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<lang Unicon>link printf,strings,options
$define MORPVER "1.7g" # version
$define EXTENDED 1 # delete line for basic
procedure main(A) # Morphion
MorpionConf(A) # conf extended version
if \M_ReplayFile then ReplayMorpion()
else if \M_Limit === 1 then ShowGame(SingleMorpion())
else MultiMorphion(\M_Limit)
printf("--- Morpion Solitaire 5 (v%s) (single game/random/5T/pentasol logginggame)---\n\n",MORPVER)
M_Strategy := RandomPlayer
M_Mvalid := ValidMove5T # can be changed to 5D
M_WriteGame := WriteMoveLogPS
M_Output := &output

Revision as of 14:00, 20 February 2012

This example goes beyond the task goal of playing a random game of Morpion solitaire. The program was designed as a first cut/test bed more for understanding and exploring the problem space rather than for high efficiency. The program is structured to allow its behaviour to be configured (see options and M_ vars). Some of the features and extensions include:

  • Playing single games or running multigame simulations to find and capture the best games
  • Producing re-loadable game records and the ability to replay a saved game from a given position forward
  • The ability to reproduce purely random games from the random number seed
  • Limiting the initial random moves to 1 of 4 cases (inside corners (1 type) x 8, outside corners (2 types) x 8, outside valley (1 type x 4)) not 1 of 28. In the case of this program these are all in the North East quadrant.
  • Plays both 5T (by default) and 5D variants
  • Plugable modules for functions including applying player strategy, position evaluation (fitness/heuristics)to facilitate quick experimentation, changing game read/write functions, etc., etc.

Using random play in many summary runs, the highest (5T) score achieved was 92. While it was fairly easy to push random games into the low 80's running simulations of as little as a few hundred games, going beyond the highest score without adding some smarts will require some very long runs and is unlikely to result in any significant progress. Observing multigame runs show that play advances fairly quickly before a progress grinds to a virtual halt. Many runs peak in the first few hundred or thousand games.

The ability to replay recorded games provides a way to study the behaviour of the problem. Selecting successful random games, truncating them and running multigame simulations using a successful base shows that the seeds of success are sown early. It was possible to better the results of good random game scores (mid 80s) pushing the new scores up into the mid 90s. Unfortunately this technique when applied to Chris Rosin's 177 move record game did not produce any new records  :(. Surprisingly however, it was possible to produce games in the high 160's! using random play with a truncated (approx 60%) version of this game.

The observation that a game becomes bad or good fairly early suggests that finding an intelligent forward looking position fitness evaluator is going to be a challenge to say the least.

It's also possible to capture bad games. This might provide some kind of comparison against good games when considering fitness evaluators. Or not.

Internally, the grid is automatically expanded as needed whenever a cell is played on an outer edge. When this happens only the affected side is expanded. As a side effect the grid numbering will seem unusual. The game log shows all row/col coordinates relative to the 1,1 origin located at the intersection of the lines containing top and left most edges of the cross. A fixed grid might be more efficient. With the ability to detect an off page condition and save and replay the game later this could be easier to deal with. The issue of grid origin comes up all the time when working with the code and debugging output.

The program produces a crude ASCII art grid; however and more importantly it produces a game log that can be replayed in the Pentasol free player. This can be used to capture graphical grids as well as providing independent validation of the games.

Most of the Record Games have downloadable games in this notation. For example Chris Rosin's 178 move grid.

For more see: Morpion -h|-help

Basic Solution

The code need to solve the task requirements is found in this section. Just delete the $define below. The basic code will play a single random game, show an ASCII art grid, and produce a log in Pentasol compatible notation. On any given run your most likely to see a game with scores in the 20's or 60's.

Main and Core Game Play Procedures

<lang Unicon>link printf,strings,options

$define MORPVER "1.7g" # version $define EXTENDED 1 # delete line for basic

procedure main(A) # Morphion $ifdef EXTENDED

  MorpionConf(A)                         # conf extended version
  if \M_ReplayFile then ReplayMorpion() 
  else if \M_Limit === 1 then ShowGame(SingleMorpion())
  else MultiMorphion(\M_Limit)


  printf("--- Morpion Solitaire 5 (v%s) (single random game)---\n\n",MORPVER)  
  M_Strategy     := RandomPlayer
  M_Mvalid       := ValidMove5T          # can be changed to 5D
  M_WriteGame    := WriteMoveLogPS
  M_Output       := &output 

$endif end

$define XEMPTY "." # symbols used in Grid $define XINIT "*" $define XUSED "+" $define DHOR "-" # Directions for moves $define DVER "|" $define DRD "\\" $define DLD "/" $define DALL "-|/\\"

global M_Strategy,M_Mvalid # Pluggable procedures global M_Output # output files global M_WriteGame # for logger

record morpiongame(grid,score, # the grid & score

                 log,history,            # move log and replayable history log
                 roff,coff,center,       # origin expansion offsets and center 
                 pool,                   # pool of avail moves
                 move,                   # selected move
                 count,                  # game number (multi-game)
                 rseed)                  # &random at start of random play  

record morpionmove(direction,move,line,roff,coff) # move & line data record morpioncell(symbol,direction,row,col) # a grid cell record MorpionGameRecord(ref,row,col,darow,dacol) # record of game

