(vector, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
t[i] = fs[i](gu1)
f := matrix{t}.transpose()
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
for j := 0; j < size; j++ {
jac[i][j] = jacob[i][j](gu1)
g1 := g.sub(jac.inverse().mul(f))
gu2 = make(vector, size)
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
gu2[i] = g1[i][0]
any := false
for i, v := range gu2 {
if math.Abs(v)-gu1[i] > tol {
any = true
if !any || iter >= maxIter {
return gu2
func main() {
solve the two non-linear equations:
y = -x^2 + x + 0.5
y + 5xy = x^2
given initial guesses of x = y = 1.2
Example taken from:
Expected results: x = 1.23332, y = 0.2122
f1 := func(x vector) float64 { return -x[0]*x[0] + x[0] + 0.5 - x[1] }
f2 := func(x vector) float64 { return x[1] + 5*x[0]*x[1] - x[0]*x[0] }
fs := funs{f1, f2}
jacob := jacobian{
func(x vector) float64 { return -2*x[0] + 1 },
func(x vector) float64 { return -1 },
func(x vector) float64 { return 5*x[1] - 2*x[0] },
func(x vector) float64 { return 1 + 5*x[0] },
guesses := vector{1.2, 1.2}
sol := solve(fs, jacob, guesses)
fmt.Printf("Approximate solutions are x = %.7f, y = %.7f\n", sol[0], sol[1])
solve the three non-linear equations:
9x^2 + 36y^2 + 4z^2 - 36 = 0
x^2 - 2y^2 - 20z = 0
x^2 - y^2 + z^2 = 0
given initial guesses of x = y = 1.0 and z = 0.0
Example taken from: (exercise 5)
Expected results: x = 0.893628, y = 0.894527, z = -0.0400893
f3 := func(x vector) float64 { return 9*x[0]*x[0] + 36*x[1]*x[1] + 4*x[2]*x[2] - 36 }
f4 := func(x vector) float64 { return x[0]*x[0] - 2*x[1]*x[1] - 20*x[2] }
f5 := func(x vector) float64 { return x[0]*x[0] - x[1]*x[1] + x[2]*x[2] }
fs = funs{f3, f4, f5}
jacob = jacobian{
func(x vector) float64 { return 18 * x[0] },
func(x vector) float64 { return 72 * x[1] },
func(x vector) float64 { return 8 * x[2] },
func(x vector) float64 { return 2 * x[0] },
func(x vector) float64 { return -4 * x[1] },
func(x vector) float64 { return -20 },
func(x vector) float64 { return 2 * x[0] },
func(x vector) float64 { return -2 * x[1] },
func(x vector) float64 { return 2 * x[2] },
guesses = vector{1, 1, 0}
sol = solve(fs, jacob, guesses)
fmt.Printf("Approximate solutions are x = %.7f, y = %.7f, z = %.7f\n", sol[0], sol[1], sol[2])
Approximate solutions are x = 1.2333178, y = 0.2122450
Approximate solutions are x = 0.8936282, y = 0.8945270, z = -0.0400893
