Multidimensional Newton-Raphson method: Difference between revisions

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Approximate solutions are x = 0.8936282, y = 0.8945270, z = -0.0400893
<lang Nim>import sequtils, strformat, sugar
Vector = seq[float]
Matrix = seq[Vector]
Func = (Vector) -> float
Funcs = seq[Func]
Jacobian = seq[Funcs]
func `*`(m1, m2: Matrix): Matrix =
rows1 = m1.len
cols1 = m1[0].len
rows2 = m2.len
cols2 = m2[0].len
doAssert cols1 == rows2
result = newSeqWith(rows1, newSeq[float](cols2))
for i in 0..<rows1:
for j in 0..<cols2:
for k in 0..<rows2:
result[i][j] += m1[i][k] * m2[k][j]
func `-`(m1, m2: Matrix): Matrix =
rows = m1.len
cols = m1[0].len
doAssert m2.len == rows and m2[0].len == cols
result = newSeqWith(rows, newSeq[float](cols))
for i in 0..<rows:
for j in 0..<cols:
result[i][j] = m1[i][j] - m2[i][j]
func transposed(m: Matrix): Matrix =
rows = m.len
cols = m[0].len
result = newSeqWith(cols, newSeq[float](rows))
for i in 0..<cols:
for j in 0..<rows:
result[i][j] = m[j][i]
func toReducedRowEchelonForm(m: var Matrix) =
var lead = 0
let rowCount = m.len
let colCount = m[0].len
for r in 0..<rowCount:
if colCount <= lead: return
var i = r
while m[i][lead] == 0:
inc i
if rowCount == i:
i = r
inc lead
if colCount == lead: return
swap m[i], m[r]
if m[r][lead] != 0:
let divisor = m[r][lead]
for j in 0..<colCount: m[r][j] /= divisor
for k in 0..<rowCount:
if k != r:
let mult = m[k][lead]
for j in 0..<colCount: m[k][j] -= m[r][j] * mult
inc lead
func inverse(m: Matrix): Matrix =
let size = m.len
doAssert m.allIt(it.len == size), "not a square matrix."
var aug = newSeqWith(size, newSeq[float](2 * size))
for i in 0..<size:
for j in 0..<size: aug[i][j] = m[i][j]
# Augment by identity matrix to right.
aug[i][i + size] = 1
result = newSeqWith(size, newSeq[float](size))
# Remove identity matrix to left.
for i in 0..<size:
for j in 0..<size: result[i][j] = aug[i][j + size]
proc solve(funcs: Funcs; jacobian: Jacobian; guesses: Vector): Vector =
let size = funcs.len
result = guesses
var jac = newSeqWith(size, newSeq[float](size))
const Tol = 1e-8
let MaxIter = 12
var iter = 1
while true:
let gu = move(result)
let g = transposed(@[gu])
let f = transposed(@[funcs.mapIt(it(gu))])
for i in 0..<size:
for j in 0..<size:
jac[i][j] = jacobian[i][j](gu)
let g1 = g - inverse(jac) * f
result = g1.mapIt(it[0])
inc iter
if iter > MaxIter: break
var exit = true
for idx, val in result:
if abs(val - gu[idx]) > Tol:
exit = false
if exit: break
when isMainModule:
#[ Solve the two non-linear equations:
y = -x^2 + x + 0.5
y + 5xy = x^2
given initial guesses of x = y = 1.2
Example taken from:
Expected results: x = 1.23332, y = 0.2122
f1: Func = (x: Vector) => -x[0] * x[0] + x[0] + 0.5 - x[1]
f2: Func = (x: Vector) => x[1] + 5 * x[0] * x[1] - x[0] * x[0]
funcs1: Funcs = @[f1, f2]
jacobian1: Jacobian = @[@[Func((x: Vector) => - 2 * x[0] + 1),
Func((x: Vector) => -1.0)],
@[Func((x: Vector) => 5 * x[1] - 2 * x[0]),
Func((x: Vector) => 1 + 5 * x[0])]]
guesses1 = @[1.2, 1.2]
sol1 = solve(funcs1, jacobian1, guesses1)
echo &"Approximate solutions are x = {sol1[0]:.7f}, y = {sol1[1]:.7f}"
#[ Solve the three non-linear equations:
9x^2 + 36y^2 + 4z^2 - 36 = 0
x^2 - 2y^2 - 20z = 0
x^2 - y^2 + z^2 = 0
given initial guesses of x = y = 1.0 and z = 0.0
Example taken from: (exercise 5)
Expected results: x = 0.893628, y = 0.894527, z = -0.0400893
f3: Func = (x: Vector) => 9 * x[0] * x[0] + 36 * x[1] * x[1] + 4 * x[2] * x[2] - 36
f4: Func = (x: Vector) => x[0] * x[0] - 2 * x[1] * x[1] - 20 * x[2]
f5: Func = (x: Vector) => x[0] * x[0] - x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2]
funcs2: Funcs = @[f3, f4, f5]
jacobian2: Jacobian = @[@[Func((x: Vector) => 18 * x[0]),
Func((x: Vector) => 72 * x[1]),
Func((x: Vector) => 8 * x[2])],
@[Func((x: Vector) => 2 * x[0]),
Func((x: Vector) => -4 * x[1]),
Func((x: Vector) => -20.0)],
@[Func((x: Vector) => 2 * x[0]),
Func((x: Vector) => -2 * x[1]),
Func((x: Vector) => 2 * x[2])]]
guesses2 = @[1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
sol2 = solve(funcs2, jacobian2, guesses2)
echo &"Approximate solutions are x = {sol2[0]:.7f}, y = {sol2[1]:.7f}, z = {sol2[2]:.7f}"</lang>
<pre>Approximate solutions are x = 1.2333178, y = 0.2122450
Approximate solutions are x = 0.8936282, y = 0.8945270, z = -0.0400893</pre>