procedure SingleMorpion(MG,N) #: Play a game silently

  /MG := SetupM5Grid()                            # start game with new grid?
  while MorphionMove(M_Strategy(MG)) do           # keep moving     
     if MG.score >=  \N then break                # unless truncated   
  return MG


procedure MorphionMove(MG) #: make a move

  (M := MG.move).roff := MG.roff                  # copy offsets
  M.coff := MG.coff                  
  put(MG.history,M)                               # save history
  MG.score +:= 1                                  # and score
  \M_LogDetails(MG,M)                             # for analysis
  every x := !M.line do {                         # draw the line 
     g := MG.grid[x[1],x[2]]
     g.direction ||:= M.direction       
     /g.symbol := XUSED                           # remove / for all XUSED


procedure ScanGrid(MG) #: Scan all grid lines

  G := ExpandGrid(MG).grid                        # expand the grid if needed
  MG.pool := []                                   # candidate moves   
  every c := 1 & r := 1 to *G do                  # horizontal
  every r := 1 & c := 1 to *G[1] do               # vertical
  every ( c := 1 & r := 1 to *G-4 ) |
        ( c := 2 to *G[r := 1] ) do               # down & right
  every ( r := 2 to *G-4 & c := *G[r] ) |
        ( c := 5 to *G[r := 1] ) do               # down & left
  if MG.score = 0 & M_Strategy ~=== Replayer then {  # move 1 special case
     every put(pool1 := [], MG.pool[2|19|20|26])  # cor. o(2), i(1), val o(1) 
     MG.pool := pool1       
  if *MG.pool > 0 then return MG                 


procedure ScanGridLine(G,r0,c0,ri,ci,dir,pool) #: scan 1 grid line (5T/D)

  local L5,M,r,c,x
  L5 := []                          
  r := r0 - ri & c := c0 -ci                      # one step back
  while put(L5,G[r +:= ri,c +:= ci]) do {          
     while *L5 > 5 do pop(L5)                     # too long ? 
     if *L5 < 5 then next                         # too short ?
     if M_Mvalid(L5,dir) then {                   # just right, but valid?
        put(pool,M := morpionmove(dir,,[]))       # add to pool of valid moves               
        every x := L5[i := 1 to *L5] do  {
           if /x.symbol then M.move := i
  return pool


procedure ValidMove5T(L,dir) #: Succeed if L has valid 5T move

  local i,j
  if *L ~= 5 then fail                      # wrong count
  every (i := 0) +:= (/(!L).symbol,1)  
  if i ~= 1 then fail                       # more than 1 avail space
  every (j := 0) +:= ( find(dir,(!L).direction), 1) 
  if j > 1 then fail                        # no overlap, =1 implies at an end
  return                                    # that's it!


procedure ValidMove5D(L,dir) #: Succeed if L has valid 5D move #@@

  local i,j
  if *L ~= 5 then fail                      # wrong count
  every (i := 0) +:= (/(!L).symbol,1)  
  if i ~= 1 then fail                       # more than 1 avail space
  every (j := 0) +:= ( find(dir,(!L).direction), 1) 
  if j > 0 then fail                        # no overlap, =1 implies at an end
  return                                    # that's it!


procedure SetupM5Grid() #: construct 5T/D grid & cross

  local G,r,c,s
  every !(G := list(10)) := list(10)                          # Grid
  every G[r := 1 to 10, c := 1 to 10] := morpioncell(,"",r,c) # Empties  
  every s := ![[1,4],[4,1],[4,7],[7,1],[7,7],[10,4]] do {     # Cross
     every r := s[1] & c := s[2] + (0 to 3) do
        G[r,c] := morpioncell(XINIT,"",r,c)    
     every r := s[2] + (0 to 3) & c := s[1] do         
        G[r,c] := morpioncell(XINIT,"",r,c)    
  return morpiongame(G,0,[],[],0,0,1 + (*G-1)/2.)    # Create game


procedure ExpandGrid(MG) #: expand any touching sides

  local r,c,rn,cn,C
  rn := *(G := MG.grid)                     # capture ...
  cn := *G[1]                               # ... entry dimensions
  if \(!G)[1].symbol then {                 # left edge  
     MG.coff +:= 1   
     every (cn | (!!G).col) +:= 1
     every push(G[r := 1 to rn],morpioncell(,"",r,1))  
  if \(!G)[cn].symbol then  {               # right edge
     cn +:= 1   
     every put(G[r := 1 to rn],morpioncell(,"",r,cn))  
  if \(!G[1]).symbol then {                 # top edge
     MG.roff +:= 1
     every (rn | (!!G).row) +:= 1
     push(G,C := list(cn))
     every C[c := 1 to cn] := morpioncell(,"",1,c)     
  if \(!G[rn]).symbol then {                # bottom edge
     rn +:= 1
     put(G,C := list(cn)) 
     every C[c := 1 to cn] := morpioncell(,"",rn,c)  
  return MG


procedure ShowGame(MG) #: show games

  if M_Output === &output then   
     every (\(PrintGrid|WriteMoveLog|M_PrintDetails))(MG) 
  else                                # header first to output, game saved
     every (\(WriteMoveLog|PrintGrid|M_PrintDetails))(MG)                 


procedure PrintGrid(MG) #: print the current Grid

  G := MG.grid
  every (ruler := "   ") ||:= (1 to *G[1]) % 10     
  fprintf(M_Output,"\nMorphion Solitare Grid (move=%i):\n%s\n",MG.score,ruler)                                              
  every r :=  1 to *G do {
     fprintf(M_Output,"%s ",right(r%100,2))                                  
     every c := 1 to *(G[r]) do 
        fprintf(M_Output,"%s",\G[r,c].symbol | XEMPTY)    
  return MG


procedure RandomPlayer(MG) #: Simulate random player

  if &random := \M_Rseed then M_Rseed := &null # set seed if given only once 
  /MG.rseed := &random                         # seed for this game          
  if MG.move := ?ScanGrid(MG).pool then return MG


Game Logging

<lang Unicon>procedure WriteMoveLog(MG) #: write move log wrapper

  if \M_GameSave then {
     savegame := sprintf("Games/%s/%i-L%i",M_GameType,*MG.history,M_Limit) 
     if M_Limit ~= 1 then 
        savegame ||:= sprintf("(%i)",MG.count)
     if \M_ReplayFile then {
        fn := map(M_ReplayFile,"/\\","__")
        fn ? (="Games/", savegame ||:= "-RF" || tab(find(".txt")))
        savegame ||:= "-RN" || (0 < \M_ReplayAfter) 
     savegame ||:= sprintf("_%s-%s-F%s.txt",deletec(&date,'/'),deletec(&clock,':'),M_GameFmt)  
     M_GameSave  := savegame                                 
     fprintf(M_Output,WriteMoveLogHeader(MG))  # write header, game is saved
     f := open(savegame,"w") | stop("Unable to open ",savegame," for writing")
     fprintf(f,M_WriteGame(MG),M_Config)       # call desired writer for output/save


procedure WriteMoveLogHeader(MG) #: write common header comments

  return sprintf("#\n# Game Record for Morphion %s game of %i moves\n_
                 # Date: %s\n# Saved: %s\n# &random: %i\n_
                 # ReplayFile: %s (%s moves)\n#\n",
                 \M_GameType|"5T",MG.score,&date,\M_GameSave|"* none *",
                 MG.rseed,\M_ReplayFile|"* none *",\M_ReplayAfter|"* all *")


procedure WriteMoveLogPS(MG) #: write pentasol style move log

  l := WriteMoveLogHeader(MG)
  l ||:= sprintf("# Pentasol compatible format\n#\n#\n_
                 # Morpion Solitaire game\n#\n_
                 #     XXXX\n#     X  X\n#     X  X\n_
                 #  XXXR  XXXX\n#  X        X\n#  X        X\n_
                 #  XXXX  XXXX\n#     X  X\n#     X  X\n#     XXXX\n#\n_
                 # R = reference point\n_
                 # List of moves starts with reference point (col,row)\n_
                 # Lines are\n#    (col,row) <direction> <+/-centerdist>\n_
                 #    distance to center is left side or top edge\n#\n")           
  l ||:= sprintf("(%i,%i)\n",4+MG.coff,4+MG.roff)                   
  every l ||:= FormatMoveLogPS(MG,!MG.history)
  return l || "#"


procedure FormatMoveLogPS(MG,m) #: format a PS move

  d := if m.direction == "/" then m.move-3 else 3-m.move
  return sprintf("(%i,%i) %s %s%d\n",
     m.direction,(d < 0,"-")|(d = 0,"")|"+",abs(d))


Extended Framework

Interface, Parameters, Globals

<lang Unicon>$ifdef EXTENDED

  1. --- Interface, Parameters, Additional Globals ---

global M_Eval # Pluggable procedure global M_SrchWid,M_SrchDep # For strategy modules global M_LogDetails,M_PrintDetails # Misc. global M_CommandLine,M_Config,M_GameType,M_GameSave global M_Limit,M_StatUpd,M_BestL,M_WorstL # Multi-game simulation options global M_ReplayFile,M_ReplayAfter,M_Rseed # For game replay global M_ReadGame,M_GameFmt # Game formats to use global M_ChartW,M_ChartG # histogram

  1. --- Beginning of Non-core (Extended) code ---

procedure MorpionConf(A) # Configure the Solver

  M_CommandLine := copy(A)                        # preserve
  os := "-Q! -L+ -limit+ -V: -variant: -seed+ "                        
  os ||:= "-R! -replay! -RF: -RN+ -save! -RW: -RR: "   
  os ||:= "-histwidth+ -histgroup+ -HW+ -HG+ "               
  os ||:= "-UN+ -SW+ -SD+ -A: -E+ -B+ -W+"
  os ||:= "-details! "
  opt := options(A,os,Usage)                      # -<anything else> gets help
  M_Limit     := ( 0 <= integer(\opt["limit"|"L"])) | 1  
  M_Rseed := \opt["seed"]   
  M_Mvalid := case opt["V"|"variant"] of {
     "5D"     :  (M_GameType := "5D", ValidMove5D)
     default  :  (M_GameType := "5T", ValidMove5T)   # also 5T  
  M_ReadGame  := case map(\opt["RR"]) | &null of { 
     default  : (M_GameFmt := "ps", ReadMoveLogPS)
     "0"      : (M_GameFmt := "0",  ReadMoveLogOrig) # deprecated
  M_WriteGame := case map(\opt["RW"]) | &null  of { 
     default  : (M_GameFmt := "ps", WriteMoveLogPS)
     "0"      : (M_GameFmt := "0",  WriteMoveLogOrig) # deprecated
  M_Strategy := case opt["A"] of {                    
     "A1"     : (def_un := 50,  PlayerA1) 
     default  : (def_un := 500, RandomPlayer)
  M_Eval := case opt["E"] of { 
     "1"      :  Score1         # test
     default  :  &null          # also "0"      
  M_ChartW  := (40 <= \opt["histwidth"|"HW"]) | 80
  M_ChartG  := \opt["histgroup"|"HG"]         | 5
  M_LogDetails := if \opt["details"] then LogDetails else 1
  M_PrintDetails := if \opt["details"] then PrintDetails else 1  
  M_StatUpd      := (0 < \opt["UN"]) | def_un   
  M_BestL        := (0 < \opt["B"])  | 5  
  M_WorstL       := (0 < \opt["W"])  | 0    
  M_SrchWid      := (0 < \opt["SW"]) | 5   
  M_SrchDep      := (0 < \opt["SD"]) | 5    
  if \opt["R"|"replay"] then {
     M_ReplayFile   := \opt["RF"]       | "Games/5T/177-5T-rosin.txt" 
     M_ReplayAfter  := (0 < \opt["RN"]) | &null
  else M_ReplayFile   := &null     
  if \(M_GameSave  := opt["save"]) then {
     fn := sprintf("Runs/%s-L%i-",M_GameType,M_Limit)
     fn ||:= sprintf("RF%s-",map(\M_ReplayFile,"/\\","__"))
     fn ||:= sprintf("RN%i-",\M_ReplayAfter)
     fn ||:= sprintf("%s-%s.txt",deletec(&date,'/'),deletec(&clock,':'))
     M_Output := open(fn,"w") 
  /M_Output := &output 
  c := sprintf("# --- Morpion Solitaire 5 (v%s) ---\n#\n",MORPVER)  
  c ||:= "# Command line options :"
  every c ||:= " " || !A
  c ||:=         "\n# Summary of Morpion Configuration:\n"  
  c ||:= sprintf("#   Variant (5T/D) move validation      = %i\n",M_Mvalid)    
  c ||:= sprintf("#   Games to play                       = %s\n",(
                  0 < M_Limit) | "* unlimited *")     
  c ||:=         "#   Multi-game options:\n"
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Status Updates                    = %i\n",M_StatUpd) 
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Keep best                         = %i\n",M_BestL)   
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Keep worst                        = %i\n",M_WorstL)  
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Histogram width                   = %i\n",M_ChartW)  
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Histogram grouping                = %i\n",M_ChartG)  
  c ||:= sprintf("#   Games will be saved                 = %s\n",
                 (\M_GameSave, "Yes") | "* No *")
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Format for game file (write)      = %i\n",\M_WriteGame)    
  c ||:=         "#   Replaying\n"
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Format for game file (read)       = %i\n",\M_ReadGame)   
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Game file to be replayed          = %s\n",
                 \M_ReplayFile | "* None *")    
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Moves to replay                   = %i\n",
                 0 ~= \M_ReplayAfter)  
  c ||:= sprintf("#   Player Strategy                     = %i\n",M_Strategy)  
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Seed for &random                  = %i\n",\M_Rseed)     
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Position Fitness Evaluator        = %s\n",
                 image(\M_Eval) | "* None *")     
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Search Width (strategy dependant) = %i\n",M_SrchWid)   
  c ||:= sprintf("#   - Search Depth (strategy dependant) = %i\n",M_SrchDep)  
  c ||:= sprintf("#   Log Details for analysis            = %s\n",
                 if M_LogDetails === 1 then "No" else "Yes")  
  c ||:=         "#\n"
  M_Config := c
  if \opt["Q"] then stop(M_Config,"-Q Stops run after processing options")
  else fprintf(M_Output,M_Config)
  /M_Eval := Scorefail          


procedure Usage()

     Morphion [options]  Plays the 5T/D variant of Morphion Solitaire\n_ 
     Arguments : ")  
  every fprintf(&errout," %s",!M_CommandLine)
     Morphion [options]  Plays the 5T/D variant of Morphion Solitaire\n_ 
     Where options are:\n_                           
     \t-A\tchoose player strategy approach (default=random, future)\n_
     \t-E\tSpecifiy an position fitness evaluation function (default none, future)\n_       
     \t-SW\tSearch width (strategy dependent, future)\n_
     \t-SD\tSearch depth (strategy dependent, future)\n_    
     \t-V|-variant\t5D or 5T (default)\n_
     \t-RF\tfile containing game record to be replayed\n_
     \t-RN\tnumber of moves to replay (0=all)\n_
     \t-RR\tgame recording format to read (ps=pentasol(default), 0=original)\n_
     \t-RW\tgame recording format to write ps=pentasol(default), 0=original)\n_
     \t-save\tsave the best (-B) and worst (-W) games\n_
     \t-seed\tstart the seed of the random number at this value\n_  
     \t-L|-limit\tgames to play (if 0 or less then play until any of 'XxQq' is pressed\n_
     \t\tnote for larger n this benefits from larger BLKSIZE, STRSIZE environment variables\n_   
     \t-HW|-histwidth\twidth (cols) of histogram of scores\n_
     \t-HG|-histgroup\tsize of groups (buckets) for histogram\n_
     \t-UN\tGive status update notifications every n simulations\n_  
     \t-B\tKeep best n games of unique length (default 5)\n_        
     \t-W\tKeep worst n games of unique length (default 3)\n_
     \t-details\tLog game details for analysis\n_
     \t-Q\t(debugging) terminates after options processing\n_
     \t-?|-h|-help\tthis help text")  


Multigame Simulation and Monitoring Support

<lang Unicon> procedure MultiMorphion(N,MG) #: Simulate N games using MG

     etime := -&time 
     scores := table(n := 0)   
     every bestL|worstL  := []        
     if N <= 0 then N := "unlimited"         
     repeat {
        if n >= numeric(N) then break else n +:= 1  
        mg := SingleMorpion(deepcopy(\MG)|&null)  # play out game
        scores[mg.score] +:= 1                    # count score
        mg.count := n                             # game number
        if short := ( /short | short.score >= mg.score, mg) then {   
           push(worstL,short)                     # keep worst 
           if *worstL > M_WorstL then pull(worstL)
        if ( /long | long.score <= mg.score) then {                 
           bestcnt := if (\long).score = mg.score then bestcnt + 1 else 1 
           long := mg                                                 
           put(bestL,long)                        # keep best
           if *bestL > M_BestL then get(bestL)
           fprintf(M_Output,"Longest game %i after %i simulations &random=%i.\n",                
           fprintf(&errout,"\r%i of %s simulations, long=%i(%i) (%s %s)",                  
        if (n % M_StatUpd) = 0 then               # say we're alive & working
           fprintf(&errout,"\r%i of %s simulations, long=%i(%i) (%s %s)",       
        if kbhit() & getch() == !"QqXx" then      # exit if any q/x
           break fprintf(&errout,"\nExiting after %i simulations.\n",n)  
     etime +:= &time   
     avg := 0.0
     short := key(scores) \ 1                  # 1 key only
     every i := key(scores) do {               # summarize stats
        short >:= i
        avg +:= i * scores[i]
     fprintf(M_Output,"\nResults from Sample of %i games of Morpion 5T/D:\n",n)
     fprintf(M_Output,"Shortest game was %i moves.\n",short)
     fprintf(M_Output,"Average game was %i moves.\n",avg /:= n)
     fprintf(M_Output,"Longest game was %i moves.\n",long.score)
     fprintf(M_Output,"Average time/game is %i ms.\n",etime/real(n))
     fprintf(M_Output,"&random is now %i.\n",&random)                     
     GraphScores(scores)              # graph results
     fprintf(M_Output,"\nLongest (%i) Game(s):\n",M_BestL)
     every ShowGame(!reverse(bestL))  # show longest game(s) and log
     fprintf(M_Output,"\nShortest (%i) Game(s):\n",M_WorstL) 
     every ShowGame(!worstL)          # show longest game(s) and log     
     MemUsage()                       # diagnostic        


procedure GraphScores(S) #: graph results

  chart := []
  every s := key(S) do {              # by score 
     n := s/M_ChartG+1                  # chunks of ...
     until chart[n] do put(chart,0)   # grow chart to need
     chart[n] +:= S[s]
  s := (1 < max!chart/M_ChartW | 1)     # scale 
  fprintf(M_Output,"\nSummary of Results every '*' = %d games\n",s)
  every n := 1 to *chart do 
     fprintf(M_Output,"%3d | (%6d) %s\n",(n-1)*M_ChartG,chart[n],repl("*",chart[n]/s))


procedure MemUsage() #: monitor usage

     fprintf(M_Output,"\nTotal run time = %i ms\n",&time)
     fprintf(M_Output,"&allocated   (Total,static,string,block) : ")
     every fprintf(M_Output," %i",&allocated) ;  fprintf(M_Output,"\n")      
     fprintf(M_Output,"&collections (Total,static,string,block) : ")
     every fprintf(M_Output," %i",&collections) ;  fprintf(M_Output,"\n")
     fprintf(M_Output,"&regions     ( -   , -    ,string,block) : ")
     every fprintf(M_Output," %s","-"|&regions) ;  fprintf(M_Output,"\n")          
     fprintf(M_Output,"&storage     ( -   , -    ,string,block) : ")
     every fprintf(M_Output," %s","-"|&storage) ;  fprintf(M_Output,"\n\n")         

end </lang>

Game Replayer

<lang Unicon>procedure ReplayMorpion() #: Handle recorded games

  Replayer(M := ReadMoveLog(M_ReplayFile))  # read game and save data 
  M_Strategy := Replayer  
  if /M_ReplayAfter | (M_ReplayAfter > *M) then {
     fprintf(M_Output,"Single game replay\n")
  else {                                       # truncation replay  
     MG := SingleMorpion(,M_ReplayAfter)       # play shortened game
     M_Strategy := RandomPlayer     
     if M_Limit === 1 then 
        ShowGame(SingleMorpion(MG))            # single game
        MultiMorphion(M_Limit,MG)              # simulate many games from here


procedure Replayer(MG) #: feed replayed moves from list/game static ML,radj,cadj

  if type(MG[1]) == "MorpionGameRecord" then return ML := MG # setup list
  if not ScanGrid(MG) then fail          # out of moves ?
  x := get(ML) | fail                    # get next move
  if x.ref = 0 then x := get(ML) | fail  # skip move 0 if any
  xr := x.row + MG.roff                  # adjust move for grid expansion
  xc := x.col + MG.coff      
  dr := \x.darow + MG.roff               # adjust end for grid expansion
  dc := \x.dacol + MG.coff 
  pool := []
  every m := !MG.pool do {               # find possible moves here
     mr := m.line[m.move,1]  
     mc := m.line[m.move,2]
     if xr=mr & xc=mc then    
        if \dr & \dc then {              # info to disambiguate?
           every p := (m.line)[1|5] do   # try endpoints
              if p[1] = dr & p[2] = dc then 
                 put(pool,m)             # save matching move
           put(pool,m)                   # save matching move(s)
  if *pool = 1 then                      # unique move?
     return ( MG.move := pool[1], MG)    # set unique move and return MG  
  else {                                 # we have a problem
     fprintf(M_Output,"Problem encountered replaying game at move #%i, %i choices.\n",MG.score,*pool)    
     every m := !pool do 
        fprintf(M_Output,"   %s\n",FormatMoveLogPS(MG,m))        
     &dump := 0


Game Reader

<lang Unicon>procedure ReadMoveLog(MG) #: read move log wrapper

  fprintf(M_Output,"Reading recorded game from: %s\n",M_ReplayFile)
  f :=  open(M_ReplayFile ,"r") | 
        stop("Unable to open file ",M_ReplayFile ," for read.")
  R := []
  while b := trim(read(f)) do {
     if b ? ="$end" then break               # allow pre-mature end of file
     b ?:= tab(find("#")|0)                  # strip comments
     b := deletec(b,' \t')                   # strip whitespace
     if *b > 0 then put(R,b)                 # save move for reader
  return M_ReadGame(R)                       # call reader, return move list


procedure ReadMoveLogPS(R) #: read pentasol style move log static off initial { # precalc center offsets

  off := table()
  off[-2] := -4
  off[-1] := -3
  off[0]  := 2
  off[1]  := -1
  off[2]  := 4
  M := []
  n := 0                                     # move number
  get(R) ? ( ="(", coff := integer(tab(many(&digits))) - 4, 
             =",", roff := integer(tab(many(&digits))) - 4, 
             =")", pos(0) )  |               # Reference Cell (c,r)
             stop(&output,"Syntax error in reference line.")              
  while b := get(R) do {                     # Line   (c,r) d o       
     b ? ( ="(", c := integer(tab(many(&digits))), 
           =",", r := integer(tab(many(&digits))), 
           =")", d := tab(any(DALL)),
           o := integer(=("-2"|"-1"|0|"+1"|"+2")) )  |
           stop(&output,"Syntax error in line above.")
     x := MorpionGameRecord()                # new move /  line
     x.ref := n +:= 1
     x.darow := x.row := r - roff
     x.dacol := x.col := c - coff
     case d of {                             # adjust based on direction
        DHOR : x.dacol +:= off[o]
        DVER : x.darow +:= off[o]
        DRD  : ( x.darow +:= off[o],  x.dacol +:= off[o])
        DLD  : ( x.darow -:= off[o],  x.dacol +:= off[o])
  return M


Detailed Move Logging (for analysis)

<lang Unicon>procedure PrintDetails(MG) #: print the log

  fprintf(M_Output,"Detailed Move Log\n")
  every fprintf(M_Output,"%i : %s\n",i := 1 to *MG.log,MG.log[i])


procedure LogFormatMove(M,roff,coff) #: format a log entry

  /M.roff := \roff | 0  
  /M.coff := \coff | 0 
  log := sprintf("\"%s\" [%i,%i] : ",M.direction,
  every x := !M.line do                           
     log ||:= sprintf("[%i,%i] ",x[1]-M.roff,x[2]-M.coff)    
  return log


procedure LogDetails(MG,M) #: Record details

  log := LogFormatMove(M)            
  log ||:= sprintf(" - of %i choices.",*MG.pool)  # append # choices  
  log ||:= sprintf(" Metric=%i",M_Eval(MG))       # append score (opt)
  put(MG.log,log)                                 # log the move


Strategy Support

<lang Unicon># No useful examples at this time

procedure Scorefail(MG);end #: dummy M_Eval always fails $endif</lang>

printf.icn provides formatting strings.icn provides deletec options.icn provides options processing

Other RosettaCode pages used Deepcopy



Morphion [options]  Plays the 5T/D variant of Morphion Solitaire
Arguments :  -helpMorphion [options]  Plays the 5T/D variant of Morphion Solitaire
Where options are:
	-A	choose player strategy approach (default=random, future)
	-E	Specifiy an position fitness evaluation function (default none, future)
	-SW	Search width (strategy dependent, future)
	-SD	Search depth (strategy dependent, future)
	-V|-variant	5D or 5T (default)
	-R|-replay	replay
	-RF	file containing game record to be replayed
	-RN	number of moves to replay (0=all)
	-RR	game recording format to read (ps=pentasol(default), 0=original)
	-RW	game recording format to write ps=pentasol(default), 0=original)
	-save	save the best (-B) and worst (-W) games
	-seed	start the seed of the random number at this value
	-L|-limit	games to play (if 0 or less then play until any of 'XxQq' is pressed
		note for larger n this benefits from larger BLKSIZE, STRSIZE environment variables
	-HW|-histwidth	width (cols) of histogram of scores
	-HG|-histgroup	size of groups (buckets) for histogram
	-UN	Give status update notifications every n simulations
	-B	Keep best n games of unique length (default 5)
	-W	Keep worst n games of unique length (default 3)
	-details	Log game details for analysis
	-Q	(debugging) terminates after options processing
	-?|-h|-help	this help text

Game Record

The following image was obtained by replaying the game in Pentasol and saving the picture.

This the game record used to produce the above image:

# Game Record for Morphion 5T game of 92 moves
# Date: 2012/02/18
# Saved: Games/5T/92-L1_20120218-163208-Fps.txt
# &random: 1617565851
# ReplayFile: * none * (* all * moves)
# Pentasol compatible format
# Morpion Solitaire game
#     XXXX
#     X  X
#     X  X
#  X        X
#  X        X
#     X  X
#     X  X
#     XXXX
# R = reference point
# List of moves starts with reference point (col,row)
# Lines are
#    (col,row) <direction> <+/-centerdist>
#    distance to center is left side or top edge
(12,8) | -2
(16,7) - -2
(9,8) | -2
(13,11) / 0
(9,9) | +2
(15,11) | -2
(13,13) - -2
(6,11) | -2
(16,10) - -2
(12,14) | -2
(8,4) - +2
(5,7) - +2
(13,6) \ 0
(10,12) \ 0
(14,8) \ 0
(14,12) / 0
(10,10) - -2
(11,9) / 0
(8,6) / 0
(10,8) \ +1
(8,11) \ 0
(11,7) / -1
(13,9) \ 0
(11,11) \ 0
(14,11) - -1
(14,9) | +1
(13,12) | -1
(12,9) - +1
(16,9) / -2
(17,6) / -2
(11,12) - +1
(16,6) / -2
(16,8) | 0
(11,10) | +1
(10,9) \ +1
(11,8) / 0
(13,8) - -2
(15,6) / -2
(13,5) | +2
(10,7) \ +2
(14,6) \ 0
(10,6) | +2
(16,11) \ -2
(11,6) - +2
(11,5) | +2
(8,8) / +2
(8,14) / +2
(8,9) | -1
(7,9) - +2
(4,6) \ +2
(5,12) / +2
(13,4) / -2
(10,5) - +1
(10,11) \ 0
(7,8) / +2
(7,6) | +2
(7,11) - +1
(10,14) | -2
(9,14) / +2
(7,3) \ +2
(17,8) - -2
(14,5) \ +1
(11,14) - -1
(8,12) \ 0
(5,8) - +2
(8,13) | -1
(14,4) | +2
(8,5) / -1
(7,14) / +2
(8,3) \ +2
(6,6) - +2
(5,5) \ +2
(8,2) | +2
(6,4) / 0
(9,3) \ +1
(7,5) / 0
(5,3) \ +2
(6,3) - +1
(6,5) - +1
(6,2) | +2
(7,4) \ +1
(7,2) | +2
(5,4) \ +2
(5,6) | 0
(9,2) / -2
(10,2) - -2
(4,5) \ +2
(10,3) | +1
(3,6) / +2
(4,4) - +2
(2,6) - +2
(3,5) / +1

Multigame Run

The multigame simulation of completely random play includes a histogram showing game scores clustering in the 20's and 60's. This result is similar to results obtained by Jean-Jacques Sibil (scroll down to find reference) who has run nearly a billion such simulations achieving a high score of 102 as of 2010.

The following is a summary file:

# --- Morpion Solitaire 5 (v1.7e) ---
# Command line options :
# Summary of Morpion Configuration:
#   Variant (5T/D) move validation      = procedure ValidMove5T
#   Games to play                       = * unlimited *
#   Multi-game options:
#   - Status Updates                    = 500
#   - Keep best                         = 5
#   - Keep worst                        = 0
#   - Histogram width                   = 80
#   - Histogram grouping                = 5
#   Games will be saved                 = Yes
#   - Format for game file (write)      = procedure WriteMoveLogPS
#   Replaying
#   - Format for game file (read)       = procedure ReadMoveLogPS
#   - Game file to be replayed          = * None *
#   Player Strategy                     = procedure RandomPlayer
#   - Position Fitness Evaluator        = * None *
#   - Search Width (strategy dependant) = 5
#   - Search Depth (strategy dependant) = 5
#   Log Details for analysis            = No
Longest game 77 after 1 simulations &random=20122297.
Longest game 77 after 85 simulations &random=274082001.
Longest game 78 after 118 simulations &random=559240181.
Longest game 78 after 123 simulations &random=1682993637.
Longest game 81 after 292 simulations &random=826134037.
Longest game 84 after 1181 simulations &random=1936506737.
Longest game 86 after 4584 simulations &random=1266457499.
Longest game 86 after 44424 simulations &random=1725594333.
Longest game 86 after 47918 simulations &random=1686351259.
Longest game 86 after 50600 simulations &random=665807725.
Longest game 87 after 60841 simulations &random=152917603.
Longest game 87 after 74778 simulations &random=1037682795.
Longest game 88 after 173368 simulations &random=72059739.
Longest game 88 after 241134 simulations &random=2095899781.

Results from Sample of 242921 games of Morpion 5T/D:
Shortest game was 20 moves.
Average game was 53.65064774144681 moves.
Longest game was 88 moves.
Average time/game is 133.1678282239905 ms.
&random is now 452165683.

Summary of Results every '*' = 940 games
  0 | (     0) 
  5 | (     0) 
 10 | (     0) 
 15 | (     0) 
 20 | ( 38637) *****************************************
 25 | ( 13790) **************
 30 | (  6657) *******
 35 | (  2604) **
 40 | (  1306) *
 45 | (  1088) *
 50 | (  3448) ***
 55 | ( 22481) ***********************
 60 | ( 75207) ********************************************************************************
 65 | ( 61501) *****************************************************************
 70 | ( 13902) **************
 75 | (  1922) **
 80 | (   349) 
 85 | (    29) 

Longest (5) Game(s):
# Game Record for Morphion 5T game of 88 moves
# Date: 2012/02/18
# Saved: Games/5T/88-L0(241134)_20120218-083009-Fps.txt
# &random: 2095899781
# ReplayFile: * none * (* all * moves)

Morphion Solitare Grid (move=88):
 1 ................
 2 ....+.+.........
 3 .....+++........
 4 ..+++++++.......
 5 .+++++++++......
 6 ..++++****+.....
 7 .+++++*++*+.....
 8 ..++++*++*++....
 9 ...****++****+..
10 ...*++++++++*+..
11 .++*++++++++*++.
12 ...****++****+..
13 ....++*++*++++..
14 .....+*++*+++...
15 .....+****+.....
16 .......++.......
17 ........+.......
18 ................
# Game Record for Morphion 5T game of 88 moves
# Date: 2012/02/18
# Saved: Games/5T/88-L0(173368)_20120218-083009-Fps.txt
# &random: 72059739
# ReplayFile: * none * (* all * moves)

Morphion Solitare Grid (move=88):
 1 ................
 2 .......+........
 3 ......++...+....
 4 .....+****+.....
 5 ..++++*++*+.....
 6 ..++++*++*+++...
 7 ...****++****+..
 8 ...*++++++++*+..
 9 .++*++++++++*+..
10 ...****++****+..
11 ..++++*++*+++++.
12 .+...+*++*+++++.
13 .....+****++++..
14 ....+..+++++++..
15 .........+++++..
16 ..........+.....
17 ...........+....
18 ................
# Game Record for Morphion 5T game of 87 moves
# Date: 2012/02/18
# Saved: Games/5T/87-L0(74778)_20120218-083009-Fps.txt
# &random: 1037682795
# ReplayFile: * none * (* all * moves)

Morphion Solitare Grid (move=87):
 1 ...............
 2 ....+.+........
 3 .....+.........
 4 ....+++++......
 5 ...++++++......
 6 .+++++****+....
 7 ..++++*++*+....
 8 .+++++*++*++...
 9 ..+****++****..
10 ..+*++++++++*+.
11 ...*++++++++*..
12 ..+****++****+.
13 ...+++*++*++++.
14 ..++++*++*++...
15 .....+****+.+..
16 ......+++++....
17 ........+......
18 ...............
# Game Record for Morphion 5T game of 87 moves
# Date: 2012/02/18
# Saved: Games/5T/87-L0(60841)_20120218-083009-Fps.txt
# &random: 152917603
# ReplayFile: * none * (* all * moves)

Morphion Solitare Grid (move=87):
 1 ..................
 2 .........+.+..+...
 3 .....+...++++++...
 4 ......****+++++...
 5 .....+*++*+++++...
 6 ....++*++*+++++++.
 7 ..+****++****+.+..
 8 .++*++++++++*+....
 9 .++*++++++++*+....
10 ..+****++****+....
11 .+++++*++*++++....
12 ....++*++*++......
13 ....++****........
14 ....+++...........
15 ..................
# Game Record for Morphion 5T game of 86 moves
# Date: 2012/02/18
# Saved: Games/5T/86-L0(50600)_20120218-083009-Fps.txt
# &random: 665807725
# ReplayFile: * none * (* all * moves)

Morphion Solitare Grid (move=86):
 1 ................
 2 .....++..+++....
 3 .....+****+.....
 4 ....+.*++*+.....
 5 ...+.+*++*+..+..
 6 ..+****++****...
 7 ..+*++++++++*...
 8 ..+*++++++++*...
 9 ..+****++****++.
10 .+++++*++*+++++.
11 ....++*++*+++++.
12 .....+****+++++.
13 .....++++++++++.
14 ..........+++++.
15 ..........+.....
16 ................

Shortest (0) Game(s):

Total run time = 32349320 ms
&allocated   (Total,static,string,block) :  1152124804 0 144396168 1007728636
&collections (Total,static,string,block) :  4623 0 0 4623
&regions     ( -   , -    ,string,block) :  - 0 41859440 41859440
&storage     ( -   , -    ,string,block) :  - 0 37784 13290772